Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 180: Everyone is smart

A family-friendly movie suitable for all age groups or a movie with a strong author\'s style for the adult market, who can win the audience\'s favor?

The answer to this question seems obvious.

Starting this Friday, Finding Nemo has shown incomparable dominance.

On the first day of release alone, it easily won $35.53 million.

As always, it shows the powerful gold-absorbing ability of Pixar animation studio.

On the other hand, the bad guys of Lehmann and Europa Pictures have no resistance at all in the face of the impact of another rival in the summer vacation.

The single-day output has further shrunk to less than 10 million US dollars.

After consuming a potentially large audience of fans, such situations are quite normal.

Although the audience\'s reputation is still very good, the bad guy has a very obvious congenital defect compared with Finding Nemo.

That\'s the video audience.

After the end of the first weekend, Finding Nemo directly topped the weekly box office chart with a score of 82.58 million US dollars in 3 days, which also ended the bad guy\'s position on the list.

Under its strong impact, Bad Guy\'s box office performance in the second weekend was still tepid, neither did it drop too much, nor did it show any momentum of contrarian growth.

However, what makes everyone more gratified is that, at least, it has stabilized.

On Saturday, Finding Nemo also began to consume a large number of early audiences. Compared with the previous weekend, the box office dropped slightly, and it received 23.5 million US dollars that day. starter

Of course, the bad guys didn\'t get much better either. The box office continued to decline in a single day, with $7.85 million from 2,200 theaters.

If there is no miracle, with such a box office situation, the difficulty for bad guys to break through the 400 million mark in North America has increased countless times.

However, the current achievement of 365.75 million US dollars can be considered to have exceeded the expected goal shared by Europa Pictures and Paramount Pictures, breaking through 300 million in North America.

A new week is coming, and last weekend\'s box office results were released smoothly.

Finding Nemo took the top spot at the box office with $78.45 million, while Bad Guy was second for the second time, with $26.87 million.

This result continued to drop steadily by 35% from last week.

Under such circumstances, the number of theaters for the film was inevitably cut off a lot, dropping to 1,800.

Just like some kind of chain reaction, the less the box office is, the more the theaters don\'t pay attention, and then continue to be weak, continue to shrink... until the final draw.

And now it\'s summer vacation after all, the box office market is quite enthusiastic, and more films will join the competition in the future. The number of theaters and the number of films will only be further compressed, making room for others.

No matter how much work Paramount Pictures does, it can\'t change this inevitable law. If nothing else, only profit is the eternal truth. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

As for Europa Films, which is responsible for overseas distribution, it has also entered the market long ago, and has started box office harvesting in major ticket warehouse areas.

The box office in the UK was 3.87 million US dollars in the first week, and France, after all, is Lehmann\'s home base, and the response from fans was also very strong, directly reaping 12.58 million US dollars.

In terms of market capacity, it may be even more powerful than that from the United States.

But in general, the screening performance in so many overseas markets is not bad.


Paris, France, Europa Pictures headquarters.

"I received invitations from several film companies today, and you can be said to have continuous film appointments..."

Luc Besson threw a cigar to Lehmann, put a stack of documents in front of him, and joked: "You are now attracting attention in the industry, and even the French side is uneasy, this invitation is not as good as Hollywood. Difference."

Lehmann ignored it. Europa Pictures had long known about his idea of ​​starting a new show, and knew that he had no time for it at all.

What\'s more, as early as when the three idiots were making a lot of noise at the Bollywood box office, many people kept coming and going like sharks smelling blood. How to escape this time.

It\'s too early to be unprofitable, everyone is the same.

A director like him who has already made achievements will naturally be missed.

When you see a high, you bow, and when you see a low, you step on it.

Realistic? Hollywood has always been the most realistic.

"I\'m here today for another matter."

Lyman said.

For what, of course, it was Wen Ziren\'s movie plan, Chainsaw.

Some people may wonder why Lehmann wants money and connections, and also knows many senior executives of publishing companies, why did he come to discuss with Luc Besson.

In Sao Nian, who doesn\'t want to be an independent producer, and who doesn\'t want to do a business with a steady profit and no loss.

But, is it possible.

The depth of the movie is so deep that I don\'t know how many ambitious people have been drowned.

Is there any risk in doing business? Investment is the same.

He is not so stupid as to be a sole proprietor of filming, financing and borrowing chickens to lay eggs are the norm in this circle.

People who eat alone have never had a good end.


Lehmann has made so many movies, which are big hits at the box office. Few people eat meat and drink soup.

He has never taken the lead. The real beneficiaries will always be the distribution companies Europa Pictures and Paramount Pictures.

If these films go out without dividing the proceeds, people will promote them so vigorously, and they will sell so easily at the box office~www.novelhall.com~ Don\'t even think about it, you can have everything in your dreams, okay?

In this circle, compromise is often more needed than toughness.

Of all the resources of the film industry, Lehmann only owns the word "work". Where is the channel? Who to look for?

Those equally ambitious Hollywood companies?

It would be better to continue to cooperate with Europa Pictures, at least Luc Besson is a smart person.

I also know more about how to pay attention to proportions.

"You want to sign the distribution rights of this movie to Europa Pictures? That James Wen, I remember it was the assistant director of your last movie."

"Well, he came to me a few days ago. I talked to him and wanted to give him a hand on this project." Lehmann thought for a while and continued: "The specific situation will wait for his shooting plan to be made. , let\'s talk in detail."

"Don\'t worry, since you have this idea, I will definitely support it." Luc Besson also agreed.

For him, it is very good to maintain the relationship with Lehman and strengthen the cooperation between the two parties.

"That\'s it, I\'m tired too, so I\'ll go home to rest first." Lehmann said his plans to come back to France on this trip, and he also took the initiative to leave.

"Walk slowly, I\'ll find someone to see you off." Luc Besson smiled.

"Well, just take me home."

Naturally, Lehmann would not reject the kindness that Europa Pictures unleashed on him.

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