Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 174: Tom's depression

Tom Cruise\'s interests are closely tied to Paramount, and even if there is no bad guy released, the Mission Impossible series is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

Don\'t look at their quarrel in future generations, and once threatened that they would never cooperate again, but Mission Impossible 6 still came out.

It\'s just caused by the unfair distribution, but it\'s far from the time to turn around. To move Tom Cruise is to move the cake of Paramount Pictures.

Of course people would not agree, who hasn\'t pointed out the background and methods.

In the conference room, Shirley Lansing didn\'t want to find out who was behind the scenes. Anyway, there were only a few competitors, either Universal, Warner Matrix, or both.

After all, the movie market is so big. If you are happy, others will naturally envy you. It\'s a very simple reason.

"Andrew, your propaganda department should act immediately, warn the tabloids, and let the court intervene if necessary."

Although it may not be possible to sue them successfully, the lawyer\'s lawsuit and the court subpoena alone can disgust them.

"Also, film critics continue to find people to write articles to promote, cooperate with TV stations, let them interview fans on the spot, and spread the real voice of the audience to the public."

Paramount is not a simple film company. They are backed by Viacom, just like the Comcast Media Group behind Universal. They have a wide enough media channel and can easily send a loud voice to the United States.

"Tell Tom Cruise about the news and make their roadshow publicity a little more careful." After Shirley Lansing instructed, she took the lead out of the conference room.


On the other side, Tom Cruise, one of the parties, had just finished a publicity campaign and was resting in the RV when he received a call from his agent Pat Kingsley.

Hanging up the phone, he asked his assistant to go to the nearest newsstand to buy a few newspapers.

After reading the above reports one after another, the words hurt him physically and mentally.

It is conceivable that those people outside are now watching his jokes. This made him unable to maintain his usual good self-cultivation, and the anger in his heart continued to rise, and his whole person seemed to be burned by anger.


He slammed the seat in front of him hard, and immediately said: "Tell Lehmann and the others at the event in the afternoon, I have something to do, so I won\'t go, and I will go to the public relations company immediately and spend money to get those people. Help us find a topic to divert our attention."

After instructing the assistant, his face was still gloomy as if he could drip water. starter


Night, around one o\'clock in the morning.

Lyman woke up from the big bed in the hotel.

can not fall asleep.

What happened today made Tom Cruise absent from the promotion event, and the sudden negative news also made him extremely irritable.

You said, competition is competition, but if you can\'t beat it, what is it like to throw a knife behind your back?

This is not the first time I have disgusted him. When the last time Furious was released, some people talked about Brad Pitt being rejected. Fortunately, Pitt himself has no contradiction with him. When people see jokes, there may be a space-to-air conversation between fans.

Really immoral.

He walked to the hall with bare feet, sat on the sofa, grabbed a can of beer and took a sip.

The alcohol stretched all the way down the throat, but it cooled the hot heart.

As for this matter, it would be easy to make a statement and hype it up to clarify those baseless and baseless reports of Gil, but the issue of Scientology is not so easy to deal with.

To know how many times this news has been published in future generations, didn\'t Tom Cruise quit, instead he became the "global spokesperson" of others.

If you want to say that he is stupid and brainwashed, it is impossible.

If Tom Cruise is really stupid, he can still maintain his status as a big star in Hollywood for so many years?

Can you turn your head to work with Warner after a standoff with Paramount, and the movie still sells well? New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

As for why "Scientology" is so unrecognized, don\'t they all say that the United States is a "free country" and encourages freedom of belief?

In fact, apart from the problem with the teaching itself, it is also because at the beginning of its establishment, that is, in 1967, when Scientology was developing its followers, it would throw disobedient believers directly into the sea on ships.

The consequence of this is that most European countries directly prohibit them from entering.

Later, I couldn\'t do anything, and I don\'t know how they worked, but they went to the United States to take root, and they also had close ties with the Hollywood film industry at that time.

The entertainment industry is full of all kinds of temptations and illusions, and Scientology is very good at pyramid schemes. Taking advantage of the inner trauma of stars, he even bought a building in Hollywood and named it "Celebrity Center" to help them solve their troubles and relieve their psychology. .

It sounds mysterious, but it\'s actually just taking advantage of the star\'s great pressure, and there is no place to talk to them, so I just find a secret place for them to relieve the pressure.

At the time, Elvis Presley Presley and Pulp Fiction actor John Travolta became their followers.

As for Tom Cruise\'s first contact with Scientology, it was even more surprising because his first wife Mimi Rogers believed in this religion, so he also came into contact with ~www.novelhall.com~ later Joining is also because Tom Cruise suffered from dyslexia since he was a child, but for some reason, Scientology leader Hubbard helped him heal him in some way. In order to repay his gratitude, he also became a believer.

Those things that the tabloids said about marriage, double plugs and so on can be ruled out, but Tom Cruise\'s divorce from several wives also has the shadow of Scientology.

For example, Nicole Kidman, who mocked the teachings of Scientology more than once in public, and her girlfriend Penelope Cruz, when she was in a relationship with Tom Cruise, resolutely stated that she would not join Scientology, which led to separate.

Trouble, Lyman thought, and took another sip of beer.

How can the parties solve things that the parties themselves are not willing to do?

Diverting one\'s attention is just the lowest countermeasure, but at this time, it seems so appropriate.

Somehow, Lyman suddenly thought of Eva.

"I don\'t know what she\'s doing."

With thoughts together, they ran to the bed to pick up the phone, found her number, and edited a text message, "What are you doing now?"

After sending it, when I was about to put it down, the phone responded.

"I\'m running publicity in France. When are you coming here?"

"It should take a while, things haven\'t been settled yet."

"Oh, what did you mean by texting me?"

"No, I just missed you. Good night."

Eva Green, who was far away in a hotel in Marseille, France, smiled sweetly and put down her phone.