Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 116: flat with light

As night fell, the black Lincoln drove into Hollywood Boulevard and headed west towards the Chiefs Rock Theater.

"How is it? Are you tired?"

In the back seat, George is in a good mood. After all, the potential reputation brought about by the success of "Fury" is also partially blessed by him, and his status in the company is now getting higher and higher, as if he has the status of a holding partner. direction to develop.

"After so many days of publicity, I have to rush over to attend the premiere of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring". It\'s hard work." George looked concerned, but how was he doing better? , not have been busy. I heard that I only figured out the release of the film from Australia the day before yesterday, so I had time to return to China.

"It\'s alright. After working for a while, I can rest for a while." Lehman shook his head and said.

In the spacious interior of the car, only Lyman and George were sitting.

One is to represent the position of Europa Films, and the other is to be invited by CAA to come and support.

As for Thomas and Ryan, they were staying in the hotel, and they didn\'t want to come over. Lehman actually didn\'t want to, but the network thing always needs to be maintained.

CAA also contributed to this project, and he is a client of CAA, very simple interpersonal relationship, Kevin Howian personally called to invite him, he had to agree to his request to be present.

Lincoln quickly arrived at the parking lot of the Chiefs Stone Theater. Lyman and George got out of the car and walked towards the passage.

There were people from CAA and New Line Cinema waiting here for a long time, leading them directly across the red carpet to the interior of the theater.

Inside, the lights are bright and the voices are full of people. It seems that there will be a grand premiere about to be held. In fact, you can see it just by looking at the reporters, media and movie fans surrounding the road outside.

"Hi, Mr. Peter Jackson," Ryman had just walked into the hall of the theater when he spotted Peter Jackson, the director of The Lord of the Rings, took the initiative to meet him, and greeted, "I wish your movie a great box office."

"Thank you, I know you, Director Lyman, I have seen your work "Fury", it is very wonderful."

Peter Jackson is a New Zealander. He looks a little fat, and he is far from being as generous as later generations. At this moment, he took the initiative to hold Lehman\'s right hand and said with a smile, "Thank you for coming to join us, I\'m very happy."

"Me too, I\'ve always liked this grand story written by Tolkien. It\'s really admirable that you can adapt it so well and put it on the big screen."

Does everyone carry a sedan chair? Saying kind words can always bring the relationship between two strangers who have never met.

Sure enough, when he heard this, Peter Jackson laughed happily, and his hearty laughter made many people in the theater look here.

He is really happy. As a loyal fan of the "Lord of the Rings" series, it has always been his proudest thing to be able to present the Middle-earth world under the command of the idol Tolkien through video. Lehman\'s words scratched his itch.

As for Ryman, although there are many elements of politeness, the Lord of the Rings series is indeed his favorite movie work in his previous life.

In the original novel, the magnificent war scenes and the alien amorous feelings of various magical arts made "The Lord of the Rings" once considered the most unlikely novel to be transformed into a movie.

But, Tolkien\'s fan, Peter Jackson, did it, and it was better than many imagined.

The paradise-like Hobbit village, the fairyland-like Rivendell, the daunting Nazgul and the volcanic burning Sauron, as for today\'s battle of the twin towers and the latter part of the Mordor duel scene depiction , is also turned into reality.

This is really admirable. Even the filming location has become the most popular tourist destination in the world. I have to say how charming "The Lord of the Rings" is.

The only pity is that after director Peter Jackson stepped into the ranks of Hollywood\'s top directors with this series in one fell swoop, there was not much glory to be seen.

It can be said that it is Tolkien who succeeds and Tolkien who loses.

The threshold set is too high, and it is the most embarrassing place to get stuck.

However, it can be regarded as leaving a deep impression in the history of film.

He had two more polite words with Peter Jackson. Seeing that someone else walked in from the theater door on the red carpet, Lehmann also took the initiative to blurt out his goodbyes.

At this time, most of the movie theaters were well-known producers, actors, directors, and executives from several investors.

They each had their own small groups. They chatted, and Leiman said hello at will, but didn\'t go up to join in the fun.

"Congratulations, Lyman."

Hearing the greeting, looking back, I saw that it was CAA\'s partner Kevin Howian who was approaching. He looked very enthusiastic and his tone was quite sincere, "There is another film that has over 100 million at the box office, which is amazing."

"Thank you." Lyman said humbly, "It\'s just luck."

"Luck? It doesn\'t make sense. One-time success can be said to be accidental, but it\'s a skill to be able to achieve success one after another, Lehman." Stopping, Kevin Howian stood next to Lehman, and again He took the initiative to say, "Come on, I\'ll take you to meet a few people."

