Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1173: blow, blow, blow

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January 1, 2012.

Mann Media ranks third in the North American film label market share rankings with a cumulative box office share of as much as 4 billion, slightly behind Paramount and Warner.

If you break down the items: "Super Body" 463 million (cost 40 million, nearly 5.1 times the return);

"Thor 2" 644 million (cost 170 million, nearly 1.4 times the profit margin);

"American Team 2" 714 million (cost 170 million, rate of return 2.1);

"Spartan 2" 345 million (the cost is 90 million, the box office is almost the same as the cost, and the small profit is 14 million);

"Twilight: The End" 829 million (cost 120 million, return 3.8);

"Tsunami Miracle" 198 million (cost 45 million, small profit 16 million);

"Otaku Jeff" 4.7 million (cost 12 million, loss 10 million);

"Beautiful Mistake" is temporarily 2 million (cost 15 million);

"Latent" 99.57 million (cost 11 million, 4.2 times return);

"Guardians of the Galaxy" is temporarily 450 million (cost 170 million), and some non-self-produced films contracted and distributed by Blue Butterfly are included, and the total amount is close to 4 billion.


Look at the distribution of the list again -

1 Paramount 5.4665 billion masterpiece "Transformers 3" 1.1238 billion

2 Warner\'s 4.5391 billion masterpiece "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II" 1.34 billion

3 Mann Media\'s 4.0212 billion masterpiece "Captain America 2" 714 million

4 Disney\'s 3.1667 billion masterpiece "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" 1.045 billion

5 Fox 2.5475 billion masterpiece "Rio Adventure" 486 million

6 Sony 2.3762 billion masterpiece "The Smurfs" 563 million

7 Universal 2.2287 billion masterpiece "Fast and Furious 5" 626 million

8 Lionsgate 1.0475 billion masterpiece "Mada\'s Happy Family" 77 million


Undoubtedly, it can be seen from the above data that the North American film makers in 2011 handed over a beautiful report card for the market, and the small decline in 2009 and 2010 did not have much impact on theatrical films. blow.

On the whole, not only did the total box office for the whole year increase by 20% from the 10.888 billion US dollars in 2010, and ended with 12.9 billion US dollars, the outbreak of overseas markets, especially the mainland, also gained 8% of the market expansion.

The good news continues, and for major manufacturers such as Disney, Warner Bros., Universal, Sony, and Paramount, their top 8 brands have contributed $27.7696 billion to the market, only counting North America. The market also accounted for about 77 percent of the total North American box office.

Among them, the only one who is unhappy may be Universal. They have hardly improved. Last year, they ranked 5th, and this year they have dropped by two, and the cumulative share is also less;

The happiest is Paramount, they have been in the top three for three consecutive years, and the new management team has led the company to thriving;

The most gratifying thing should be Warner. They finally got rid of the 10-year stride and returned to the second place. They once again showed the world that their production and sales business is powerful. After a little relaxation, they will be Guanya immediately;

Sony is a little embarrassed. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the little spider is gone. Their business has shrunk dramatically, and they have become the last-to-last label. After all these years, they still haven\'t launched a second one that can take over the market. The gold-absorbing series;

As for Fox, everyone knows that they have recovered from the scandal, and the parent company\'s resource investment has returned to the past. It is their strength to be ranked in the middle all the year round. Lionsgate has digested the acquisition of Summit Entertainment and quickly integrated it. Resources have rushed into the 1 billion threshold, which is very gratifying for them.

Of course, as soon as these reports came out, the audience didn\'t care. Whoever made the film was their choice. Only the voices of discussion about Firefly and Marvel, the two major production labels under Mann Media, rose again.

In fact, this is indeed the case. If in 2009, the threshold of 1 billion was just stabilized, and in 10 years because other peers were not doing enough, it was the first time to become the first in business, then by the beginning of 2012, no one doubted that the production and sales of Mann Media would not keep up. .

There may still be a fluke factor in one or two years, but the steady growth every year for three consecutive years is not a matter of luck. Besides, besides Marvel, Mann Media’s original projects have not been stretched, it is a solid grasp live in the market.

According to a survey on brand satisfaction reprinted by The New York Times, after Marvel overwhelmed the big and small filmmakers and stabilized the first place, Firefly also ranked third, only after Paramount, its public opinion environment is already very good. explain the problem.

