Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1203: Big IP plan

Body Chapter 1203 Big IP plan (seeking support)

The fist meeting room, afternoon.

"Everyone, in the past year or so, after our penguin got the version number and went online in the national server, it quickly replaced "Demi God" (the popular moba game before "dota2") and became the most outstanding one in the moba field. For this game, whether it is market share, registrations, or online numbers are climbing steadily, we can say responsibly that this game has become the entire mainland, no, the entire Asian related game style. A well-deserved first...

Of course, this is inseparable from the pioneering work of the development team and game planning to ensure the quality of play. Of course, this also requires all of us to make persistent efforts to stabilize the current market position. "

It was the top management of the Penguin game department who was speaking. Just over a year after the trial operation of the national server of lol, the sharers of the cake of related interests, including Korean ncsofe, Southeast Asian agents, Vietnamese agents, European agents, etc. The opportunity to hold international competitions will gather together to summarize the past operational achievements, and the prime minister\'s experience to guide the development team of Riot Games to improve the direction of lol.

Lehman in the front row of the audience was satisfied after listening to the operation report of the Penguin National Service.

According to Penguin, they also feel that the agent lol will become a strong profit growth point for the group game department, that is to say, they are willing to invest more resources in this game.

The reason why the people of Penguin are so enthusiastic and suggest that everyone increase their investment is also because in the past year, the number of registrations in the lol Chinese market has exceeded 30 million, and it has set a record of 3.5 million simultaneous online players and 22 million monthly active players. , the entire moba game has developed to an unprecedented height in China.

Looking at the world, the monthly active players of the League of Legends have reached 56 million, and the moba game has also become a major game type with the widest audience in the world. How can this not make everyone present excited - the bright future is clear It is expected that if you use more snacks, you can enjoy huge returns.

The feedback of professionalism made the reporting stage of the whole meeting very high in nature, and Lehmann wanted to praise the morale.

After all, before that, although each company has already intentionally joined forces to promote lol, they will definitely not release much resources until the popularity of the game is proved, until they see the continuous influx of players, trying to reap the richness in the future. It is only under extremely intuitive market conditions that the major agents of Fruit are discussing a new round of reasonable distribution and delivery.

Think about it, in the 12-year game market, in terms of the most profitable game lol, it can\'t even rank in the top ten, and in terms of online numbers, there are also "World of Warcraft", "csol" and so on, but only in terms of upward potential, are the above mentioned Going downhill, and moba games are the new favorites of game market players, mining this type of market space can be said to be standing on one foot in the sky.

If we can further collect and develop in the game market by means of big data analysis, we will find that many game theme players who are tired of role-playing, real-time shooting and side-scrolling fighting have become popular and have been competing for many years. More pioneering new theme transfer.

That\'s how the gaming market is going.

Combined with the many advantages of moba games, such as the high level of competition, the rich content of multiplayer cooperation against a single game, etc., the new generation of people is obviously universal to games with more diverse gameplay.

In this way, lol is a representative of catering to the needs of players in the new era.

Of course, this is also the right way for the development team of Riot Games, and the competition has emerged through normal channels. In this regard, knowing that the game can be accepted by players, but the really thriving performance also makes our big director Lai Lai Comrade Man smiled.

His expectations for lol are not only to achieve success in the game market, after all, lol can become a high value-added ip sequence set chain, which can fully afford more business development options.

Therefore, in the next stage of reviewing opinions, the agents and Riot executives made it clear that the difficulty of getting started is further reduced, the cooperation of hero selection and the enrichment of the game by route allocation are actually taking care of the player group and attracting players to settle down. Actions will become points that need to be optimized for version updates.

In addition, it is a further exploration of the competition system.

After this case was brought up for discussion, Lehmann also mentioned about the live broadcast platform. He knew that the live broadcast field would be one of the industries that would be catalyzed in line with the 4G era, but he only mentioned it, and even he only The executives of Red Dragonfly were instructed to pay attention to entering the live broadcast platform, such as buying a 5% stake in the mouse platform twitch for a small amount of money, without the power of the board of directors to vote and manage.

No way, the core of Mann Group\'s main business is always the hierarchical mining of content, and even games are only a sub-business of dim sum, which is a supplement to the culture of film and television dramas, and it is impossible to vigorously develop the live broadcast business.

Furthermore, the live broadcast field is in great need of capital, and the group does not have so much cash to bet on, and a ticket is enough.

In terms of investment, Lehman has always appreciated Penguin\'s tentative gameplay, and he does not want the too scattered industrial operations to become a burden on the core of the main business.

How many groups have been dragged down by the bloated industrial business, this point also needs to be alerted, not to spend arbitrarily because of the rich cash flow brought by Marvel and other businesses, but to pay more attention to content-level management, eat more with one fish, etc. In-depth cultivation of high value-added industrial chain.

