Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1172: Matching "Game of Thrones" campaign strategy

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In the Internet age, it is almost impossible to turn a movie that is considered "boring" by the audience, unlike in the past when the reckless or the film review paper media controlled the media and could block news.

There are many people talking, and some still watch the movie and post their ticket stubs. Once some comments are quite common, the credibility of public trust is stronger under the radiation effect of the Internet window. The predicament of "Ding Ding" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" rely on unknown This is the case for the adaptation of famous characters, and the box office curve tends to exceed that of Iron Man, Captain America and other character projects.

The media has always had no lower limit, not to mention that many newspapers and magazines have opened corresponding businesses on the Internet.

For a while, in addition to professional word of mouth, the public opinion in other aspects of "Ding Ding" seemed to think that it was lost.

However, from another perspective, the rise of self-media is of great benefit to those newcomers in the industry.

In the past, everyone watched a movie by watching the cast. Whoever you invited, whoever I invited, those small productions received little attention.

But the current situation is that people are more willing to analyze what a drama can watch. As long as the drama meets the needs of a certain type of audience, it can have some influence by relying on the voices of a small range of people, not just a theme Qualified as a regular 7-day trip to the cinema or something.

To put it bluntly, if Nolan\'s directorial career is the beginning of the 10-year Facebook and Twitter era, his first-girl feature film "Memento" will not be because he can\'t afford a star, There was no publicity fee, it was released in a hurry, and it was not popular until later.

In this era when there is a large number of people participating in the voice, the energy of individual public opinion is actually amplified, and it is not as difficult to form a scale as everyone thinks.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, but a "bad movie" must be universally bad. The audience doesn\'t need to know how bad a bad film is. They only need to know that there is such a label to dispel them. the idea of ​​watching movies and save them money.

That\'s what Tintin is.

It seems that the degree of discussion is not low, but the number of people who spend money to watch it has not increased.

Seven days in the next week, the box office revenue of less than 17 million has basically maintained the situation of a small number of audiences entering the venue, but for Lehmann, such performance may still exist in Spielberg’s filters or People who rarely go online come in to support it.

However, the number of netizens is increasing every year, and the feedback that works like "Ding Ding" can get in the future will only get worse.


Of course, those who do this industry must always understand the changes in the environment in this industry. Liam said truthfully: "Our online publicity department is already very solid, but if this kind of thing happens, there seems to be nothing to do."

"The audience\'s reputation is not good, and blindly throwing money to guide will not be effective. You see Paramount, you are just sitting and watching the failure in the Tintin market, the only direction to work hard is to control the professional reputation and try to work hard for the Oscars. The best animation gimmicks and long-term releases can save some money.”

"Paramount has made the right move...Ding Ding lacks a label with a breaking point. If he can win a significant prize, it can change some people\'s views."

As a publisher, Paramount is still calm enough to give up the idea of ​​going against public opinion and contrarian propaganda, focusing on public relations for the votes of the major film critics\' unions.

"But it\'s also very difficult. There are a lot of excellent works such as "Cars 2", "Rango" and "Kung Fu Panda 2" that can compete with them this year. Tintin\'s PR is not very likely to win."

"It\'s not big, it\'s not big, we just need to keep an eye on it, just to learn about their public relations methods. I\'ll go first, you\'re busy with yours."

Today, Amber is cooperating with the promotion of "Game of Thrones". A series of preparations have been made, and the only thing left is to stir up the momentum.

"Boss, this is our planning copy and discount activities that match the launch plan..."

Promote its ace masterpiece, the higher the profile, the better.

Bryan not only negotiated with several big advertising windows, such as Yahoo\'s hot search, Facebook, Twitter and other blogger companies behind self-media platforms to discuss the corresponding announcements and reposts, but also jointly with the "Game of Thrones" publishing house. The book promotion activity and the limited-time membership discount of the website app itself, aside from other things, if you only invest in this part, the publicity and distribution funds will not be less than 40 million.

