Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 168: very surprised

On Saturday, May 24th, the weather was still sunny.

As the old man of the sun got up early as usual and climbed to his job, the short-lived city of angels-Los Angeles resumed its former hustle and bustle.

The streets are full of people and traffic.

The cinema also welcomed a new batch of little sheep.

Although "Bad Guy" started its public release two days ago, for another part of the audience and fans, only the rest day is the beginning of their movie viewing.

And as the sun turns and hangs high at the top of the sky, the box office statistics of the previous day have also come to an end, and the market results of all the films that are currently being released have also been passed on to the corresponding film companies, which also makes more people take heart.

Hollywood, in the Paramount Pictures Building.

Shirley Lansing had just entered her independent office, and before she could sit down, Cliff Thompnoson, the head of the marketing department, knocked on the door and walked in.

This middle-aged, fat-bellied white man was holding a document in his hand, with a smile on his face, walking with wind, and a good mood that could not be concealed.

"What\'s the matter?" Shirley Lansing asked.

"President, good news." He smiled, his eyes narrowed into small slits, making people suspect that he was talking to someone with his eyes closed.

"Go ahead, Cliff."

She turned around and sat on the office chair, and motioned for the other person to sit down too.

The white fat man didn\'t refuse. After sitting on the sofa, he opened the document in his hand and reported his work situation, "Yesterday\'s box office results for "Bad Guy" came out."

"Did it meet expectations?" Shirley Lansing asked.

Paramount Pictures has also made the expected results for the previous market prospect survey and the US$26.32 million obtained on the day of its premiere - breaking 100 million in the first week, which is also an ideal goal that can be achieved by the top-grossing film in North America.

In order to achieve this result, the daily box office market must maintain the level of the first day.

"It\'s not just meeting expectations." Cliff Thompnoson raised the document in his hand, feeling a little emotional, "Just yesterday, we got another $31.25 million at the box office. President, our goal may be even higher. It’s almost finished, and the next day’s increase will be more than 25%, which means that if the enthusiasm of the masses to watch the movie can be maintained, we can break through 100 million in at most 4 days.”

"What?" Shirley Lansing was a little surprised, and even faintly couldn\'t believe it.

If it is said that on the first day of the release, it can be said that the actor\'s fan base is used to get a high score, and then the second day can rise, it must mean that ordinary passers-by fans are also strongly supporting. (Celebrity movies like "Mission Impossible" are typical of the fan market economy. The results obtained in the first three days are often better than their combined market results in the next week or two, and the box office is often the highest on the first day of release.)

"Bring the documents to me and have a look." She stood up and said.

Cliff Thompnoson respectfully handed over the document. After Shirley Lansing took it over, she carefully looked at it for a long time. Only then did she confirm that the market performance of "Bad Guy" was indeed real.

"With this momentum, we may have to increase our publicity efforts and try to win more potential audiences into the movie theater." Cliff Thompnoson did not forget his own job because of joy, and suggested softly.

This is also the unanimous view of the senior management of their marketing department.

Hearing Cliff Thompnoson\'s proposal, Shirley Lansing calmed down. After all, she took the position of CEO of Paramount after all the hard work. Even though she has been at the bottom of the top six in the past two years because of the dismal annual earnings report, many of the major shareholders behind her are dissatisfied, but she There is no doubt about the individual\'s vision and ability.

"Braveheart", "Forrest Gump", "Titanic", "Truman\'s World", "Saving Private Ryan"... These films were all filmed and released under her management , also got good results.

It can be said that she will not be the most mainstream operation method on the market now - developing a series of movies, because under her direction, the only "Mission Impossible" that can be done well is still dominated by Tom Cruise, but in terms of viewing Man, she\'s always accurate.

She also always believed that Lyman-Laters would be Paramount\'s best partner, and she would not hesitate to open up the domestic market and allow Europa Pictures to enter the market to take a share of the pie, which would only maintain the close cooperation between the two parties. But this quick success still gave her a sense of surprise, as if she had discovered a piece of dog head gold, and there was a gold mine hidden beside her.

Moreover, the current situation is that the box office of "Bad Guy" is still on the rise the next day. Based on this calculation, if you are optimistic, it will exceed 100 million in four days. Then, how much can the box office reach in the first week? 1.5 billion? Or 200 million?

The corners of Shirley Lansing\'s mouth rose slowly, putting on an imperceptible smile. Can choose to cooperate with Lyman-Laters before he made his fortune (when "Three Silly Bollywood"). This move is really right, and he can always give people a very profitable market return.

"Cliff, you immediately contact Viacom Group Media President Norriman Kuwait, and ask him to help his 39 local TV stations push the trailer advertisement of "Bad Guy" throughout the day recently~www.novelhall .com~ Also, go to contact those variety shows and arrange a schedule to focus on the next week." (The Viacom Group is the third largest media company in the United States, and Paramount Pictures can be counted as a subsidiary of it. The company is just too independent. Anyway, the relationship between the two parties is still very close, and the channel resources will basically be used by Paramount.)

"I\'ll do it right away."

After Cliff Thompnoson left the office, Shirley Lansing thought for a while, and asked for a call from the secretary desk, and dialed Lyman\'s contact number.

"Hi, Lyman, are you still in Los Angeles?"

"Well, it\'s at the hotel." In the high-end suite of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel near Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, Lehmann answered the phone with some doubts. It\'s rare for the president of Paramount to call him personally, " Any questions?"

"Congratulations on the big sales of the movie, recently..."

Shirley Lansing talked on the phone about Paramount\'s decision to increase publicity, and hoped that Lehman and other main creators would cooperate with the publicity, and then said that they would hold a celebration reception, which was equivalent to a celebration party for him.

The former, Lehman, naturally agreed, and as for the latter, he still euphemistically expressed that there is no need to worry, but to postpone it for a while.

Hanging up the phone, Ryman started writing the storyboard for the new script project.

Is it a love movie? It\'s a brand new genre. Naturally, you have to be fully prepared.


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