Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1146: Avengers Destroyer: Zemo 2

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"32 million pre-sale, more than 43 million at midnight, and 91.07 million on the first day of the release. The fans are crazy this time. They crowded in the theater at night just for a quick glimpse, not to mention the giant-screen theater. Tickets are sold until next week. went."

It’s already August 5th, and the negotiation between Universal and Marvel is still going on. Of course, it’s just a matter of details, such as publicity fees, crew management, and priority streaming media authorization Amber. In the general direction, the other party is obviously saved. The meaning of handing it over to development also agrees with the joint development of the 55th Ledger and the copyrights of other characters.

At the same time, this day is also the day when the second part of the highly anticipated "Harry Potter" final chapter "Deathly Hallows: Part II" will be released simultaneously in the first round of 54 regions, except that the United Kingdom has taken care of the people there three days in advance. Feelings of emotions, most people can only go to the cinema on this day to have a revelry.

"This is really a carnival." Liam put down the movie market report and said: "The first day of the first film in North America was more than 61 million, and the second one has increased by more than 30 million compared with the previous one, which is almost half. I estimate this film\'s global debut. Zhou Cumulatively went to 400 million, which may be the fastest box office accumulation in history."

"No way, this is the feeling, 10 years of operation, once it\'s over, you can see how many people on Facebook and Twitter are responding and forwarding relevant information. At this point in time, the audience originally only % 90% enthusiasm has also been agitated to 150%.”

"Also, the second part is obviously not much more dramatic than the first one, and the conflict is also a continuation of the previous one, but the audience\'s reputation has exploded, far exceeding any previous one. I just don\'t understand that the film critics smashed nearly 200. After one tomato, the freshness on the first day can still be maintained at 97%, the imdb score is also as high as 8.7 points, and more than 5,000 people responded to the vote." - IMDB\'s traffic is not high, and more than 5,000 people directly refreshed the first day of the painting. score record. Of course, there are also similar main reasons for the post-90s generation who grew up with Ha fans.

"Haha, I just want to know if such a good thing will happen in the end of "Twilight", and we can learn about these marketing topics pushed by Warner."

"Learning can be learned, but I don\'t think the effect will be very good." Liam is quite pertinent, "When we divided the second part into a bit of traffic hype, and the story of the second part is really not as high as the first part, Many paragraphs that cater to the market have already been published in the previous article. In addition, the audience of "Twilight" is too single. It has been scolded for so many years. Those people who should be scolded will still be scolded. It is too polarized. .I think it\'s amazing to be able to keep up with the results of the last article."

"Then it depends on how much the feelings of the fans of "Twilight" are worth." Lyman doesn\'t care, this series has brought too many benefits to them and Lionsgate, and the shooting expenses are not like "Pirates of the Caribbean". The rise is exaggerated, no matter how you look at it, there is no possibility of losing money.

"By the way, how is the announcement process for "Spartan 300 Warriors 2"?"

"We are showing in September, and we just stepped on the afterglow of the summer season and avoided competing with traffic hits like "Harry Potter". As for the market, we can only see if the audience accepts it."


Inside the Marvel Studios office.

Kevin Feige didn\'t pay attention to the box office trend of "Deathly Hallows: Part 2", he was too busy with his own affairs, and it was interesting to care how much Warner made money.

In the past few days, he has not been idle for a moment. He has a meeting in the morning to confirm the work arrangement and the progress of the expected project with his subordinates; at noon, he is busy sorting out "Iron Man 3" and "Reunion 2" with the screenwriters. As well as the framework of the newly added "The Incredible Hulk 2" and other scripts, to ensure that the previous content is connected and the easter eggs are laid; I called James Gunn and the production team in the afternoon to ask about the shooting situation of "Guardians of the Galaxy", if The problem was solved immediately; then there was still the casting problem of "Avengers 2".

As the executive officer of Marvel Studios, while enjoying and realizing his career ambitions, he needs to pay attention to, understand and even operate many things.

It is also fortunate that he has a good understanding of Marvel comics and various events and characters, and has a whole team of his subordinates to help him, so that he can be in chaos and order, and he is not messed up by many complicated things and new ideas from the boss from time to time.

This morning, the vice president of Warner\'s distribution department happily boasted in front of the media that "Deathly Hallows: Part II" refreshed the screening record of the same period - so far, 7 days in the UK, 4 days in other screening areas, 187 million in North America + overseas 448 million = 635 million. At the same time, when the box office record was refreshed and the highest first weekend in North America was 169 million, Kevin just went out and talked to the senior management of several brokerage companies. First screen out a list, the workload in this area can be reduced by half, and then the big boss comes.

"We have signed a new contract with Universal, and they are in charge of the publicity. The two companies jointly publish. The investment share and other character-based derivatives, copyright development revenue, and family entertainment revenue are divided into 50 to 50 percent. The filming aspect is handled by us. They are the masters, and they also arrange for human execution.”

As soon as Kevin heard the boss\'s happy tone, he guessed that there must be a new task to come. Although there is enough work on his shoulders, there is a kind of anticipation and excitement in his bones.

He has long regarded Lyman as his beacon in film and television development and the guide of the MCU universe, so he has been looking forward to what new things the boss has that can open his eyes.

"By the way, how do you plan to arrange the Las Vegas Rampage with the screenwriters?"

"We are looking for a good starting point for conflict. After all, the main reason for Banner\'s rampage should not be on him. This character does not have to be absolutely righteous, and it is consistent with its consistent cartoon image if it is controversial. As long as it does not touch the rampage of subjective factors, it will be fine. It\'s gone." Kevin\'s positioning of the Hulk is very clear and summed up very well.

For the audience, the confrontation between Banner and Hulk\'s will is a major attraction, and the acquisition of the Hulk\'s power is a double-edged sword, which is bound to measure the degree of "hurt". In other words, the audience is catered to the desire for destruction, but the threshold of this desire for destruction should not be opened by Banner ~www.novelhall.com~ People are good people, but strength is not.

"Well, I have an idea. I can introduce Namor in the sequel to the Hulk. I remember that there was a tsunami in Namor\'s character events?"

"Huh? Boss, what do you mean?"

"We can extract the rampage incident and the tsunami incident and integrate it into this new project. For example, like the plot context of "Iron Man 3", let\'s first introduce Banner\'s deep doubts about the Hulk\'s will after the Battle of New York. On the other hand, a villain organization... Well, it doesn\'t matter who it is, if you can\'t find a good target, it\'s the Hydra organization planning a terror The purpose of the attack was to take advantage of Thor\'s return to Asgard and unable to take care of the earth, to deal with Bruce Banner, the only person they felt was too powerful. , it should be to cause trouble and frame it. How to frame it? Well, after "Captain America 2", the easter eggs we laid out want to use the mind gem to lead to new story nodes, so we can find the embedding point from here."

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