Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 187: pure love movie

Overall, the casting was quite successful.

Jason Statham, jk Simmons, Hugo Weaving, plus a few supporting roles, all add up to only about 5 million US dollars.

And the actor cast made with this combination went to make a low-cost thriller cult film. Good guy, I don\'t know how much higher than the lineup in the previous life.

It was the first time that Wen Ziren made a movie, and it was a huge profit.

As the preparatory work of the crew is gradually completed, the filming work can also be carried out in an orderly manner.

Next, the actors and the director met again to arrange specific shooting matters.

These Lehmanns will not be involved. When people talk about others, he is a producer, and he does not intend to interfere in the filming.

He himself hates others who point fingers at his movies, and naturally he doesn\'t want to be that annoying person.

After all these bad things, it was the end of June, and Layman could finally feel at ease.

Planning his own work.

In the living room of the hotel, he continued to create split shots.

On the smooth white paper, a country house is gradually taking shape.

The sun was shining outside the house, and a woman inside the house forced a smile and looked at the man on the bed.

Beside this scene painting, a large piece of blank space was outlined with pencils. Another woman seemed to have walked out of another world, and looked at the two people in the room with envy and pity in her eyes.

A straight line separates the two scenes, implying that the spaces do not blend.

At sunset, Lyman gradually completed his idea.


The film industry is very busy all year round.

All the time, there will be a large wave of drama projects, or a large wave of dramas are being prepared.

In France, although local movies are always hoisted up and beaten by Hollywood blockbusters, there are few places in the world that can resist the offensive of Hollywood movies.

As for the national government, it also wants to support this aspect, so it has created countless literary films and literary filmmakers.

Anyway, it\'s to lose money to the country, so don\'t waste it.

With this mentality, France will never be short of new film projects.

However, although there are a lot of actors in this place, in terms of international influence, that is, the real big names, there are not many.

With that status and status, the resources are definitely not bad.

Anyway, there are only a few people who can hold up a big show. For actresses, it\'s more important to stand out.

I don\'t know how many invitations I receive every year, and small companies and small film crews simply can\'t stand it.

This is the case with Sophie Marceau.

Scheduling is always annoying.

But this summer, she had no plans to prepare.

She has been waiting since she met Lyman that time.

Fortunately, she didn\'t wait too long.

In late June, a script was delivered to her home.

As for Lehman, he was sincere and honest, and he said what he said.

The name of the cover is very endearing, it\'s called Wei Ai.

The films that can be referenced for the general content of the film include Before I Met You, Love Letters, and If Love Has Providence.

The script is accompanied by notes for each scene. Sophie Marceau has read it several times, and the more she reads it, the more she likes it.

Speaking of which, whether it is in France or Hollywood, the mainstream of love movies is the kind of ups and downs, desperate and earth-shattering love. It seems that it is not love if it is not so. For example, Jack and Shredded Meat in the Titanic, and Wallace and Princess in Braveheart.

But what Lehmann wanted to shoot was an oriental love, the kind of plot that did not deliberately pursue drama, nor was it **** and fiery, and only told a "little thing" about his liking.

There is no kiss or bed in the whole script, which seems quite surprising to Sophie Marceau.

The love here has no result or even an ending, but I don\'t know why every time I read it, I can relax my mind and immerse myself in the kind of story that was shaped.

In Western culture, everyone respects the straightforward pursuit of love. If you like it, you have to say it, and you have to be together.

Perhaps, Sophie Marceau in her early years also had such a concept.

While filming Wild Love, she fell in love with director Zuraski.

He is 26 years older than her, and almost everyone is opposed to this year-end love, including her parents.

But Sophie Marceau made no secret of her love for him.

In 2001, they broke up peacefully.

Sophie Marceau also became more and more downbeat about love.

This script made her see her own shadow.

For a moment, she really wanted to fly to Los Angeles immediately to meet Lyman and talk to him about her creative thinking.

His thoughts, his concepts.

But in the end, rationality **** sensibility.

Sophie Marceau still asked her agent to help communicate.

She wants to be in this movie.


In the afternoon, on the big bed of the hotel.

After the fight, Lyman hugged Eva Green and was talking to her about the new play.

"The script, you have to think about it, and the role is too. If you play with Sophie Marceau, if you are completely overwhelmed, it will be very bad."

Eva Green stroked Lyman\'s back, looked at him, and smiled lightly, "I will try my best."

"Have you read the background information of the character? You can think more about it and improve it."

Even the character biography was specially prepared for her. This kind of concern made Eva Green especially useful. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

I was overjoyed in my heart~www.novelhall.com~ I suddenly remembered something, and asked again, "How long will the filming start?"

"It is estimated that it will take another month..." Lehmann added: "The actor contract has not been completely settled. The shooting location, crew, as well as the scenery and props, it will take time."

Eva Green listened and nodded with a big smile.

She was actually quite proud in her bones.

For the next time she will play against a long-established actress like Sophie Marceau, she doesn\'t feel any pressure. Instead, she holds her breath and wants to prove herself.

Just like in Bad Guys, she chose a role with fewer roles and higher challenges. As an actor, she actually has pursuits.

Audience approval, film critic approval, or something. Everyone needs to be recognized, and she is no exception.

As for the film project, Europa Pictures has already prepared a case.

The cooperation mode is similar.

The only thing worth mentioning is that this movie actually didn\'t have a lot of budget to shoot. It was far worse than the bad guy, and it wasn\'t as good as Fury.

The total cost will be about 15 million US dollars. After all, it is a love movie, and there is no big scene. The setting is relatively easy, and the demand for props is not high. In terms of actor salary, except Sophie Marceau, who will be higher, others also All are industry average.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Don\'t look at Eva\'s acting in a few plays, but they are all supporting roles. This is her first movie in which she is actually the protagonist. Based on her past performance, she is certainly not worth a lot.