Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1145: Namor got it

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Lyman had an early eye on Namor.

After all, this is a character similar in nature to DC Sea King, and it is a member of the Avengers. It is still necessary to shape it. It seems natural to be tied into the chips with the help of the Hulk\'s proposal.

As for Kevin, he just needs to sort out the development of the Hulk\'s development to prevent loopholes in the projects in the follow-up plan. What is most talked about between Marvel is the connection between the plots.

At the same time, in the global movie market, "Captain America 2" has slipped a bit after the attendance of the Kwan Pavilion, and the total score is reaching the 400 million mark. The latest sales data in the toy market has also been updated to more than 800,000 pieces, after deducting channel losses and In terms of cost, Marvel Entertainment has made a net profit of more than 47 million. Then, the share of orders from the factory began to decrease in an orderly manner. In short, in the cooperative distribution with several other toy giants, with the establishment of warehouse centers in certain regions , many processes do not need to be completely borrowed from outsiders, which dilutes costs and increases profit margins.

Of course, this is also because Mann Media has a lot of IP available for development, and it can fully support such a huge supply chain market. Otherwise, even if it is "Star Wars", no matter how well-sold it is, the assets will be very single, but they dare not make up their minds to build Warehousing and freight - For those special production labels that only have one or two high-quality content in their hands, the profits cannot be realized in a long-term and stable manner. Providing a supply of goods will definitely do more harm than good.

In other words, the shipment volume in the authorized market must be large enough and the posture conforms to the market rules, so the investment is correct, otherwise the money invested in the warehousing and the operating cost of the entire system can drag down some small production companies.

You need to know that the quality and quantity are the gameplay of this system. Just like Wal-Mart, the logistics supply chain is very important, otherwise it is better to leave it to other manufacturers to operate.

On the other side, when Marvel began to set the tone, after Universal Vice President Nassim Ellison got a clear statement, Universal also discussed it behind closed doors.

Whether to refuse, continue to talk about trying to lower the price, or agree, there should always be a countermeasure.

It can only be said that the battle of "Reunion" not only gave DC a great surprise, but also made the global executives who are more closely involved with Marvel aware of the change in the status of the two parties, and "Thor 2" and "Captain America 2" have risen one after another. The results of this kind of market change are further evidence of favorable factors.

Therefore, at this time, it is meaningless to pretend or pose.

"So, what are Mann Media\'s conditions?"

"Marvel is very tough." Nassim said simply, "I have no fear, and I even threaten to take the role."

"Ha, they have the confidence." Universal President Jeff Hill shook his head and said, "In three years, Marvel\'s asset evaluation has risen to 9 billion, almost catching up with the output of our entire film group in half a year. The burden is small, and the net profit conversion is still high. When encountering such a rising IP, they can afford it. It doesn’t matter. It’s a field where you can’t go back if you want to.”

This is true.

For such a big company like Universal, the development of the character economy is not weak. Related clothing, peripheral products, game play, not to mention Universal\'s film and television park project also needs such a popular character to continue to expand its influence to drive people\'s interest in playing.

The sum of the business is no longer a separate project cooperation, and it is as simple as sharing the box office.

As an extra point, Lehmann had no intention of entering the emerging film and television real estate field, and the author authorized the characters that Marvel had developed to Universal at a price of 30 million a year.

The investment in the first phase of the family is almost settled, and the total investment is not less than 800 million.

Even after the success of "Reunion", the happiest part of Universal\'s Paradise is the Paradise Department. They have given a high estimate of the value of this IP network flowing with gold, otherwise they would not have been so active in promoting it. After that, according to the real-time environmental changes in the market, the influence of Marvel\'s presence in Universal Orlando Studios can definitely be quickly reflected in the number of tourists, ticket sales prices, and park services driven by tourists\' visits. .

This is also true. Marvel\'s entry work has just begun, and it has frequently attracted the attention of movie fans everywhere.

Therefore, whether "The Incredible Hulk 2" can be implemented or not is also related to the long-term development of Universal\'s competitive share with Disney in the field of amusement parks. Compared with the big business that may be worth more than 1 billion per year (Orlando Studios has more than Marvel themes, as well as Jurassic themes, Transformers themes, Van Helsing themes, and a few other interesting projects that would certainly contribute to their finances, too), these deeper effects have to be taken into account.

In other words, Universal is thinking about industrial competition, and it must take care of many aspects. Besides, in the case of the Hulk alone, Universal has taken advantage of it. Of course, you have to say that Blue Butterfly Pictures was unable to release blockbusters before, and its marketing was not good enough. If so, it would be impossible to have today\'s results.

But people have already expanded their audience with mature production ideas. After they have a considerable group of fans around the world, what can they be tough?

Universal is still aware of this.

It is even said that they have given up dominance to other characters internally, and there is not much voice about letting Marvel intervene. Kevin\'s leadership is good, and Marvel\'s filming is also good, and there is nothing to give them the lead in development.

After knowing that others have the ability to "turn a stone into gold", I still want to try it myself.

Let\'s not say if there is any clue, even if there is, do you dare to shoot? In case of failure again, I also know that my experience in blockbusters is limited compared to other second-tier labels~www.novelhall.com~ How can I clean up when there is another mess?

It would be better to establish a more stable "entrustment" relationship with Marvel while some businesses are being rolled out, and earn profits through their respective operating methods. At least, this is very safe, and some of the profits can be invested in other projects. In development work, such as visual effects blockbusters that they are not good at, it forms a virtuous circle.

"Is there still room to fight for the conditions of the five-fifty split?"

"I don\'t know, but I feel that Marvel\'s people are very tough on this. After all, they all said that the Hulk is the light of the Avengers team."

"If they can really portray the Hulk well, it\'s not impossible to split the account between five and five, but the income of other characters must be consistent, and we can\'t sign each one again. In addition, we only authorize the income to be split, not based on copyright. , make this point clear."

Of course, the right of interpretation of copyright cannot be given.

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