Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 198: Novice Village

From a pure director\'s point of view, Wen Ziren\'s current situation is like a new character in a game, and he has not yet developed his own routines and gameplay genres. That\'s why sometimes it seems at a loss. After all, although the school teaches knowledge points, how to use them has to be done by yourself. Only through practice can true knowledge be obtained, right? That\'s the truth.

To put it bluntly, what he lacks is experience.

Counting down the works he has directed in his previous life, there are more than a dozen films.

There are many more outstanding ones and big box office sales.

But whether it is his best horror film or a purely popcorn-style commercial film, the industry\'s evaluation of him is not very high.

Of course, the audience and the market liked him, but that\'s another story.

You have to say this, those film companies must be very satisfied with him. After all, he makes money making movies.

However, Wen Ziren didn\'t pay much attention to those film critics or award judges.

He didn\'t like those so-called authorities in the industry at the beginning - it can be seen from the films he made that they always go to the audience market and don\'t care about the reputation in the industry.

Moreover, this person\'s progress is obvious to all.

In the previous series of "Chainsaw", there are quite a few flaws. When you take out a single lens and analyze it, the points that can be improved are not old or young, but when it comes to "Dead Silence", it creates an atmosphere of fear in the camera and clearly grasps the rhythm of the film. It\'s a step up, but it can still be better.

Afterwards, "The Hidden" or "The Conjuring"... Slowly, I can feel the maturity more and more, and I am very calm in all aspects.

Moreover, he is not a single genre director.

After switching to a more popular commercial popcorn movie, it can also be very good, and the rhythm is as good as ever. already practiced.

Look at that "Fast and Furious 7". Compared with the previous ones, the fluency and viewing degree are higher, and the audience is more enjoyable to watch.

Therefore, the film won a global market record of 1.1 billion US dollars, and thus refreshed the highest box office record of this series.

When you watch his movies, you will feel that the plot is very eye-catching and can attract you to continue watching.

This is a director\'s ability to control the camera and the rhythm of the film. Even if the story is weak, even if the character depth is not high, he can make the audience feel comfortable.

This is called skill.

But now, Wen Ziren obviously has not yet achieved great success, and is in the period of exploration.


In the crew, the most tiring person is always the director.

Working 15 or 6 hours a day is commonplace. Not only do you have to stand behind the monitor during the day and stare at the shooting screen with all your attention, but at night, you have to think about the next shooting and redesign the camera angle. This body and mind is full of high-intensity stress, can you not be tired?

Oh, except for those who only shout "ka". That\'s right, I\'m talking about a guy like Guo Xiaosi. Nima, to make a movie, there are more than a dozen assistant directors who divide the labor and cooperate. Can the filming progress not be fast?

Of course, Wen Ziren himself enjoyed it. So no matter how tired you are, it is worth it.

After all, "Chainsaw" is his first work as a director, which is both a challenge and an opportunity.

He even threw himself fully into the filming of the crew.


It was only after Lehman became a producer that he realized why the crew had so many things.

Every day, I have to worry about trivial things every day.

Moreover, the scope of work is also very wide, ranging from the purchase of box lunches for the crew to the budget expenditure and so on.

The division of title and power is also very clear. In the system rules of Hollywood studios, if the level is decreased, what is the chief producer, executive producer, production supervisor, life producer...

Although Lehmann is named chief producer, he does the lowest level of life producer work. It\'s also because he doesn\'t want to deal with those third-party representatives who supervise the shooting. To do this, it\'s simple, and he can get started.

Of course, simple is simple, but it is not easy.

Since he proposed to share some of the crew management, Ryan was not polite, and directly handed over a bunch of trivial matters to him.

So, every night, he must first determine the number of actors and staff for the second day, and then determine the amount of lunch and mineral water based on the number of people.

When we got to the set, we had to keep an eye on the filming to eliminate potential safety hazards.

In short, after working for a few days, Lehmann came to a realization: busy, busy.

And it\'s still a bit unaccustomed. When did he start spending tens or hundreds of dollars again, and he needed to be careful? It seems that since "Buried Alive", he has never worried about funding issues. It was George or Ryan who took care of it for him, and he just did what he wanted, and it was done.

The key thing is that it is really trivial, and we can\'t wait for it, because the crew really needs these. You can\'t go hungry and don\'t drink water, just do it like that.

This is not realistic either.

In the midst of his busy schedule, the only thing that can make him feel relieved is that the filming progress of the crew has been brought up.

"Producer, one of the camera\'s lenses is broken, please report it."

"What? Well, I\'ll remember later."

After the visitor left, Lyman sat on the chair and felt a slight soreness in his neck, so he squeezed hard.

He took the notebook from the temporary office table next to him, and wrote down the various expenses he needed to be responsible for.

Every detail must be written, and in the end, it must be checked by the producer and guarantor to check the accounts.

Shooting has never been an easy task.

"Aizhaneng\'s lens... how much does it cost?"

He frowned, holding the notebook and wanting to find Ryan.

"Dong, dong, dong."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door of the booth of the studio office~www.novelhall.com~.

"Come in."

The door of the room was actually closed. After all, Ryan had to deal with a lot of things every day. But it\'s polite.

Lyman pushed the door open and closed it again.

"What door are you knocking on? I thought it was someone else." Ryan turned around and smiled.

"Cut, we are on the set now, we have to have rules, understand?"

He walked to the table, and the data and numbers listed on the open book were more and more complicated.

Just looking at it, my head hurts. Both worlds are human, and math is not good. lol.

"What\'s the matter?" Ryan also put down the pen, stretched his waist, and stretched his body.

"As far as the camera lens is broken, please contact me and buy another one."

"Have the accounts been recorded?"

"I didn\'t remember it. I don\'t understand either. You remember it."

"The recent expenses are a bit big." Ryan muttered subconsciously again.

"It\'s enough, there\'s no need to save."

"That said, if you overspend, you will be in trouble."

"Don\'t tell me, I don\'t care about that."

"Then what else do you do?" Ryan squinted at him.


Alas, the life of a producer is often so calculated and boring.

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