Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 188: concept

July 1, the weather is still good, very sunny.

If according to the auspicious day of the day, it is still marked as suitable for going out, suitable for marriage, worship, decoration, ground breaking, and avoid burial and opening of the market.

Of course, foreigners don\'t believe this, and Lehmann doesn\'t believe it either. For Eva Green, it doesn\'t matter.

She ran publicity outside for nearly half a month. In mid-June, Lehmann went to France to meet her. Later, the two flew to Los Angeles at the same time.哽噺蹓帽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

It\'s been a long time, I miss it.

The two were tired and crooked in the hotel all day.

When the girl is not working, it is rare to get up early. Last night, the battle just stopped, and she also had a good night\'s rest.

Well, it seems that if you don\'t stop fighting, you can sleep well.

After all, that is a burden for the man.

Haven\'t heard of "the more you sleep, the more moisturizing", Lehmann thinks it makes sense.

Anyway, if he fights like this every day, his body will not be as good as the day, but Eva will be more and more spiritual.

Weird, weird.

On this day, Lyman was still lying on the bed, and Eva got up carefully, trying not to disturb him.

After some dressing up, I was ready to slip into the gym in the suite compartment to exercise.

Are you a female star? You have to get in shape and pay attention to your figure.

After exercising, sweating profusely, I went to take a shower and changed into a suit of clothes.

Look at Lyman again, still lying in the bedroom.

Eva was a little bored, and suddenly remembered her parents, so she made a phone call.

It was my mother\'s call.

What did she say when she opened her mouth, why did she think of it and took the initiative to call, is there something wrong?

Eva was a little embarrassed.

I seem to think that if I\'m fine, I really don\'t like to call them, it\'s all my mother who calls. Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

Moreover, she really only remembered to call when something happened.

"I\'m going to rent a new house myself. Tell your aunt about the previous one."

When she went to study abroad, the reason her parents could rest assured was that the suite belonged to her mother\'s friend, and they took care of her a lot in the past two years.

However, Lyman wanted her to live in the house he bought if she wanted to live in Los Angeles in the future.

In this way, the two are living together again, not staying in a hotel.

Eva Green was naturally very moved, and also told her mother not to bother her friends.

"Are you rich? What is the purpose of changing the rent?" The mother vaguely felt that something was not right.

After all, Eva never said about the relationship between her daughter and Lehman, but her sister guessed a little, but she didn\'t know who it was.

"Do you just want to be closer to Hollywood, so that it is convenient for the show."

Anyway, I finally talked about this topic.

"Then you should pay more attention over there and take care of yourself."

"Okay, Mom, then I\'ll hang up."

"You kid, you have nothing to say to me."

After muttering, the phone hung up.

Outside, the sun is shining.

Eva walked out of the hotel lobby and looked at the pedestrians beside her.

His eyes kept looking left and right.

Since I was a child, I have never left the sight of my family.

In France, I also have my mother\'s friends to look after me when I go to school.

Suddenly thinking about living with Laiman, I don\'t know what to think. Some melancholy.

She looked back and looked back at the stairs of the hotel.

The steps are very clean. Look again, Lehmann is holding an umbrella and also walks down from it.

"What are you looking at?" When she came closer, Eva stood at the door of the hotel looking at herself and couldn\'t help asking.


"Let\'s go then, I\'ll show you the house and see how it\'s renovated. If you\'re not satisfied, you can put it forward if you have anything to change. It just happens that the renovation company hasn\'t finished it yet."

He opened the umbrella and put his arms around Eva\'s shoulders.

I have been resting in the hotel for the past few days, and when I am tired, I say that I want to see the house that Lehmann bought.

The two went to a restaurant for lunch first, and the food provided by the hotel was really not as good as here.

Get in the car and sway around.

It wasn\'t until half past one in the afternoon that I came to Beverly Hills.

It\'s been a few weeks since I bought it.

The house hasn\'t changed much.

Originally, the requirements were very simple, no repairs, no bricks, and no changes to the design style.

According to the original decoration layout, add some things.

This makes the decoration company that took over the job quite depressed, and there is no place to play, how can the fee be increased? Can\'t make much money.

"Wow, so beautiful."

Eva Green\'s eyes widened as soon as she stepped into the front yard.

Spacious lawns, modern and minimalist style, are very eye-catching.

She looked at Lehman and made a pretentious comment, "The location is good, with light and ventilation. The view is also good."

"Ah, yes."

Nonsense, the house is on the top of the hillside, can you not see the view, from here, you can see the prosperous pedestrian street in the distance.

"Let\'s go inside and take a look."

Eva took Lehman and went to the main building again.

When I came to the bedroom, I saw the big bed and asked, "Is this the master bedroom?"

"Well, how about it, except for this bed, I also changed the closet, but the rest haven\'t been changed. Do you have any ideas?"

"pretty good."

Really good.

Dressers, bedside tables, and even computers, TVs on the wall, floor-to-ceiling windows, and cloakrooms...you name it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The key space is large enough to look spacious.

The two ran from house to house, and then went to the backyard to see the tennis court, pool and garage.

After reading it all, I went back to the large balcony of the master bedroom.

The view here is the best, overlooking the foot of the mountain.

Although the woods on the left and right are sparse, it also makes people feel good.

The sun was shining and the wind was blowing softly. Feel comfortable.

In this situation, Lyman looked at Eva, and she seemed to have noticed his gaze, and looked back at him as well.

"What am I looking at?"

"No, I\'m thinking, according to the movie\'s favorite design, you should come up and kiss me at this time. I\'m waiting."

Eva burst out laughing.

He smiled happily, and suddenly, he took a deep breath and jumped onto him smartly.

The kiss was so long that it almost took Lyman out of breath.

He finally knew why he was taking a deep breath.

He held her, and she put her arms around Lyman\'s neck, hanging on him like a sloth.

Not to mention, the girl looks thin, but her figure is quite predictable, the places that should be convex are convex, and the places that should be warped are warped.

Just a little heavy.

Worse than lifting a camera.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

She looked at him and smiled happily again.

This summer is not over yet, busy days will always come again.

For Lehmann, the new journey has not yet begun, and the old journey needs to be completed.

With the support of Europa Pictures, the Weiai project is under preparation step by step, but the bad guys have some things to deal with.

After so many days of screening, I couldn\'t stand it anymore.

The market is saturated, and there is no way to follow it, so what are the ink marks, and North America will draw on this.

It won\'t work if you don\'t paint, and other people\'s theaters won\'t give it to you, no.