Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 179: Wen Ziren's film project

It was Wen Ziren who asked Laiman.

The day before yesterday afternoon, I suddenly called him and asked him if he was free and where he was. I was looking for him for something.

After confirming the itinerary, it will be an appointment today.

Originally, the meeting was supposed to be at a certain coffee shop, but Lehman was in trouble, so he changed it to a hotel.

Not long after he went back in Cage\'s car, the door rang.

Looking through the cat\'s eyes, it was Wen Ziren who hadn\'t seen each other for a while.

He stood outside the door restrained, but he even brought gifts, some special products from Australia, which he said could not be bought here.

It\'s really weird, anyway, we have been working together for a while, no.

How do you feel that he is regarded as an outsider.

Of course, this is what Lehman thought, but not Wen Ziren.

He felt that he had to have this attitude when asking people to do things.

When going forward, he always felt that his luck was good enough.

When he was 7 years old, he moved to Australia with his family, which greatly broadened his horizons, and later went to a good university.

During this period, I met my good friend Revonne. The two hit it off at first sight and shared a common shooting philosophy.

After graduating from university, he joined an unofficial film group "Spike Pike". They are all like-minded people who love horror elements. They have nothing to do and shoot short films to exchange experiences.

The days passed slowly, but after all, he majored in film, how could he not have the idea of ​​directing a work of his own? He also tried it.

But here, it may be that the luck of life has been consumed too much, and it has hit a wall everywhere.

He thought that the film environment in Australia was not good, there were not many opportunities, and he was still working hard, so he went to the United States with his friends.

But still nothing works. Although there are many opportunities, they are all owned by others. Not to mention being a director, he can\'t even be an assistant.

And all this, going round and round, seems to have returned to the past.

His luck came again, he met Lyman.

Then the bad guy was successful at the box office, and some of the film companies who had previously dismissed him were willing to give him a chance.

But he wasn\'t a real director after all. That person was a little hesitant, and the conditions for him were not high, even harsh.

Of course, he didn\'t think about the treatment, but the power to shoot on set was given too little, or, in other words, the freedom of creation was not high.

Not only does it not have any post-production rights, it doesn\'t even have the editing rights.

This made him a little sad. Logically speaking, as a newcomer, he should seize this opportunity, regardless of whether the conditions are good or bad.


Maybe he wanted to struggle a bit. After all, it was his idea, the script he co-created with his friend, so he thought of Lehmann, the man who took good care of him on the set. No, he was a mentor.

"What have you been busy with recently? If you have time, my next movie will be in the preparatory stage. When that time comes, you can come and help, okay?" Lehmann was quite casual, beckoning him to sit down, and said. First release https://https://

But when he said this, Wen Ziren felt a little restless.

"Is the time inconvenient?" Lyman said again, seeing his embarrassment.

"Yeah." Wen Ziren didn\'t think about how to open this mouth, took it in his bag, and took out a script, "This, I have a book here, which has been favored by Lionsgate, and would like to hear from you. opinion."

"The script? Well, I\'ll take a look." Lyman was speechless.

On second thought, yes, even non-professionals want to be directors, not to mention his idea of ​​being a professional who doesn\'t want to be a deputy, Lehmann can understand very well.

Reaching out to take it, he browsed.

Different from his style of sorting out every scene word by word, this book is written in a rough manner, and the dialogue between the characters is poor, but there are a lot of annotations on the scenes next to it.

As for the story, it is roughly similar to the later films, and all kinds of tormenting props are well written.

I don\'t know, I thought Wen Ziren was a pervert.

Well, it\'s kind of like a pervert, a psychopath.

Lehman put down the script and looked at Wen Ziren, who was sitting across from him.

He put his hands on his knees, noticed the look that Lyman cast over him, and responded with a smile.

"What about your own ideas? The script doesn\'t really represent anything, but the idea is good."

These days, how can a director with strength and status still use this thing, it is all based on the situation. If you think James Cameron has the idea of ​​making a film, those who are willing to invest must be lined up, as long as it is not It\'s too outrageous, and the chances of passing the project are too high.

When Wen Ziren heard this, he glanced at Leiman secretly, but he couldn\'t tell anything from his face, and his heart was ruthless, and he didn\'t plan to hide it, "That\'s right, I want to be The director of this work, but I am not very satisfied with the investment conditions of Lionsgate, so I want to ask if you are willing to take over.”

"What\'s the situation? What does Lionsgate say?" New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

"A while ago, didn\'t I come to your place to apply for an assistant director? In fact, before that, I had already submitted scripts for many film companies. Later, did Lionsgate have some ideas, but now it\'s been deadlocked, and we haven\'t reached an agreement yet? …”

After listening to Wen Ziren, Laiman also had a general understanding.

Again, he wanted a little more creative freedom and didn\'t want to be tied too hard.

Lehman became interested in such a talk. He also knew Wen Ziren\'s ability~www.novelhall.com~ Lionsgate hesitated and doubted, but he was different.

Maybe it belongs to the director. He is also very happy to give people space to show off. Just like Luc Besson did to him.

After thinking about his own conditions, Lehman also made a decision.

After he pushed the script back to Wen Ziren, he said, "Okay, if you\'re interested, I\'ll help you find a way."

"Really? Thank you, Lyman."

Wen Ziren\'s joy can be described as beyond words, even a little unbelievable: it\'s so simple, it\'s done.

Looking at him, Lehmann somewhat thought of when he was filming Buried Alive.

That kind of feeling is probably the same after getting the chance.

Worried about gains and losses, and full of energy.

"Well, but your handling of the ending is a bit rough. You should leave an open ending to give the audience more suspense."

This is pure nonsense. It\'s just that Lehmann doesn\'t look like the ending of the original. It\'s probably a foreshadowing that Lionsgate deliberately left when editing.

After all, the most popular shooting trend in Hollywood right now is to make sequel movies. No matter if it is a good or bad movie, it is always right to keep one.

In case, the box office performance of the movie\'s release market is okay, then it can\'t be fair and open to make money from fans.

Of course, this kind of good idea must be used.

After a little discussion between the two, the name of the project was confirmed, but it was still called Chainsaw Horror.

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