Of course, the event system is a means of cultivating the added value of lol. Therefore, in the subsequent global finals, Lehmann not only proposed a limit on the number of places in the competition area, but also planned to expand the prize pool and increase the scope of event services simultaneously.

For example, this time, many players have raised a series of small troubles such as visas and round-trip air tickets. It is worth summarizing the experience of the Red Dragonfly service team and improving them.

However, in terms of the bonus pool, although the agents in each competition area also recognize the use of high bonuses to win players to the club\'s management, continue to optimize the game, expand publicity stunts, and cultivate players\' sense of honor for lol events, but Penguin also I think there should be a transitional increase in the prize pool, rather than a one-step increase.

What they mean is that if the peak number of online users in the world is only 50 million, and the prize money is so high, how much money should be spent as the goal of the competition when the number of online users in the world exceeds 100 million or 200 million in the future——

It can’t be that the bonuses of the finals in the subsequent sessions are not as good as the first session, but if they are to exceed, it is necessary to leave room for expansion, otherwise it will easily damage everyone’s interests and be detrimental to competition stability. The spring and summer championship prize pools in each region will also be raised accordingly, which also requires a lot of considerations...

This proposal can be said to be painstaking, and since the Penguins have such a thoughtful opinion, Lehman is not a domineering president who does not take care of agents in order to expand his influence, so after some room for discussion, he will put the prize pool of the finals. On top of the 20 million US dollars and the 20% share of the champion skin area, the 20 million US dollars prize pool is also a high-spec expense, and there is no need to worry about attracting excellent players to join.

Applause sounded.

All the interested parties smiled and were satisfied with the communication of such a meeting.

The profit of the game is really huge. For example, in Southeast Asia, it is estimated that the net profit in the first half of 2012 will be 7 million US dollars.

And as the team behind all of this, Fist only relies on agent commissions and skins to buy and sell long-lasting player fees, and is confident that it will triple this year, with a net profit of more than 50 million, and the agency contract in hand will be renewed in the future. A round of negotiation is even more valuable.

It\'s a pity that the original development minds of Riot have only a small shareholding ratio. Penguin and Red Dragonfly, as the first and second largest shareholders, have no idea to ring the bell on Nasdaq. Otherwise, based on this performance, the stock market also contains a lot of Chance.

Of course, although there is this regret, they are already very satisfied. Without the vigorous support of red dragonflies and penguins, lol would not have such a high-profile appearance.

For the middle-level staff management and character designers of Riot Games, the company is rewarded for making money, including Penguin and Red Dragonfly. Increase the employee\'s sense of belonging to the company.

It can be said that relying on the explosive game lol, the core team of the game can make dozens of millionaires.

This is really a good time. The diversification of the means of creating wealth also means the diversification of the means of exploitation.

"I believe that the success of the past few days is just the beginning of this game. In the future, there must be a brighter future waiting for us."

In the end, as a shareholder representative, Lehman also made some inspiring words. When he said this, he paused and looked around the audience to see everyone\'s expressions.

All the agents are carefully calculating their respective bills, which shows that they have planned to increase the amount of money in exchange for a better return.

After all, the playability of the game is important, but without the support of these people, it would be vain to have no way to enter and operate in the huge global market.

"A new and promising business sector is in front of you.

In the past five years, the total audience of online games has been less than 100 million. What about now? It is a young and middle-aged market that caters to the spiritual needs brought about by technological progress and has a billion-plus young and middle-aged market that accompanies the Internet age. These people are accustomed to the Internet and enjoy the Internet, and their desire to seek will never be satisfied.

Therefore, we don\'t need to regard other peers or other popular PC games as our opponents, staring at others viciously, we just need to dig and serve with heart, and pry a small piece of cake in front of the huge base. A very small group will be a strong profit growth point in the face of a huge total amount.

We should not only focus on the most direct sales source of the game, and design some event plans in order to better sell skins.

This method of making money is repeated by too many peers, and it is easiest to use the temporary hotness to quickly realize the life of the game.

Of course, making a profit is a very basic pursuit of doing business. I\'m not saying that the realization is not good, but the planned input and output, and the purposeful operation to deepen the players\' dependence on our game and their goodwill will make more money. While making more profits, you can win word of mouth and shape your feelings.

I think, some people will ask, what is the use of feelings and the favor of players?

There are so many benefits that I can\'t finish it in a day or two. "

Everywhere, the agents laughed out loud.

"No kidding. Many of you here are more experienced and knowledgeable in game management than me and my team. Standing to make money and let players have a reputation, everyone wants to do it, not far from it. Said, Blizzard\'s status and industry achievements have always been a benchmark, I really hope that lol can reach the height of some of their classic games.

Of course, we should also recognize some existing problems, such as expanding profits and pursuing new heights of profits while making players willing to pay the bills. It is actually difficult to coordinate between the two. In contrast, making quick money and accumulating quickly Capital to open up the next project growth point is the mainstream in the industry. I’m going to slow down now. It seems silly to take out a part or even a large part of the profit for the goodwill of the business, but I really do it for the career height of this game. And work hard.

