Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 195: new directors

I, Ryan, are the actual producers of Saw.

Lyman, he\'s an impostor.

Well, the above are all angry words.

Because Ryan was really angry, not because he was angry at Lehman\'s irresponsibility or something, but because director Wen Ziren was too angry with Nima.

You must know that the production cost of "The Chainsaw" is a full 15 million yuan, and after deducting the cost of the actors, there is still more than 8 million yuan.

It has only been four days since the shooting started, and the actual shooting progress is not much at all. In the blink of an eye, more than one million yuan was thrown in and disappeared.

It\'s still with him by his side to help save money, otherwise you might not know how much it will cost.

It stands to reason that the pre-shooting mainly revolved around a basement as a location. The average director must build the set and props to restore the internal structure, and then dim the lights to simulate it.

He didn\'t want it, saying that he didn\'t have a solid feeling, and he actually rented a real basement.

This... don\'t you want money?

So, when he saw Lehman join the group, his first sentence was not to say hello, but: "You\'re finally here."

Between the words, there is a faint complaint.

Lehmann was also a little embarrassed. His brothers were all helping out. He also took a break for two days and moved into a new home.

"I\'m not too busy."

"Then go to the studio and see."

"What, what happened?" Lyman felt that something was wrong and asked quickly.

"You\'ll know when you go and have a look."

Ryan emphasized that Lehmann didn\'t have the heart to continue chatting, so he could only go to the filming site to see.


"Chainsaw" was launched at the end of June.

It was also the first time for Wen Ziren to officially become a director. That was a high-spirited and tireless person.

I can\'t wait to use the rest of the day for filming except for the necessary toilets and meals.

Of course, the actors will definitely not allow it, and the union will not agree to it. Although he thinks so, he has no conditions to do so.

However, he is still very diligent. He even has to study tomorrow\'s shooting when he goes back at night, and often only sleeps 4 or 5 hours.

It stands to reason that if you do it like this, the filming progress should be very fast.

It\'s a pity, but there are no eggs...

As soon as Lehmann entered the set, he felt that the atmosphere was a little off.

The actors, including the filming team, were in a bad mood, and the whole thing revealed a sense of depression.

Even those who knew him.

Hugo Weaving is reading the script with his head lowered; J-K Simmons is putting on makeup; Jason Statham is resting with his chin closed and his eyes closed...

Not right, very wrong.

Of course, Wen Ziren can also feel what is wrong with his crew, he is not blind, the emotions of those people are written on his face.

But he didn\'t know what happened to him. He felt that he was working hard, maybe because the shooting volume in the past few days has far exceeded expectations?

Well, if you think so, it means that this guy doesn\'t realize the problem at all.

Actually, Ryan knew about it, but he didn\'t deal with Wen Ziren too much before, and before he joined the group, Laiman asked him to take care of Wen Ziren more, so he didn\'t remind him.

After all, if you really want to say it, it\'s quite shocking.

Well, it\'s quite simple.

Lehmann had a chat with a few actors during the shooting gap, and then he understood.

By the way, isn\'t the book of "The Chainsaw" very simple, and there is no depth to speak of.

There are also few characters, just one main line and one dark line. Except for the identity reversal of the last jigsaw, it is a bit new, but when you think about it, it is actually like that.

Pretty pale.

The reason for its great success is all due to the support of the peers, and the film\'s rhythm is well grasped, which can make people watch the end with interest.

Moreover, Laomei really has a large number of **** cult films based on the market. The stories are basically qualified, and the results are not too bad.

Several main characters, Lawrence, Adam, Tapp... The development of the plot is all based on these characters, so naturally the appearance time is not short.

But Wen Ziren didn\'t play cards according to the routine, and he was full of cheats. Filmed in the past few days, a lot of footage was given to those passers-by supporting roles, and Lawrence\'s family scenes were also discovered.

Please, who cares about the situation of his family? It has to be unfolded.

This is very painful.

Who wants to do useless work, such a hard filming, in the end, when editing, all have to be cut out.

Obviously it\'s just playing people.

Moreover, the filming team was originally a candidate provided by Paramount and Europa, and they were all experienced in the industry. Naturally, they were a little dissatisfied with a director with many ideas like Wen Ziren. But it\'s not very easy to attack, after all, is it the director?

As for the actors, they will certainly not be too happy.

They gave qualified role performances, but they didn\'t get anything in return.

I stayed in the crew every day, and the scenes I filmed were completely out of line with the main line.

He even had some doubts that Wen Ziren was deliberately messing with them and filmed it like this.

Wen Ziren never thought of the conscience of the world.

Of course, after knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Lyman still understood him somewhat.

Thinking about it, I also know that it is easy to be a director for the first time. Isn\'t it easy to pat and pat and hi? As for the primary and secondary, it is also a common problem for newcomers.

To put it bluntly, I still lack experience.


In the evening, after filming, Wen Ziren returned to the hotel rented by the crew.

Just as I was about to take a shower, there was a knock on the door.

When the door opened, it was Lehmann.

He greeted people enthusiastically and poured coffee on his own initiative.

Lehmann took a sip and said, "What\'s your thoughts on the last scene of the day?"

Naturally, he came here so late to "instruct teachers to ask for guilt". With so many people present during the day, he would definitely protect Wen Ziren.

He was also polite and didn\'t say anything during the filming.

"Do you increase the character\'s struggles and give the motive to kill?"

Well, he filmed the family scene of Doctor Lawrence again today, just when he was about to kill Adam.

"His wife and daughter were threatened by perverted murderers, so he had to do it." Wen Ziren added.

How should I put it, the idea is very good, but Nima is just for such a good role, and the whole movie is estimated to be clear after two or three shots to explain the identity, but it took an afternoon of shooting time and wasted film. Why bother?

Of course, you can\'t say that.

He is still quite optimistic about Wen Ziren, at least, the idea of ​​filming is still very clear, not random.

"Have you ever thought about the length of the film, and the rhythm of the film?" Lehmann looked at him~www.novelhall.com~ and continued: "Why do you say that such movies that are mainly **** and thrilling are often less than one and a half hours long? When I was young, it was because the characters had no depth to dig, and the audience also liked to watch **** and violent scenes, which could bring them a kind of visual stimulation, and that was enough. Do you understand?"

"I..." Wen Ziren opened his mouth and said nothing.

Of course he understands this. After all, he was born in a major, and in the directing class, there are also tutors who have specially talked about how to control the rhythm of the film, including setting high and small climax points, so as to arouse the audience\'s interest in continuing to watch the film.

He understands it all. But often during the actual shooting, as soon as a new idea pops up in his mind, he can\'t control himself.

Seeing him like this, Lyman continued to chat with him carefully.

A newcomer? He is passionate and always wants to do everything perfectly.

But in a movie, there must be a prominent main line, there must be primary and secondary, otherwise, there must be a main role and a secondary role.

Shooting in a simmering style, trying to make everything clear, often makes the film unclear, and the audience gets a headache watching it.

After talking about a lot of reasons, Lehman also gave his opinion - the role can be excavated, but not overdone, you must pay attention to the proportions, and you must also consider the members of the studio who worked hard to shoot, right?

Wen Ziren is also a sensible person. After knowing his mistakes, he quickly corrected them.

The crew is finally on the right track.


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