For Lehmann, the arrival of the new year did not have much impact on his life.

He is still editing the film, and occasionally pays attention to the projects that have not yet been painted and the promotion of Amber\'s online activities. Except for the report, other partners and those in the circle of acquaintances such as actors and directors have been reporting good news to him, and nothing else.

The company has spent the end of the year very lively, the performance has increased, and the bonus is more generous than last year. Everything is so orderly. Besides, many production plans for the new year are already in progress, so I don’t worry about it being unsustainable. , a sudden decline.

editing room.

Lyman, who had completed the re-cut of "Big Shot", had just told Thomas about his thoughts on inserting a few shots, when Edward Wifred, the managing director of the Red Shirts, called in, "Chairman, after communication, Google Ventures ( Google’s venture capital business unit, which was established in 2009, intends to follow suit and should hopefully be implemented.”

"Isn\'t Google\'s YouTube launched a long video business?" Lehmann almost wanted to ask if this was not a capital enemy.

The red shirts entered the stadium. They had to help solve the problem of traffic ports. This was communicated earlier. Of course, Lehman had no opinion.

But in his opinion, Yahoo, Apple, including Microsoft, and Facebook are more interested than Google. Although the main business of YouTube has a low degree of overlap with Amber, after all, the business also overlaps.

"Have you explained the requirements to the other party in detail? The follow-up equity financing will give priority to the help of resources. Are you sure that a venture capital department can handle Google\'s convenience in the engine search business for Amber?"

"This is not a problem, Chairman. Google\'s business structure is a three-tier system, and its powers are relatively clear. What\'s more, venture capital is not involved with the YouTube subsidiary. If you only talk about such a little competition, Google\'s database is open to all Internet companies. , A little port access is a trivial matter for them."

Edward only disclosed the relevant process in advance. After speaking, the other party congratulated: "Congratulations to your film and television business box office success."

The phone hung up, and Lehman muttered: "What a person, congratulations to me."

As a sincere person, Thomas is not used to such Versailles words. "Who keeps those financial magazines discussing? At the beginning of each year, when they hit KPIs, they should always appear to be very discerning and judgmental."

"Anyway, I feel that it\'s a bit too much, and it\'s about to blow the company\'s performance to the sky. At that time, if the business declines, the first group to jump out and step on it will definitely be this group of people. They always talk with the wind."

The words are not rude.

There are achievements, but no one is allowed to brag about it.

The audience loves it, the related columns have gained hits, the company\'s image has also grown, and no one has lost.

Besides, those people can really speak-

"Since the genius took over Marvel and opened a new chapter with an "Iron Man", many people have been waiting to see the joke he took over the mess and opened the newspapers in 2008. There are not many such reports, but Until now, the value of the Marvel brand is close to 10 billion, and the project development has become mature and stable. This small town director from Cannes, one of the regions with the most intense film atmosphere in Europe, may continue to continue a stage that belongs to him. ."


Warner Studios.

A brightly lit room filled with warmth.

On the front, two cameras are placed on both sides at a 45-degree angle.

Director Jack Shlain stared at the scene.

Behind the shooting scene, other crews were also busy with their own shooting, which was a little too lively.

But there is no way, the studio set is not good, but the advantage is that it saves money. Warner provides the corresponding facilities, and there is no need to disassemble and transport it everywhere. For most works that are not guaranteed, Warner Studio is them. the best choice.

As for the shooting scene of the script called "Robot and Black", the scene is coming to an end.


With the director nodding in satisfaction, an assistant hurried in and pulled Liv Tyler.

"Is something wrong?"

In such a hurry, Liv asked while changing out of her costume.

"The agent said that Marvel has already decided on the crew, and he asked me to pick you up."

"New play?"

"Well, you forgot, The Incredible Hulk?"

After being reminded, Liv-Taylor frowned first, then suddenly, but not very happy, "It\'s nothing more than a vase."

"Uh, do they pay generously? Not to mention that the first film was good at the box office. If you look at the sequels of the other films, it is very likely that it will break 600 million worldwide and refresh your personal record. This is a very meaningful thing."

Seeing such an impoverished independent film crew, the assistant smirked and said something nice.

What kind of character this person is in front of him is always very clear to those around him.

From The Lord of the Rings to the popularity of "Princess Elf", several dramas have developed smoothly, but they always play tickets and like to participate in those small productions.