For a "net drama", the 40 million publicity expenditure is also unique, but whoever made "Game of Thrones" have already spent 100 million filming expenses, becoming Hollywood\'s first-ever Western fantasy masterpiece, so the publicity treatment is nothing more than a match On its worth, it makes it more "meaningful" and full of gimmicks.

After all, does the public opinion environment matter?

The loyal customer groups such as Western fantasy fans and original book fans will not talk about it. They have a high interest in paving the way a long time ago. These methods are more used to attract those non-label groups and convert them into Amber platform users.

For example, continue to guide the traditional TV groups.

This is the current situation. The simultaneous screening of "Game of Thrones" is no longer possible under the increasingly opposing old and new windows. This has caused Lehmann to lose a lot of money and can only deepen the vertical guidance.

He knows that even if there are book fans who really want to watch dramas, there must be a large number of people who are used to using set-top boxes instead of PC, X-box, mobile and other channels. Tradition is tradition, and it is not just one or two emerging technologies. Can quickly change people\'s living habits.

Therefore, in order to attract these users, the advertisements on Amber\'s official download website are also pushed together, and together with the time-limited price reduction for users who have opened or renewed users, the existence of such a welfare activity is bound to arouse the desire of many people to pay.

No way, capitalist.

The launch of "Game of Thrones" is not too different from the launch routine of Marvel movies, and neither can be free, but learn from the domestic video ecology, show users an episode first, use the quality to arouse their appetite, and "guide" They had to pay $4.72 for a one-month membership in order to watch the drama. The half-year package and discounts are only $27.9, and the annual membership is even better. For $63.72, you can enjoy Amber\'s membership environment policy.

Well, the price is reduced, the longer the renewal, the cheaper it will be. Once it is activated, you can enjoy 4080P, one-season full viewing, and local cache, isn\'t it a good deal?

"I lost, you earned." Lyman JPG.

What\'s more, this trick is tried and tested and definitely works.

The public will spontaneously compare the price range. The time-limited discount routines are playing from supermarkets to the mobile phone industry. It can really stimulate the public\'s desire to buy. Coupled with the promotion of this new wave of dramas, it is the only way to harvest wallets. Routines, the reason why "Thor 2" is not used when it goes online is also because "Thor 2" has made a lot of money in the hospital. It is too ugly to eat like this, and users will have resistance.

But if it costs a lot of money, be sure to emphasize how much it cost for a self-made new drama, which can only be seen on the Amber platform, and the only choice, and then pay for the content, how can there be any dissatisfaction, not yet They are all screaming.

HBO wants to launch new dramas, can you watch it without paying? Aren\'t they all the same?

Paying money from the counterparty and making users satisfied and willing to pay is the reason for so many preparations. The image of the platform still has to be maintained. You can’t learn from PXX and talk about the truth.

Moreover, in the United States, paying for content copyrights has a friendly environment. For example, Stan Lee can easily become a multi-millionaire by relying on Marvel copyrights. He lays down and counts money every year. In the commanding heights of misappropriation, it is reasonable and the people should.

You need to spend money if you want to see it, and Amber is not pitiful. With a discount of 4.7, it is very cheap, especially compared to Netflix, there is such an example of wanting to increase the price as an example, it is not that Amber is more for the sake of users.

This is the benefit of another layer: to beat the opponent, to seize the market.

Everyone is doing streaming media, and the average audience can accept a little advertisement insertion. With such an extra layer of e-commerce business as a supplement, it will always cost less than Netflix. It can reduce fees and play the price difference.

This is also one of the few places where Amber\'s experience is superior to Netflix, and you can naturally take advantage of this.

Of course, this series of market-oriented activities is the result of consulting a lot of marketing talents.

In the past week, Amber has held meetings every day, so that the "Game of Thrones" drainage can achieve the expected goal of everyone: at least bring 1 million new members to Amber, otherwise I will be sorry for the cost of 100 million.

It doesn\'t matter if the investment can\'t have a positive effect, but in terms of capital prospects, Amber\'s worth must be inflated. After the red shirt was involved in this matter, they were naturally very concerned.

Telling stories, no one can take advantage of it better than VCs. They can enter at a premium, aren’t they optimistic about the performance of “Game of Thrones” and feel that there is room for manipulation.

