Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 117: Love the new and hate the old

"When I used to watch the moon with me, I was called Xiao Tiantian, but now the new people are better than the old people, and they are called Mrs. Niu."

In this sentence, what Princess Tie Fan said to Sun Wukong in "Journey to the West" is a very vivid description of today\'s movie market.

With the release of the last commercial blockbuster "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", it also means that the 2002 Christmas box office battle has come to an end.

This sequel, coupled with Tolkien\'s accumulated book lovers, replaced "Fury" and "007: Die Another Day" as soon as it was released and became the target of the vast media and audience markets.

People are always fond of the new and dislike the old, as are news hotspots. Keeping up with the trend is the key.

Lehmann also understood and agreed.

Just like "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", which was first drawn some time ago, the popularity at that time was no less than that of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring".

But after two weeks, "Fury" and "007: Die Another Day" entered the market, and took its box office daily crown, and the attention was immediately reduced.

If you wait until this time, no one will care about it.

And the market has indeed lived up to this magical wave of propaganda. "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" opened in 3,622 theaters, and the box office was 61.02 million US dollars.

Yes, the market performance is more than the achievements of "Fury" and "007: Die Another Day" combined at the time.

However, it did not break any film history records.

The current record holder for the highest single-day box office in the North American market is Columbia Pictures\' Spider-Man 1.

Well, it broke 100 million in two days.

The good results of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" naturally ushered in a new round of media carnival. Anyway, no matter who can win the market, they will always be happy.

Then, unsurprisingly, film critics also began to praise the film, chasing after director Peter Jackson, and hailing him as "the first man in the magical epic".

In the mouths of the media, this movie is the best blockbuster of the year this year.

On the second day of its release, it continued to win 57.34 million US dollars. At this time, "Fury" could only maintain a single-day box office of 3.24 million US dollars, and it was decreasing a little every day.

However, fortunately, the decline in the film market is relatively stable, and it can still survive for a while. However, "007: Die Another Day" was beaten by this combination, and the box office fell to more than 2 million, and the downward trend is still very high. Quick, presumably, it will be abandoned by the theater party in a week or two.


Lyman has been very busy recently.

Because he has become a sweet pastry in the eyes of others, everyone wants to get close.

Of course, this performance does not reflect the media or the outside world. They have long since left him behind along with his work "Fury". What is popular is in the industry and the North American film production and distribution circle.

He himself can feel that his status has changed, because more and more people call him to invite him recently, and they are all hard to refuse.

I don\'t know which one it was, and leaked his private phone number.

As a result, all kinds of inexplicable invitations can find him.

Paramount Pictures opened a new studio and invited him to visit and hold a celebratory reception, and he always agreed; CAA\'s Brian Lord\'s youngest daughter\'s birthday personally called and invited him to a private party, and he always Be there...and a bunch of investment firms waving their checks to invest in his new movies, a lot of unknown entertainers who somehow got his contacts, all kinds of compliments, touts, flattery and Sex/suggestions, make him really overwhelmed...  

In the past, when "Three idiots making trouble in Bollywood" was well-received, he was also relatively popular, but it wasn\'t like he is now.

Originally, I wanted to take a good rest for a while after the release of "Fury" stabilized, but then, how can there be time?

So, who the **** leaked my phone number? who is it?

In fact, he also vaguely knew the reason for this change. The bottom line was that he had just started filming two very small themes. People thought he was that kind of director with a literary and artistic orientation. The ability is more recognized, but it is not too serious.

After all, in the field of literature and art, no matter how noisy it is, the market\'s acceptance will not be too high. Maybe some fans will like it very much, but from the perspective of the entire public base, that\'s the same thing.

But now, with a furious victory, "Furious" has shown a different Lehmann. Unexpectedly, it is still the one with two blossoms and a wide range of shooting subjects, which can be used in both business and art.

Naturally, the attitude was different.

Many producers and producers approached him with scripts and cheques, saying that you can shoot, and investment is not a problem.

"...As long as you come to be the director and you are not satisfied with the script, just say it and we will change it immediately."

Haha, so heartwarming.

Without a stable distributor, small companies or individuals making movies in North America is a dead end.