As a leading second-generation Hollywood star in the 1980s, the biological daughter of Steve Taylor, the lead singer of the old-school world-class rock band "Led Zeppelin", she lives in Hollywood, the Vanity Fair, and has basically followed the same batch since her debut. Gwyneth - Paltrow, Drew - Barrymore and other background players side by side.

It\'s just that compared to the above two, her works are the least, and she always takes the film when she is interested.

"It\'s not that I don\'t act, the contract is signed. Take me there."

Stretching her trousers, Liv Tyler bored out of the changing room and got into the assistant\'s car.

The two then went to Mark Ruffalo\'s house.

Her agent has been here for a while and is having a good time with Mark\'s agent.

Its topics are nothing more than remuneration and crew conditions and the operation of subsequent images.

You must know that a masterpiece of the A category has a lot of things that can be used, not to mention that the Hulk\'s audience is not bad. Yes, no conflict.



After sitting for a while, Liv saw Mark Ruffalo appear.

If she\'s just playing tickets, she doesn\'t care that much about whether she\'s popular or not... Then for Liv\'s manager, this one is too lucky.

The male protagonist of the first-line series of single works, and the role of the Fulian money printing machine, has rapidly become popular, and his net worth has been rising, and he is not worried about the sudden drop in the popularity... Who makes Marvel so stable, and there is no loss at all. It\'s possible, even Star-Lord can be popular, but it can\'t be that the audience of Dr. Banner\'s single-line sequel will not buy it.

The most important thing is that people have momentum, but their own little princess can\'t be urged.

Alas, what a pity...

"Liv, you are here."

Mark didn\'t care about the eagerness in the eyes of others, or he was gradually getting used to being no longer the third-rate actor he used to be, and greeted his screen heroine enthusiastically.

His agent also coughed lightly, slammed his foot and planned to increase the price of PY bundling, and lined up with Hemsworth and Evans\' allies who were worth participating in the show, and waved, "Mark, are you finished?"

"Oh oh oh~"

The other party came back to his senses, stood up and politely, and the topic of the two was no longer full of money calculations.

In fact, it\'s nothing.

As evidenced by the market, although the most accurate sales data cannot be obtained from Universal, but from the information collected from other channels, the image value of the Hulk is not low. There is a reason to unify the camp in advance, so as to negotiate the price with the film dealer.

According to the meaning of the two people in advance, Marvel is making so much money, and it is basically not excessive to ask for 20 million based on the number of scenes, and it is in the category that the film maker can agree to. Well, 20 million is only the basic salary, and the dividends are also not less.

"I just came back from the set, and the first half of the schedule is vacant."

Mark Ruffalo first knew that his character sequel was going to be filmed before Liv Taylor. After all, he got the information directly from Kevin, and later he was busy with his own affairs.

As one of Marvel\'s facades, Mark naturally has no shortage of film appointments. Of course, all priorities must be ranked after the Marvel project. This is just like Downey also learned that "Iron Man 3" will not start until early 12 years. It is also the same as decisively picking up two dramas. Several people who have become popular with Marvel have their own opportunities.

Hollywood, after all, is a place that values ​​popularity and interests. It is easy to be chased, and even easier to be left out.

And Mark explained a little about the reason for his lateness, and when the agents of the two parties took the initiative to help bring the relationship closer, the two who had not cooperated for three years gradually became acquainted with each other.

During the conversation, wait until a few people go to the Firefly Building.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I met a tall, burly man.

It is the king of horses and king of the sea, Jason Momoa.

As new characters who are about to appear in this play, several people are also cooperative.

"Hello, hello..."

With the reminder of his agent, Jason Momoa touched his thick black hair~www.novelhall.com~ a little embarrassed to promote himself.

"Are you also a cast member?"

"Yeah, Mr. Kevin told me to come." He was a little stunned when he saw several big stars. "I just finished filming the TV series, and he asked me if I had a schedule. Of course I didn\'t refuse, and then I came in."

"It seems that we will have to cooperate more in the future."

Ruffalo\'s agent looked at the 1.9-meter strong man and shook hands with the other\'s agent.

"Go ahead."

"Yes, yes. I\'ll lead you there, right in front." Jason Momoa patted his head suddenly.

In the conference room on the 5th floor, a few people gathered together, and they didn\'t get to know each other for a day or two. After the courtesy, they waited quietly...

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