Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1204: There's only one way to choose

Body Chapter 1204 There is one more path to choose from

Relevant decisions still need time for allies to digest, but the battle for MSI\'s championship and Asia is about to begin.

After the breakout of the group stage and the fierce competition of the semi-finals, the team frost from South Korea and the we team from China finally stood on the stage.

This afternoon, the atmosphere of the competition venue was hot, and the behind-the-scenes personnel in charge of the competition were particularly worried after many rehearsals. .

Compared with the lack of preparation in the previous life, the Red Dragonfly, who was escorted by Lehman, poured down a lot of money, and recruited and trained a large number of live broadcast technicians, still has a lot of experience in technical maintenance. The directors After a few battles, I can quickly grasp the highlights of the game.

At two o\'clock in the afternoon, the two clubs brought players into the lounge, and the live broadcast page was suddenly warmed up on time on the mouse platform, yy, and the League of Legends client.


On the last weekend of April 2012, many gamers had no intention of playing games, and began to look forward to how exciting this game would be. Not only that, many PC game practitioners at home and abroad were also under the orders of their respective company executives. , and discussed the big move that Fist made by combining online and offline resources.

After all, although Riot Studio only has one representative brand, it is not an international big-name game manufacturer or a leader in the field, but the League of Legends has been accepted by players very quickly, and it has entered the country like a comet in just two years. In the fiercely competitive client game market, and the share obtained is not small, the magnitude of the number of people online has completely reached the first-line threshold.

In addition, many manufacturers have tried the methods of holding offline competitions to improve the competitiveness of the game and prolong the game cycle, and the results are not bad. In the field, constantly contacting online media and self-media to send relevant announcements, as well as editing player videos and exciting team battle clips, and spreading wildly in YouTube, Facebook, Penguin Space and other places where online users are vertically connected, as if marketing is greater than everything else.

Of course, Penguins have done a lot here. Their promotion ability has undoubtedly become the best booster for msi\'s expansion in China, which has become the first division of LOL. Therefore, not to mention others, China\'s At least a lot of people in the game industry are paying attention. After all, there are many people who are concerned about the success of Penguin.

With the step-by-step progress of the msi competition system and the step-by-step increase of promotion resources, the video clips of the group stage and the semi-finals have already received tens of millions of hits in the relevant media fields, which has also attracted more non-moba players I noticed the game League of Legends, which is also the purpose of attracting momentum and attracting international events.

Even after the $8 million prize pool was played, it was quite tempting for many teenagers who were interested in making a foray on the career path.

It is undeniable that games have been hated by many parents since the beginning of their popularity, until today, but if you can earn enough money to live by just relying on games, if you have a goal, you can undoubtedly dispel this incomprehension. Because the words that parents always talk about is "games can\'t be eaten", which is why Lehmann must give high-level bonus pools——

**-Nude allows players to have a higher competitive motivation, and also attracts other talented people in competitive games to join lol. You see, the game can be eaten as a meal, and it is also a job, and it also requires sweat, but its responsibility is to contribute to the professionalism and excitement of the game competition and to satisfy the audience.

The bright silver bullet offensive, in the literal sense, the champion is worth a million dollars, and it is still in US dollars. It is also a challenge for those young people who are unwilling to embrace from small towns and small cities, and want to use their game talents to realize their upward channels. a choice.

Reading changes one\'s destiny, but the total amount remains the same. According to the lines drawn by the university\'s absorption capacity, there will always be a group of people who are confused and unwilling, so why can\'t they change their destiny by relying on games.

It doesn\'t make sense, isn\'t it? It\'s dangerous to be addicted to anything. It\'s not fair to just use online lobbying and subconsciously deviate from other things.

Riot\'s emphasis on competition, and the behavior and entry planning of traditional sports, made many practitioners laugh at the beginning, and felt that it had the confidence to challenge an unpredictable and dangerous peak.

However, with the great chatter between players, a large number of game users shifting their attention and betting, many people are thinking about another question - it won\'t really be done for League of Legends, the so-called status that is slightly faced, In recent years, only Interstellar has taken a step, and after much deliberation, no one knows.

They never do it, they don\'t even dare to think, how do they know that firm action is the best explanation.

Seeing that the viewing level of the finals went up to a higher standard, even Blizzard was alarmed. Their executives were in a meeting to discuss, and they didn\'t discuss anything for a long time. Instead, they felt that the first and second largest shareholders of Riot were not doing their jobs. It looks like it pays attention to the bottom line to stabilize users.

Of course, Blizzard didn\'t care about their event planning at all, and often dismantled Wang Bing. Instead, it was not as good as Lehmann\'s reference to Penguin, the more mature fist, and the market-proven methods directly set the size of the framework.

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What they think is not very meaningful, but it is Lehman who persuades the Penguins and those agents to put it in the same position as the game optimization itself~www.novelhall.com~ The start time is getting closer and closer.

Lehman walks in the background, learning the specific situation from a group of technical backbones from time to time. On the main page, the soundtrack authorized by Sony International creates the atmosphere, but everyone still pays more attention to the data records accessed.

Seeing that there were only 20 minutes left before the live broadcast, Verginho said with anticipation: "The peak stage of the semi-finals attracted more than 2 million real-time viewers. I wonder how many will be attracted after the finals?"

Lehman did not discourage this career enthusiasm, and thought about it seriously: "If you are optimistic, it is not difficult to watch tens of millions of viewers. This is the first time. When the information of the event is fermented and spread, it will be easier to make game hobbies. people to join this event.”

"Yeah." Verginho sighed, "We have paid so much, we finally opened up the situation, and the future will definitely get better and better until it hits the ceiling."

"The ceiling and so on can only be thought about in a few years. Although a game has a limited potential audience, some users have invested in it, some users have lost interest and quit, and some users will continue to enter. We only need to maintain enough The dynamism of the company has been strengthening its social impact, and a lot of things have come naturally.”

Lehmann knew that this general under his command would be a little concerned about the popularity of the so-called Valoran ip, and worried that he would invest too much but not receive some returns, so he often reassured him with similar conversations these days and let him plan boldly , do not bind hands and feet.

"Don\'t worry, boss." Virginio finally nodded.

It\'s not just a job for the boss, it\'s a career he has ambitions for.

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