They are also very supportive of Amber throwing money, the whole wave is big, it is best to establish Amber\'s platform image.

In this regard, they also initially got Apple and asked them to help give a good recommendation position in the app store. This is the advantage of having upper-level relationships. If Lehman is asked to talk, they still don’t know how to perfunctory.

Don\'t underestimate a recommendation window. Anyone who knows it knows that this is a diversion for more than 50 million closed-loop users of Apple products. Compared with Amber, which has less than 5 million loyal users, one can imagine how much effect it can have.


Just when the promotion plan was finalized, Lehmann began to concentrate on the editing of "Big Shot".

The first is that the Amber platform has displayed the title of discount in its homepage recommendation column, that is, in order to cooperate with the launch of "Game of Thrones" during the period from late February to early April, how much is the registration fee or the renewal amount for old users reduced? What? What kind of preferential subsidies are full of words.

In another five years, all kinds of users will be quite immune to various methods such as app drainage, red envelopes or subsidies, etc., but the same way.

Every user who places an order and buys things on it seems to have various reductions and exemptions, but they are complained by netizens, saying that the coupons they grab are generally things that have nothing to do with their own life, garbage activities and other evaluations, such as Any 5,000 yuan coupon for a limited-edition luxury car has become a joke.

However, at this time, there are not many online promotion activities and behaviors with substantial profits, and users have a high degree of acceptance of such activities.

Therefore, when these slogans are typed, the attraction to the old users is inexhaustible, and it really greatly stimulates the loyalty of the original customer base and spreads out.

During the few days Lehman stayed in the editing room, the data of the promotion point made him feel good, not to mention how happy Ron and other technical team were when he saw the increase in the number of visits.

As I said before, it is very irrational for Netflix to raise prices rashly, and the loss of image they paid while learning to behave has not been reversed up to now——

On December 28, 2011, the results of the US consumer satisfaction survey released by the consumer experience research company ForeSee showed that the e-commerce giant Amazon replaced the online content provider Netflix in the first place.

This is the second time Amazon has won this honor since 2010.

In the past four years, even Facebook\'s rapid growth has not threatened Amazon and Netflix as the top contenders on the list. Previously, Netflix has been rated as the most satisfying website for customer experience for three consecutive years. But in this year\'s opinion polls, the gap suddenly widened.

In the survey of 8,500 senior Internet users, Amazon scored 88 out of 100, while Netflix dropped from 91 to 79.

Larry Fried, the CEO of the investigation agency, also said that in September, Netflix\'s misjudgment of its customers\' expectations caused the decline in perception, not the app itself.

It is also in this context that Amber, who has already enjoyed the public opinion benefits of other competitors due to the lack of prestige of the leader, has a very good drainage effect before the launch of such a huge wave of resource promotion.

In less than three days, more than 10,000 registered users have been added to the background statistics, and these users are gradually improving their various information, and their long-term use intentions are quite clear.

Even the management directors of Red Shirt are very satisfied with this efficiency. If they can maintain this growth momentum in the month before the launch, they can almost attract more than 100,000 registrations. With this data, they can also be in the "circle". "Nei" works well and blows it.

Even at this moment ~www.novelhall.com~ no one really believes that a masterpiece of over 100 million can make money without relying on TV channels. In the eyes of the red shirt, who is considering the loss, he hopes to use this large-scale self-made drama to make other peers. They are all optimistic about the future growth of Amber, then with the support of certain data, there is a basis for painting cakes.

Or it can\'t be said to be a cake, but to let some people know that Amber has the potential to "divide the world" with Netflix, and is a strong competitor in the streaming media field that cannot be ignored. Additional promising options.

Of course, Amber\'s liveliness, Netflix people didn\'t want to pay attention, but also noticed.

But still the same sentence, Netflix is ​​reluctant to pay for the 3,000 movies to rise to 300 million 4 years, how can it be possible to see the "big money" of its peers, and I am very moved.

With such a little traffic, compare those investments, haha. Netflix executives also think that Amber made an irrational decision because he wanted to narrow the gap too much, which is quite a joke...

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