We can\'t look at a big business that has the potential to make tens of billions of related chains, but set the target at the height of one billion, which is a huge waste of the work of Riot Studio and an insult. "The fist executives who came to the meeting looked at Lehmann with a different look: he is serious about our business.

"So, outside of the event, we should also make a difference in the background and hero culture of this game.

You know, I\'m a director, and I habitually use many means to immerse the audience into the world of a certain story.

If you know a little more about my company, you\'ll also know that the franchise we are most proud of today is Marvel...

What I mean is, why not try to make lol into a well-conceived fantasy world like dc and surprise, and rely on players\' spontaneous favorable impression of the corresponding culture to create a richer and more purposeful industrial interaction rich in nature Daip.com, I hope you can cooperate with Riot\'s work in this area to promote appropriate efforts. This is not only to help me or one or two companies, but a kind of endowment to culture, making it more vital and no longer thin. . This is also about whether the chips in your hands can be assigned more..."

Some people in the audience withdrew their complicated eyes and applauded softly.

Everyone applauds Lehmann, who has made such a big career, but also falls for him or his vision of the height of the lol. It is hard not to admire such a high-rise building at the level of the market.

They also all know why the projects developed by Mann Media have repeatedly created miracles. Even if they don\'t know much about film and television entertainment, they can see the great help of Lehman and other helmsmen to the group only from the misty guidance.

Of course, it is not easy to build a high value-added cultural IP from scratch. The four major domestic classics, such as DC, Surprise, Mickey Mouse and other cultures, have not experienced the precipitation of time, and have accumulated from generation to generation. well-known.

Fortunately, the Internet age has improved people\'s access to information. Living in an era of knowledge explosion, the most important thing is efficient communication channels, so this assignment plan does not seem so crazy.

As early as the beginning of the acquisition of Riot Studio, Lehmann intended to set up a separate department to sort out, explore, excavate, and build such a story world around the Valoran continent. The biggest role of this work until now is nothing more than giving some characters. Designers provide inspirational directions to help them make more distinctive character settings.

Lehman knows that he is no more ingenious than some designers, and that the formulation of the MCU is based on the vision established by the existing analysis of the previous life, but he has set the tone with the talented partner Kevin over the years. At the same time, he also cultivated a lot of sense of smell in this area, especially the use of Namor\'s wider layout of the civil war event, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a chess player.

Therefore, he often uses emails to put forward many imaginative but completely logical ideas to be handled by the general design team of the League of Legends background of the fist.

You must know that Fist has eaten a lot of books in this regard. At the beginning, the foreshadowing of the faction and forces was often self-contradictory. With Laiman, a bystander designer who helped from time to time, it was a lot easier and more rigorous.

"Could it be that you still have plans to shoot related film and television dramas?"

After the meeting, Penguin\'s executives were very surprised by their speculations, and they hurriedly found Layman to inquire.

He was thinking about how lucrative Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy would be... well, Final Fantasy would be fine.

But who is Lyman?

The most dazzling director in the 21st century has a lot of talent under his command. If he proposes to make film and television adaptations, the top management of Penguin must respect his intentions.

"Perhaps, one of the ultimate goals of increasing influence is to adapt it into a series of complementary film and television content such as comics, animations, and movies. It is also the most guaranteed new source of profit for so many investments, but now, in fact, we cannot give accurate information. The answer, because it still needs time to grow~www.novelhall.com~ The answer to this question is Virginio Reynolds, the general manager of the Red Dragonfly, he is the first person to know the boss\'s ambitions for lol.

He handed a few copies of the just-printed charts to Penguin executives, and then said eloquently: "As we all know, film and television adaptation needs the most cultural identity that can match its influence, and now it is just a budding moba game. , the player\'s demand for it is still only the most basic competitive satisfaction. It is nothing more than a tool to decompress and kill time. This tool is not more popular than other choices, and there is no identity status.

Therefore, rather than considering film and television adaptations that are still far away, it is better for the two of us to create a suitable market first, until the people have enough strong approval to play, and if everything goes well, there are conditions for the development of many things. "

Penguins who are painted pancakes are easily tempted.

No way, this is a very bright and suitable direction for efforts, and for a game, film and television adaptation can effectively enhance the life cycle of the game.

In other words, it\'s a long-term profitable business.

What\'s more, there are many successful examples there, such as "Resident Evil", now one can earn tens of millions just by box office, which makes the setting of this single-player masterpiece even more out of the circle, and the reciprocating cycle rises, this is still a single-player , If the League of Legends can do the same, it does not mean that the existing 7 or 80 heroic characters have a good adaptation carrier.

Thinking of this, the representatives of the game department went to report the news to the top management of the Penguin Group overnight. They can\'t be the master of such a big thing.

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