Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 194: $00,000 baby

?In the early morning, the sunlight that sneaked in through the gaps of the floor-to-ceiling windows and curtains shone on the bulging quilt.

The bed is really big and the quilt is really soft.

This is the blessing and effect brought by Franklin. Lying on it, let alone, you can clearly feel the charm of banknotes.

The surroundings are clean and tidy, and the bedside light is still on.

Well, last night, he and Eva moved into a new home, not a hotel.

Maybe it\'s enough sleep, or maybe it\'s an internal reminder.

Lyman woke up and looked at the ceiling with delicate patterns on the top, feeling a little unfamiliar.

Half-sitting, he stretched lazily, and rubbed his eyes.

Eva Green, who was watching, was still sleeping.

This was his first night in his new home, and the quality of sleep was okay.

I picked up the phone on the bedside table and looked at it, oh, it\'s past eight o\'clock.

But thinking about myself, I don\'t seem to have anything to do today, so I can\'t help yawning lightly.

Forget it, get up. It\'s not good to sit half-sitting on the head of the bed like this. Lyman gently pulled the quilt and put on his slippers.

Going to the bed, which is the front row of the cloakroom by the corner of the wall, there is still a small cupboard - this is the "award exhibition hall" requested by Eva Green, and it is a testimony to the honor of their careers.

Although Lehmann doesn\'t care about awards and the like, the awards judged by the selfish judges, to put it bluntly, are the same thing, it is better to give him a real market box office.

At least, it can show that the audience and fans recognize him very much, right?

Daniel is such a rationale, and he did not reject Eva\'s idea.

In the small counter at this time, there are two trophies for "Three idiots in Bollywood" and one for "Bad Guys", which are the Audience Story Award of the Sundance Film Festival, the Golden Man of the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, and Jury Prize at Cannes.

As for Eva Green, she doesn\'t even have a nomination, let alone any industry-authoritative awards. despise.

It\'s just that the spacious five-story cabinet was not even full at this time, let alone the kind of land that Eva imagined.

After walking around the bedroom for a while, Lehmann went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Is this bathroom? The area is also very large, and the mirrors are bright and bright. The pores of the person who shines the light seem to be doubled, and they can see clearly.

He looked carefully, and chose to wash his face again.

Hey, this is finally not the state of bad spirits.

Although there is a kitchen at home, no one cooks breakfast.

Lyman is lazy and doesn\'t want to do it, Eva Green is not very good, but it is no problem to simply heat a toast, make a cup of coffee or something. 35xs

Maybe wait a few more days, when he finds a suitable chef, maybe he can set the house on fire.

Slowly and leisurely, he went to the backyard downstairs and took a walk. Eva woke up just now, but she had to change clothes and wash up. He also waited for a while below, purely for morning exercises.

Then, Eva Green took care of herself.

The two went to another restaurant to solve their stomach problems.

July in Los Angeles was not bad after all, not as hot as last month.

Pedestrians and vehicles on the street are as impatient as the style of this metropolis.

Lyman and Eva walked for a while with great interest, before waiting until Johnson, his agent, drove over to pick him up.

The two exchanged a few words at will. Most of the time, he was reporting his work, and Lehmann listened carefully.

Speaking of which, he is in a wonderful mood right now.

I feel very relaxed and have no troubles - "The Saw" is filming in an orderly manner, and Ryan is helping there; his own new work "Micro Love" is still in preparation, with Thomas and George watching, and also Nothing to do with him.

And two days ago, Warners CEO Barry Mayer brought him, as Tom Cruise said, it was a good thing.

He read the script, and read it more than once.

To be honest, it aroused his desire to shoot.

The story is a good story, and maybe Barry Mayer knows it too, so he was so confident that Lehmann would accept it.

Of course, it is.

A good work can easily evoke the soul of a director.

Just like after he made money in his first film, he wanted to shoot a story like "Three Silly".

Now that he has a successful career, he will not refuse such a deep subject.

The content is actually very simple. It is about a famous boxer coach who neglected his family because he was too devoted to his boxing career, which led to his life becoming a mess, and his relationship with his daughter also became a companion. Many years have passed, and these have become the lingering shadows in the old man\'s heart, and he has become more and more self-enclosed and depressed. Then, an apprentice named Maggie appeared. She is eager to fight to make a name for herself and prove herself to the world.

Between the two of them, there is a feeling that is more than family-like.

In later generations, as an inspirational classic movie, "Million Dollar Baby" can be described as a must-see. Lyman has always loved the story.

He didn\'t know that the film was financed by Warner Bros., but it was as unexpected as the "Chainsaw" project. Before reading the script, Lyman never thought it would be such a way to witness. The birth of this film~www.novelhall.com~ Yes, the birth, this 2007 film came to him 4 years ahead of schedule.

Moreover, he also decided to direct.

When the filming of "Micro Love" is completed, he will formally sign a contract with Warner and take over the film\'s guide tube.

For him, it is a great joy to be able to photograph works that he liked very much in his previous life.

And Barry Mayer was also in a good mood when he waited for Lyman\'s affirmative reply.

He has more plans behind him, and now it\'s time to see if Lehmann has the strength to match.

Warner Studios.

A lively place all year round.

Countless film crews choose where to go when filming in Los Angeles.

A studio is cheap to rent; a filming process is perfect, and everything you need can be found.

And Lehman\'s destination today is naturally here.

Without him, he had nothing to do with the filming of "The Chainsaw". As the nominal producer of the film, he wanted to come and see - well, I was also a little worried that Wen Ziren\'s on-set experience was not rich enough. What\'s going on. As for the technique of directing the shots, he has nothing to question.

The agent Johnson parked the car securely, and the three of them went to the No. 3 shooting studio in tandem. The entire studio was rented out by the crew.

As soon as he went in, he saw that the filming staff were busy inside. Lehman looked around carefully, and didn\'t disturb Wen Ziren\'s work, so he went to find Ryan.

Some things, if you ask him, you will be clear.