Take a look at Steven Spielberg, who was ambitious to create DreamWorks, and once had the ambition to make it a new bright spot in Hollywood, but he was not also played dead by a group of distributors on distribution channels. .

Do you say that their grades are not good? Well, "Gladiator", "Cat and Mouse", "Midnight Bell", "Tuxedo"... Almost every film is profitable and harvested The market is doing well; do you say they have no connections? Yes, Paramount, Warner, Universal... almost all are involved with them, not to mention, Steven Spielberg itself represents a relationship Internet, but they still failed.

Human feelings are human feelings, interests are interests, and the adult world will not play with you. Cooperation, yes, hello everyone, I want to make money together; if you want to distribute channels, do it yourself, sorry, you are gone.

In 2005, DreamWorks, the top ten film company in the United States, was acquired by Viacom, so that the DreamWorks label was also owned by Paramount Pictures, a subsidiary of Viacom.

Steven Spielberg was also disheartened and never touched on the issue of distribution.

How did the names of the Big Six in Hollywood come about? They got them by stepping on the corpses of many movie companies.

They are not the industry hegemons, who are?

Even if Europa Pictures wanted to enter the American market, it was all about cooperating and looking for a local partner.

In terms of core interests and resources, they will never leak any gaps, and don\'t even think about it. (However, later on, Disney was still very powerful. It just broke this convention of the six giants and became a one-man.)

Therefore, no matter what promises those small manufacturers or producers make, they are all false, and Lehmann simply ignores them.

He is a director, he cares about his works the most, and he also wants his works to receive due market treatment, which is not contradictory.

Lehmann was a little tired in communication at the beginning, but he could stand it. But wait until December 28th, when the news that the global box office of the movie "Fury" officially broke 400 million US dollars came out, more people were looking for him, and the reasons for the invitation were also ever-changing, and it was not so easy to refuse, but fortunately. , he went straight back to France.

Can\'t be provoked, can\'t I hide? Who do you look down on.

However, there are also advantages. Luc Besson and the senior executives of Europa Films have become more friendly towards him.

Maybe, in the next cooperation, his investment share will be more and his status will be better.

And CAA, they took the initiative to sign a new economic contract, not only reduced his service fee, but also upgraded the service team again, reaching the scale of 10 people, specially handling all kinds of trivial matters for him.

Of course, the daily agent has not changed, and Johnson is still in charge.


"Is there a problem?"

On January 5, 2003, just a few days after Lehmann returned to France, he wrote the outline of a new movie every day, and had nothing to do to hang out and enjoy the holiday, but Kevin Howian called.

Once he calls, he must be busy with something.

as predicted.

"... MGM wants to invite you to direct the next 007 film, what are your thoughts?"

What is the idea? Can you join this set if you can\'t play it? Some time ago, it was still a life-and-death competitor. The two sides smeared each other, and the film was pulled down by "Fury" in the second week, and has never been ahead since then. Now finding him to be the director of the latest film is really a slapstick operation.

Of course, competitors are not necessarily unable to cooperate with each other, it all depends on the consideration of interests.

Presumably, MGM has also carefully analyzed it, and recognized Lehmann\'s directing ability, so CAA euphemistically inquired about the tone~www.novelhall.com~ But why should I direct the "007" series?

For a director like him, even if the market is successful, it can only be regarded as an addition to the resume, and it is nothing at all.

After all, for a series of films of this mature style, few people will take credit for the director, and only recognize the power of fans of the series.

If you accidentally hit the street... If a movie with such a broad mass base can fail, it will almost self-destruct the current great director\'s future.

Besides, it\'s not that he didn\'t make movies himself, he has a plan in mind.

"Help me refuse, just say I have intentions, and I can\'t make time for the shooting."

The outline of the new movie was almost finished during this period of time. It was only necessary to wait for Ryan to polish it. It was not necessary at all.

Kevin Howian is naturally very happy when he hears it. His client is a high-productivity type, can you be unhappy?

Almost one movie a year.

"Okay, is it convenient to reveal the theme and content of the new movie?"

"Wait until the script is finished, and the filming contract hasn\'t been signed yet?"

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing, the awards season is coming, you have to make time to come to North America."

Wandering around, January is here, and the previously agreed action to hit the Oscar for best foreign language film for "Three Silly Bollywood" is about to begin...

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