Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 173: pour cold water on

Newsstand near Times Square, New York.

"Don, get a newspaper."

Anthony Logan, who works at a stock exchange nearby, took out a Franklin and picked up a copy of the latest "Wall Street Journal". For someone like him, this newspaper is not out of date.

Holding the money in his hand, he found that Tang Enzheng, the newsstand owner who would greet him warmly in the past, was enthusiastically spreading out a newspaper, reading it with gusto and not even accepting the money.

"Dan En, are you not in business?"

Anthony Logan stretched his neck to look suspiciously, and suddenly saw the words of the "Los Angeles Morning News", "You are so old, are you still chasing stars?"

"Los Angeles Morning News" is a newspaper that mainly reports on Hollywood movie stars or star anecdotes and whereabouts, and is deeply demanded by young men and women chasing stars.

"I\'m sorry." Dunn finally noticed the arrival of Anthony, a regular customer, put the unread newspaper aside, gave him the change, and then picked up the newspaper again, "Today\'s issue of " The Los Angeles Morning News is a bit different. I\'m usually not interested in the **** about celebrities, but the report on it is really interesting. I just don\'t know if it\'s true or not. If it\'s true, I\'ll tell my little daughter. Listen, tell her not to go chasing stars. What about Tom Cruise, he\'s forty years old, and he still does this..."

Hearing Tom Cruise\'s name, Anthony thought that the entertainment section of the newspaper recently was full of reports touting his new movie "Bad Guy", and suddenly became curious, "Give me another morning paper." Said Then, he handed over the change again.


"Is Tom Cruise a double-plug? The truth about his divorce from several wives is something else..."

Well, just looking at the title makes people very interested in continuing to read. The uc news department of later generations thinks that they have not missed the exaggerated reports of the Hollywood tabloids.

In order to attract attention, what kind of things are they afraid to say?

What, the content report has no evidence. Why do I need evidence, I will report it, you go and sue me.

These small media, as long as they have enough money, making up random things is their most basic means.

As for whose privacy or reputation rights have been violated, it is very difficult to win a lawsuit in court.

Besides, people are not stupid. After the title, the first sentence of the opening sentence is: According to the insider...

You have to ask who the insider is, sorry, privacy, confidentiality.

What else can you do, you should be bored.

In the afternoon, Ron Mayer, executive president of Universal Pictures\' distribution department, sat under the awning on the lawn of his backyard, opened the "Los Angeles Morning News", and saw this rather striking headline on the front page, which also made him feel Incredibly comfortable.

Open the entertainment section of other tabloids, and all of them are smearing Tom Cruise.

What joined Scientology, and the philosophy that Scientology promotes is completely anti-social and disrespectful to women; what divorced several wives and didn\'t have children because Tom Cruise had a problem and sold his **** (these blacks I don’t think I made it up, it was all spread in the past year, and I searched a lot on the Internet, but to be honest, the credibility is really low, it is nothing more than making rumors and not breaking the law.); As for domestic violence, bad temper, beating Paparazzi...

Open some famous big newspapers, such as "Los Angeles Times", "New York Daily", but there are no such black materials with unclear evidence, and the blame is still directed at the issue of belief, this is also Tom Cruise biggest weakness.

As for film critics, their attitudes have also changed drastically.

It\'s not that "Bad Guy" is not good, but that he suddenly lowered his voice and stopped praising it.

After all, it was hyped up a few days ago, and it doesn\'t make sense to be black now. Silence is the best weapon and one of their goals - to reduce the popularity of the film.

Even some film critics who didn\'t have adequate public relations directly began to ridicule - there are so many film critics in the United States, they can\'t all spend money on it, Paramount can\'t do it even if it wants to.

For example, "The New Yorker" only gave "Bad Guy" a recommendation index of one star in the latest film evaluation column, on the grounds that the values ​​revealed in the film are disgusting, teach bad young people, and tout Such a film, its heart can be punished - vomit, forget it, I will come first.

Watching a movie has become a lecture.

Speaking of which, does the rhythm of the whole world like this, such as "The Wandering Planet" and "Wolf Warrior 2", it is a little pink when it is played, and it is disgusting.

I don\'t know if those people\'s brains are thinking synchronously. It\'s scary.

Seeing the progress of the operation so quickly, Ron Mayer\'s mood finally improved a lot.

When the sun was shining, he called Adam Sunderland.

"Adam, continue to contact those vampires and let them increase their targeting."

"As long as they have enough money, their credibility is guaranteed."

"Money is not a problem, I will apply for another funding." After thinking about it, Ron Mayer specifically urged, "Adam, although we are competitors with them, there may not be opportunities for cooperation in the future. On Ramon\'s side, you have to be careful and don\'t overdo it."

"I see."

Adam Sunderland certainly knows what to do and what not to do.

He just wanted to accomplish his goals, but he didn\'t really want to nail Tom Cruise. The reports that didn\'t read him were tabloids, and they were always ambiguous.

After this period of time, "Fake Tenjin" can complete the expected profit, the job is saved, and the boss is happy, and these things will naturally subside.

Isn\'t it all man-made to control the heat or something?

And such a large-scale black material disclosure ~www.novelhall.com~ Paramount Pictures is impossible not to notice.

To this end, Shirley Lansing immediately convened a high-level meeting.

"The film\'s audience reputation, attendance so far, and estimated box office progress have all exceeded our expectations." Andrew David, director of the publicity department, did not have any long-winded speeches, and said directly: "But we The starring Tom Cruise has encountered relatively big trouble, so many newspapers smear reports, it is easy to bring a relatively negative impact on the film."

After Andrew\'s words, there was a brief silence in the conference room.

If no one does this, they won\'t believe it.

Tom Cruise has been a member of Scientology for many years, 18 years to say the least. As for the divorce, it was the year before, and it has only been reported in a concentrated manner. If there is no one behind the instructions, only fools believe it.

But sometimes the audience doesn\'t care how long ago this happened. No one can deny that this is a good trick.

A bad handling can affect subsequent audiences\' expectations for "Bad Guy".

It\'s not uncommon for the marketing case to not go to a movie because of a certain person.

The people here are also very talented, how can they not know what method this is.

But, what should we do?

After all, those black materials contain fakes in the real, and the real in the fakes. Is it hard to explain them one by one?


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