Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 199: please call me the lunch manager

After Lehman entered the group.

The visible order on the set is normal.

Everyone understands and sees it.

This guy, Wen Ziren, seems to have a needle in his heart, and he has changed a lot.

Not as powerless as before, or in other words, not as frizzy as before. Shoot as you like.

In many places, if he didn\'t handle it well, he would ask Lehmann for his opinion, neutralize it, and then shoot again.

The result of this is that the staff don\'t have to do a lot of useless work, and the actors don\'t need to work hard because of "unnecessary" clips.

Many people in the crew have started to discuss issues related to the directing ability of these two people in private.

Obviously, the well-developed Leiman in the Six Gods suit is more than a level 18 hero like Wen Ziren or Dolan Shield. In terms of output, he is not comparable at all.

Moreover, with him around, the atmosphere between the crew members has also become a lot more harmonious.

And the success of the filming that followed also boosted everyone\'s morale.

A virtuous cycle, let’s understand.

More importantly, I occasionally encounter technical problems, such as the lens is not aesthetic enough, and the light does not create the layered sense it should have.

Lehmann can also offer good insights...

"What do you think Lyman has to do with James Wing?"

During the filming interval, Jason Statham sat on the lounge chair and looked at what the two people on the opposite side were discussing together, and couldn\'t help asking.

"What\'s the matter?" Hugo Weaving, who was resting beside him, was a little confused. What do you want to express?

As if he didn\'t express himself clearly enough, Jason Statham added: "Even if I heard that Lehman had invested in this project, he should be concerned, but it is too much. I mean.. ....You see, during normal shooting, the director doesn\'t take the initiative to look for him, he doesn\'t make a sound at all, and when there is a problem, he can immediately show up to give a solution... Why do I feel like a master leading The rush of the craftsman of the apprentice is cultivating him so that he can be independent?"

It seems reasonable.

Hugo Weaving nodded subconsciously, but his eyes were looking over there.

Behind the director\'s monitor, Laiman pulled Wen Ziren and kept talking. Talk about some of your own filmmaking experience.

For example, how to use the elevation of the camera position to create a sense of space in the camera image; for example, how to make the character\'s position more coordinated; for example, the emotional rendering of the climax...

After chatting, and before leaving, Laiman patted Wen Ziren on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement.

The relationship is a bit unusual.

When can investors and directors talk like this?

Even for his own practical interests, it seems to be too much.

It\'s really unusual.

Hugo Weaving retracted his gaze and glanced at Jason Statham, "But, these have nothing to do with us. If you want to correct your lines now, I\'ll rest."

Lehmann didn\'t know all of this, it was almost noon. He was in a hurry to choose a lunch box.

Yesterday, a staff member complained that the lunch box was much more unpalatable than the previous one, and he had to solve it.

"Have you changed to another family?"


"What about the price?"

"It went up by a dollar."


This is him communicating with the drama staff who are in charge of delivering the lunch.

I don\'t know what happened to the businessman who was in charge of the crew\'s lunch box. The meals provided in the past two days are far worse than at the beginning.

He didn\'t ask the reason, he just sent it to another family.

Anyway, you can\'t get used to it, right? We are customers, we are God, and we are sloppy with God, and Lehmann has proved that it is not acceptable with his actions.

In the afternoon, after eating and resting for a while, the crew was busy again.

In the cubicle, Lyman sat down again and wrote notes.

It\'s still the book that records money in and out, and I also bought a calculator on the left.

But just like that, it still hurts his brain.

Lehmann is really starting to regret it, why does he want to do something that a producer should do?

As for the girl Eva Greene, she is not even better at mathematics. more hopeless.

"Today, there are 47 people in the crew. The lunch box and fast food package will cost $5.50, a total of $148.50, and another meal will cost $9, a total of $180..."

Yes, it\'s not Lyman\'s miscalculation. Strictly speaking, the crew\'s food is also divided into grades. After all, the main creator and drama management, logistics, and chores cannot be mixed together for calculation.

This is also a small society, and there is an inherent class gap.

Even the small lunch box no longer reflects this unequal relationship all the time.

Also, the morning and evening meals for the crew are mostly handled at the hotel. During the day, it is the lunch box just now. The taste is good, the portion is very good, and the price is not too expensive. Lehman has already told the drama management that it will be a long-term supply - if there is no accident, the drama will be over in about a month. This is also the scheduled shooting schedule.

If you count it all together...about seven thousand dollars in total.

At this level of spending, the crew can still bear the funds.

After all, Lehmann had left a budget of around 200,000 yuan. As long as he didn\'t delay filming all the time—one more day of delay would cost him an extra day. You must know that those filming teams are based on weekly wages, which cost about 8,000 US dollars a day. This is the head.

The standard of food has been raised a little bit, but it is completely incomparable to the fact that the scheduled filming was not completed~www.novelhall.com~.

After writing it down, he clipped the pen in the notebook and carried it with him.

And swayed slowly to the shooting scene.

There were three scenes in the afternoon, and the artists and the set team were already busy.

Suddenly, the person in charge of the props team took the results to report to Wen Ziren, and Laiman also came over to take a look with great interest.

It\'s a small section of a person\'s calf, ankle, and toes, all clearly and realistically done.

If you see this scene in ordinary times, it must be very strange.

But here is the crew of "The Chainsaw". For the sake of the plot, it\'s not so scary.

Lyman also touched it.

Well, he touched his calf again.

Oh, except for the lack of temperature, it\'s icy cold, and it feels almost the same to the touch. It\'s amazing.

"Why isn\'t there that kind of flesh and blood? It just looks like it?"

Lyman pointed.

The props staff heard the words and smiled bitterly: "The producer, it\'s already very good to be able to do this, how could it really be like a human calf. If some special effects are added later, the effect will not be bad, at least if the audience doesn\'t watch it carefully. , I can\'t tell it\'s fake at all. Besides, the camera pans right away, who can clearly see that the cut cross-section has no flesh and blood?"

"Yeah, it\'s just a half-close-up." Lyman nodded in understanding.

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