Kevin Howian led the way. Lyman squinted at George\'s side and found that he was chatting happily.

In the first row of the auditorium, there was a round table, and a lot of people were sitting around at this time.

"This is Dig-Jeremiah..."

"This is Liam Jess..."

"This is Eric Bryan..."

Among the group of people in formal dress, Kevin Howian enthusiastically introduced Lyman.

These are either New Line Cinema executives or well-known filmmakers in the circle.

Lehman showed his brightest smile and greeted each and every one of them.

"This one doesn\'t need my introduction."

"Of course. Mr. Brian, long time no see."

The image of the big bald head is naturally recognizable. The agent, Brian Lord, who also belongs to CAA, had a friendly smile on his face, and grabbed the right hand that Layman took the initiative to extend, "Long time no see, Layman."

The two sides simply said hello, and soon, Lehman\'s attention returned to the executives of New Line Pictures headed by Dig-Jeremiah.

He is not an idiot. Kevin Howian took the initiative to introduce him. Either the other party has something to do with him, or CAA itself has something to do.

However, if the latter wants to talk about it, there is no need to discuss it on this occasion, and it is completely possible to take the initiative to meet in private, so there is only one possibility for the former.

As expected, Dig-Jeremiah\'s tone of voice was very enthusiastic, "Director Lehmann, are there any new film projects recently? We at New Line Cinema are very much looking forward to working with you once."

"There will be a chance, but I\'ve been busy with the movie "Fury" recently, and I don\'t have any free time to shoot a movie subject." Lehmann said politely and politely.

It turned out to be a test to see if there was a possibility of cooperation, but in this case, although Lehman felt that it was the best to cooperate with Europa Pictures, he did not say anything.

After all, maybe there really is an opportunity for cooperation?

Dig-Jeremiah didn\'t say anything because of this uncertainty. Anyway, is it a try? It\'s also very good to leave a cooperative friendship foundation. Maybe it can come in handy?

Right, man, you always have to give yourself more opportunities.

After a few more polite words, Lehmann said goodbye and left.

Sit down at your seat, and the lively premiere begins immediately.

Still the same as I remembered, this one mainly tells the story of Elijah Wood\'s Hobbit Frodo and Sean Austen\'s Sam, who continue to Mordor Mountain to complete the task of destroying the Lord of the Rings, while in another On the one hand, Aragorn and the other hobbits Pippin and Merry joined a group of new allies, preparing to launch a wave of offensive in Isengard...

The whole film is 179 minutes long, but it does not appear boring or boring. Instead, there is a feeling that the story is not unfolded and the meaning is still unfinished. I have to say that Peter Jackson\'s control of the rhythm of the film is really in place.

However, when Gandalf in white reappeared, it reminded Lyman a lot.

In other words, in the setting of The Lord of the Rings, Gandalf is actually a Maier. Generally speaking, when he is dressed in white, he is already a demigod, and he is known to be very proficient in melee combat and magic.

But after Peter Jackson got it, it was probably because the exaggerated special effects were too difficult to do, so he simply designed Gandalf as a complete melee unit~www.novelhall.com~ or the one with a staff as a swordsman. type of hand-to-hand combat.

After it spread to the Internet of later generations, there have been many interesting things, such as the problem of adding points to the mage in the game. As long as you learn a spell, you only need to learn the light, and the rest of the skill points are all added to the strength and system, and the weapon is a two-handed sword. Flare, you can go up and swipe your weapon and chop it off.

The so-called white robe is worn on the body, and my heart is still the heart of a warrior.

Do melee mages understand?

Apart from this, the rest is nothing, and it basically fits the scene in the book. Peter Jackson also spared no effort to restore the entire Twin Towers battlefield.

All in all, it was a good shot.

The story is smooth, and the two-line progress is not complicated; the special effects scenes are also very good, and there are not too many flaws; and the temptation of the Lord of the Rings to the human heart is also vividly displayed, so success is inevitable.

The 179-minute movie tells a lot, and it also leaves more suspense for the follow-up. The story of the devil and the Lord of the Rings is not over yet. There is no doubt that when the third sequel hits again, it will definitely be another story. A big bomb in the box office market, which is also to be expected.

The series of movies always increase the audience\'s interest. If one day, even the fans who have accumulated from the original work are unwilling to buy it, it will be the end of this type of movies.


At the end of the movie screening, Lyman complimented again, and also left here with George.

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