Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 167: film critics

In an era where traffic is king, the media always need to be one step ahead.

On the second day of the film\'s release, the entertainment sections of major newspapers were all covered with reports of "Bad Guy".

There is both the essence of news magazines chasing hot spots, and the essential PR of Paramount Pictures, but in any case, it is always good to cause heated discussions.

Early in the morning, in the newsstand on the corner of Los Angeles Avenue, among the piles of newspapers that had been sorted early, the headline of the entertainment section of the Chicago Times was so conspicuous: "Gray is black or white? Good or bad or true or false, who is more important ?"

The report of this film review occupies an entire page. The author\'s name is Bella, a new female film critic.

"There are many movies about undercover, but in my opinion Bad Guy is different from this."

"In the past, I saw this kind of undercover police officer who sacrificed his life and risked his own life. Although he felt justice and faith, he couldn\'t help but feel aggrieved when watching the movie."

"Whether the side representing justice wins or not, the price paid in the undercover process is too great."

"The struggle within myself, the alienation of relatives and friends around me, the friendship with the enemy that seems real but not fake."

"People are not plants and trees, and they can be ruthless. It is the nervousness and anxiety brought about by this inner torture, which seems to be too cruel for an ordinary person with normal emotions."

"And the first half of \'Bad Guy\' was actually quite frustrating."

"Eight years of undercover, eight years of forbearance, and finally getting to the end of the dark days, there is a new order to continue to hide, and there is no room for negotiation; the wife died because of the underworld conflict; the best The brother of the club, who is also the third-in-command who he regards as the eldest brother, died because of the police\'s design, but he couldn\'t do anything; he took his life to sneak into the club, and only a few senior police officers knew their identities. ?"

"So I quit, why did I sacrifice so much? My pain, loneliness, and fear of who can share it, how can my brother be saved, how can my family be reunited, how long will this bleak day last? I want to control my own life, so I have to choose the path that I can choose, even if the end of the road is dark."

"From the perspective of universal values, this kind of idea is not desirable. After all, fighting against evil forces is contributing to society and the people. It is great and noble. But from a personal standpoint, for the so-called justice, If you want to take your whole life into it, undercover is really synonymous with a lone hero, Canglang’s life is full of joys and sorrows.”

"Worth it? Who knows."

"Also, the characters in this movie are really well-made. In addition to undercover, I also want to talk about the third master."

"He is a gang leader. He looks like a gangster with a gangster temperament."

"In this era of lauded interests, it\'s very common for today\'s brothers to stab them tomorrow."

"But he doesn\'t. He takes the letter of promise and loyalty very seriously. Before he died, he told his deputy who had already discovered his undercover identity, that people must be more cruel when they live, or they won\'t survive."

"I\'m not ruthless enough, and I have to tell my brother to be ruthless. From this moment on, people have inexplicable affection for him. He is a man who is flesh and blood, loves justice, and takes responsibility. He also shows the desire of that kind of person. and grief."

"At the end, let\'s make a conclusion."

"\'Bad Guy\' is bad because it\'s unexpected and doesn\'t follow the rules."

"Who says justice will prevail, and good people must adhere to their beliefs."

"Who said that bad people must be heinous and have no feelings."

"Every character is a living person, and a person has his own position, can think, and can change."

"Black and white have never been so clear-cut."

"Finally, I recommend everyone to go to the cinema to watch."


In the study, Bella put the latest issue of "Chicago Times" into the cupboard and placed them carefully.

Her column articles are usually placed here, as a commemoration, it will also give her a sense of accomplishment.

After dinner in the evening, she went back to the computer in her bedroom and sat down. Bella clicked the mouse to open a few box office websites, and of course, movie review pages such as IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes.

As a film critic, she habitually likes to study the data on movie-related information websites.

The first thing to look at is the popular IMDB.

Found the name of "Bad Guy" from the homepage and clicked into the works page.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

9.0 points, a total of 1323 evaluations, which means that most of them gave high scores.

Bella\'s face filled with joy, she thought about it for a while, and scored 8.8.

Of course, a score of 9.0 is definitely too high, and this is the first day, and there are not many people evaluating it. According to the general rules, the total score will definitely drop, but with the movie "Bad Guy" The quality is finally estimated to be around 8.6 to 8.8 points... This is definitely a rating for a genre classic, and "Bad Guy" is also worthy of such a score.

After a little look at the audience comments on IMDB, they are also mostly positive.

"I spent an unforgettable two and a half hours in the theater."

"Although I think the director is too cruel~www.novelhall.com~, it is undeniable that this is a good movie."

"The darkening of the undercover at the end is so cool to watch. If it weren\'t for the scruples in public places, I would be so excited to yell out."

It seems that director Lehmann\'s work is going to be successful again. Bella thoughtfully continued to open the page of Rotten Tomatoes: Compared with IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes pays more attention to the opinions and evaluations of industry insiders.

After watching it for a while, the corners of her mouth rose slightly: the critics gave it 87%, the audience liked it 95%, and the double green on Rotten Tomatoes also means that she has obtained a fresh certification.

Of course, this is only the initial data, and does not represent the final result. Many film critics may not have seen the movie, let alone movie fans and audiences.

However, this data can at least let Bella know a little, and most people in the industry are also evaluating it with very pertinent opinions.

For something as unconventional as "Bad Guy", scratching their itch seems to be a matter of course.

After browsing several professional movie websites again, Bella turned off the computer and stretched her waist comfortably.

It\'s a good feeling to see that the works of the director I like have been affirmed by everyone.

After taking a shower, Bella lay on the big soft bed, still thinking with joy: I don\'t know what kind of surprises it will bring me in the future, I\'m really looking forward to it, Director Lyman Rattles.

Good night, sweet dreams.


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