Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 214: Revise

In the end, the two still did not discuss any good solutions.

It\'s not that Ryman didn\'t come up with any ideas, but that they were all rejected.

Like some close-up shots of people, the angle of view is narrowed, or the wide-angle lens is raised to enhance the sense of space, but they have not been approved by Li Press.

This guy\'s treatment of movies is not at all consistent with his usual character, and he is very stubborn. As the saying goes, people can\'t quite understand it, but movies (a career for which they strive for life), no, that\'s what he values ​​most, and any sloppiness is impossible in his opinion.

He also said that since the expected effect was not achieved, the scene was simply deleted.

Anyway, it is impossible for sheep to drink raw water.

He did what he said. He also pulled Lyman to design a close-up of the character, directly using Ennis\'s expression to interpret the dilemma and hesitation.

On the one hand, the person he likes let him go down the mountain and go to a place where he has no acquaintances to live again; on the other hand, family, work, friends, lover...

Nine times out of ten things go wrong in life, and the same goes for filmmaking. How can everything go smoothly.

As for Li Press, he also figured out that continuing to delay like this is not a solution at all.

I guess I\'ll just shoot it this way. Although it\'s not as beautiful as the scene I imagined before, it can make the story go smoothly.


The next morning, when the sky was still bright, Lyman woke up.

I went to bed early last night, but the quality of my sleep was not much better.

He is now living in the only hotel in town. The decoration of the room is unremarkable, and the bed is not very spacious and hard.

There was nothing to do anyway, and when he woke up, Laiman went downstairs and ate some bread for breakfast, then walked up the mountain.

About 30 minutes later, we arrived at the set up set.

Maybe it\'s because it\'s still early. Most of the staff are busy, and none of the actors are here, but director Li Zhao has already come to discuss something with someone.

"The light will be dimmed a little later. Here, slowly start to increase the brightness. Understand?"

"Come here, so early?" Noticing Lyman\'s approach, he greeted him casually.

"You\'re early." Lyman waved his hand in response. He sat down on the chair next to him again.

"Where\'s Rodrigo? Where are you going?" Li Zhao was still busy with today\'s filming, so he asked when he didn\'t see the cameraman.

"He went downstairs to move equipment," said a staff member passing by.

Well, the name Rodrigo Prieto may sound very unfamiliar, but this guy is especially good at shooting such delicate works.

For example, he acted as the cameraman of "Love is a bitch" the year before.

The lens style of that work is equally tactful. The director is also very interesting. His name is Alejandro Gonzalez Inarido, who is the man who fulfilled Little Plum\'s dream of chasing Austria with "The Revenant".

Thinking of the prosperous beauty and face-to-face eating after his debut, he has become a greasy uncle in the future, and even the photos of playing with water guns on the set once became a hot spot on the Internet and became an emoji package collected by many netizens, which makes people feel embarrassed. : Time is really a butchering knife.

"Director, do you have anything to do with me?" After a while, Rodrigo arrived.

He is Mexican, and his spoken English is not even good enough.

However, this is not a problem for their communication.

Sometimes, just relying on the sub-shot, he can know how to shoot very well.

Lyman couldn\'t say anything at the side, and looked around in a bored way.

Not far to the right, between the tent and the shade, a small room has been enclosed by a green screen and some simple wooden boards and fences.

The roof is covered with cloth and some iron sheets, a proper mix and match style.

He also went in and knocked. There were some sundries piled up inside, and there were pots and pans and other daily necessities on the wooden shelf. This should be where Ennis, played by Heath Ledger, temporarily lives on the ranch later.

Go through the house, and behind it is the place where the sheep live.

There are a dozen or so, surrounded by fences. Don\'t panic, occasionally bleating twice, or grazing leisurely.


As soon as he returned to the awning, he saw Heath Ledger greeting him with a smile.

Laiman nodded, and Li Zhao also handed him the temporarily revised script scene.

"Is this today\'s play?"

"Yes, take a good grasp of it and try to have it once." Li Press patted him on the shoulder to show his encouragement.

"Okay, I\'ll take a look first." Heath Ledger twirled the page and sat down by the corner again, thinking about his emotions. He has always been like this.

After a while, the actors came one after another.

Jake Gyllenhaal as Jack, Jack\'s wife Anne Hathaway, and Heath Ledger\'s wife Michelle Williams on the show.

At this time, Anne Hathaway cut her hair a bit short to match the shooting, but it was still very beautiful.

She was not familiar with Lyman, but she greeted her politely.

After all, with his qualifications in the circle, it\'s always not wrong to leave some impression points.

"Hello. Director Lyman."

Hearing the greeting, Ryman looked up, then smiled again: "Miss Anne~www.novelhall.com~ Hello."

She can also be regarded as an "actor vase" that Hollywood has gradually attracted attention, and her debut work "Princess Diaries" has made her enter the ranks of second-tier actresses in one fell swoop.

However, just like many actors who have been criticized for their poor acting skills, after earning enough fame, Anne Hathaway also began to try to transform, breaking through the pure image she has maintained since she played a role on the screen.

After all, what Hollywood lacks most are actresses who rely on their faces. If she doesn\'t expand her acting career, in a few years, she will disappear in the circle as quickly as some actresses who have become famous for a while.

The filming of "Brokeback Mountain" was a key step for her to clear her idol image. She herself is very concerned.

Actors, before the filming starts, sit down to play or chat together.

Unlike the intimacy in the play, Heath Ledger doesn\'t call Jake Gyllenhaal at all in reality.

In other words, he played the role entirely based on his acting skills, and did not put any feelings into it. If he really wanted to talk about feelings, it was his wife Michelle Williams who made him very fond of him and quickly ignited the love affair. flames.

At this moment, the two were enthusiastically discussing the script together.

The atmosphere between the remaining two leading actors was slightly awkward.

Anne Hathaway sat silently by the side, and Jake Gyllenhaal also kept a little distance from her.

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