Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 215: Determine the lineup

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there are some problems in the relationship between these leading actors.

Although they were gathered in a pile, they were very distinct.

Faintly, it was as if Anne Hathaway had been "isolated".

She was sitting beside the crowd, but she couldn\'t participate in this small circle. There was a trace of sadness under his handsome face.

As the director and the controller of the entire crew, Li Press, of course, is aware of this.

But he couldn\'t and didn\'t need to care.

Who cares what other people\'s interpersonal relationships look like as long as they can complete their assigned work?

Anne-Hathaway looked at the actors who were united and deliberately keeping a distance from her, feeling a little annoyed, irritable, and more at a loss.

Before joining the crew of "Brokeback Mountain", she was already a popular actress.

Disney\'s enthusiasm for her has made her career as an actor go smoothly.

Could it be that everyone was excluding her out of jealousy?

Of course not.

Who hasn\'t been popular yet?

Jake Gyllenhaal was born as a child star, and he became popular as a teenager. His father is also a director, and his mother is a relatively qualified screenwriter in the industry. It can be said to be a "circle second generation".

Heath Ledger has just won the MTV Teen Choice Award for Favorite Actor for his performance in "Bad Guy", and he doesn\'t care about being famous at all.

As for Michelle Williams, she may have some criticisms because she belongs to the actress. Is it a competitor after all?

But she can\'t sway other people\'s thoughts either.

So the real reason is Anne Hathaway herself.

In order to make a transition, she took the initiative to ask Focus Pictures to join the group, and she even took a salary cut to join. Such a good thing is completely earned by the capitalists like Focus Pictures who like to watch the market talk. There\'s no reason to disagree.

That\'s right, she was able to join the group because she skipped director Li Zhang and found a way for the management.

Moreover, she has not been polished by independent films for a few years, and her acting skills are really not good. She is the one who has the most ngs in the crew.

You said that with so many factors added up, what can the other actors think of her?

Besides, Heath Ledger is actually quite a proud person at heart.


A little too far, let\'s get back to the point.

At about nine o\'clock in the morning, everything was ready.

Li Press sat back to the back of the director\'s monitor, and the filming began.

Behind the makeshift hut.

Heath Ledger sat at the door, looking at the sheep in the sheepfold with illusory eyes, but his mind was not there.

Holding a weed in his hand, he swayed unconsciously.

After a long time, he sighed again, and his eyes slowly turned to the path up the mountain.

Today, he didn\'t come again. He always waits like this.

Don\'t doubt, this is what the script says: Another week after the quarrel, Ennis lived alone as usual, but occasionally, he would also think of those happy days. But are these psychological activities that need to be presented? Heath Ledger did not feel this way. He completely relied on his imagination and his own acting skills to make up for this extraordinarily simple scene.

"Come on, get ready for the next one." Li Zhao shouted in a timely manner.

Nothing makes the director more emotional than the smooth shooting.

He is in a good mood now. Swept away the worries accumulated over the past few days that have been procrastinating.

The design of this shot is extremely clean and neat, but the actor\'s own posture, eyes, and small movements performed by themselves are all natural and just right.

"Keep the momentum and try to take a few more shots today." Li Press turned around and said to Heath Ledger, and then went to discuss the arrangement of the next camera with the cameraman.

Heath Ledger got up with a calm expression on his face.

He still carried the temperament of Ennis.

He was always difficult to act, especially when he was still filming.

Or in other words, he always brings the character\'s preferences into himself, just look at his love history.

Several girlfriends have good feelings when they play couples in the play.

After a long time, it is very easy to break up.

After all, the love fruit forged by a temporary emotional impulse, once the passion is gone, it is difficult to maintain it.


These Heath-Ledger scenes were planned together and completed in one day.

In the end, after only one morning, it went smoothly.

As soon as this was over, Li Zhang was happy, but he couldn\'t relax, and kept urging the set and props team to get busy with other people\'s scenes.

Heath Ledger was still chatting with his little girlfriend.

Lehmann had been watching them filming, and seeing that it was almost noon, dinner was about to be set.

Some people have already planned to go down the mountain first to treat their stomachs.

Suddenly, he saw Jake Gyllenhaal come out after changing his clothes, and he walked up.

"Jack, wait a minute."

Jake Gyllenhaal looked back. Isn\'t that Lehmann?

Why did you stop him?

There was some doubt in her heart, but she still stopped.

"What\'s the matter? Mr. Lyman."

"I have something to do with you." He smiled.

"Looking for me?" Jake Gyllenhaal gave him a puzzled look.

The two of them didn\'t have much communication. In other words, this was the first time he saw the rising director in person~www.novelhall.com~ Lehmann explained: "That\'s right, I\'m going to shoot a new movie. , there is a role missing, and I want you to play it. Do you have any schedules in the near future?"

In fact, this was also his temporary intention. Because he suddenly thought of letting the two leading actors of "Brokeback Mountain" play a less mainstream love movie together, there will definitely be a good chemistry.

However, in "Micro Love", the main scenes still revolve around the two heroines. Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal are logically used as foils, and their sexual orientation has become normal. The slight difference is that the former\'s role is still quite heavy, while the latter\'s role is even worse.

But please give me a thumbs up for my idea. It is also a love movie with the same screen and a love movie. It will be shown together with "Brokeback Mountain", and the effect will be very good. Besides, with this image and temperament, it also matches well with several leading actors.

Thinking about it carefully, it\'s quite appropriate. The only problem is the schedule...

"What kind of play is it? What type of play, and which actors will play it?" Jack also asked.

As mentioned earlier, the identity of this guy as a "second generation" is actually not bad for his work.

It was also a well-known director like Lehman who came to invite him for an appointment. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably ask his agent to review it directly.

Lehman didn\'t hide it either, and said, "Pure love for movies. Now the confirmed actors are Sophie Marceau, Eva Green, and Heath Ledger..."

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