Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 109: fan base

Friday, November 22.

Early in the morning, Kurt drove out to pick up his girlfriend Lisa.

After receiving it, he asked curiously, "Lisa, you asked me out in such a hurry, and you didn\'t say what to do. What\'s the matter?"

"You drive to the nearest movie theater first." The girl looked impatient.

Kurt drove his car through the intersection of the streets of Los Angeles and headed towards the Emirates Theater near Hollywood Boulevard. "You don\'t tell me to call me in such a hurry, just to go to the movies?"

"Can\'t you?" The girl looked out the window and replied.

"Yes, yes, but there\'s no need to go so early, isn\'t it a good afternoon or evening?" Kurt complained a little. Early in the morning, his girlfriend called him, he thought something was wrong, but this is the result.

"It\'s not that you have something to do last night, otherwise I can go to the Chinese theater to watch the premiere of that movie. Now that I missed it, of course, I have to hurry up and see it earlier."

Kurt spun around and turned the car into Hollywood Boulevard, "Don\'t tell me it\'s the movie called Fury, don\'t I remember you don\'t like watching war movies? Why are you interested now?" He was a little strange.

"I don\'t like war-themed movies, but I like the director Leman Rust very much. I must watch his works."

Kurt, who was driving the car, said in amazement: "You are actually because of this reason, is he really so good?"

"You don\'t understand? You don\'t like to be buried alive and make trouble with the three idiots in Bollywood. How can you appreciate the talent of director Lehman?" Lisa continued: "It\'s a pity, I haven\'t seen him in person, obviously last night, It\'s the best chance, and you missed it."

Kurt shook his head and said nothing, this topic could not be continued.

His quick brain told him that something was going wrong and that something might go wrong.

The car was parked in the parking lot near the Chief Stone Theater, and Kurt and his girlfriend Lisa got out of the car and walked into the theater\'s ticket hall together.

Probably because they came too early, and it was a working day, and there were not many people waiting to buy tickets.

"007: Die Another Day, Two."

"Furious, two tickets," Lisa said.

The ticket salesman took the money, found the change, and made a few strokes on the notebook next to him.

He was hired for an extra job today, which was commissioned by a box office market data research company to faithfully record Fury and its biggest competitor 007: Die Another Day, which was released on the same day in the United States, through real-time and accurate sales. Ticketing situation. Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

It is still very early, the theater has just opened for less than half an hour, but there is almost no suspense in the observed situation, just like the ticket purchase choices of the audience just now, the ticket sales of the two movies are not too much, accurate Speaking of which, 007: Die Another Day, which has more fan bases than its predecessor, sold more movie tickets.

The time was getting closer to the screening time of the movie. Lisa took her boyfriend Kurt to sit a little lower in the middle. After sitting down, she looked around and found that even so early, there were about 20 people sitting in the screening hall. audience.

It seems that Lehman Rast is gradually gaining fame, and the film\'s publicity is so enthusiastic, the market appeal is much better than when the three idiots made a big splash in Bollywood.

She still remembered that at that time, when she went to the cinema to watch it, it was around 5:30 in the afternoon, and the number of people in the cinema was not so large.

In fact, before Lisa came here, she had learned about the film Fury through newspapers. Compared with the three idiots making a fuss in Bollywood, if it was spread by point-of-view and word-of-mouth, the North American theater chain that opened on the first day of this time has reached the 2600, I heard that the number of screens in France will only be higher.

It\'s amazing.

The fact that the film has been recognized like this certainly makes Lisa happy. On the one hand, the director she likes is becoming more and more successful; A sense of identity and a feeling of being recognized.

All in all, it\'s pleasing.

The lights went out, the already quiet auditorium became quieter, and the movie had begun...

Under the vivid characters such as Sergeant and Norman, he walked into the story woven by Lyman.

"That\'s good." Kurt couldn\'t help but say when the movie was over.

Lisa glanced at her boyfriend. It was obvious that this movie was to his taste. After all, the war scenes in it were very realistic. How could a man resist the visual stimulation of both sides fighting for their lives under a hail of bullets.

Although she doesn\'t like this kind of subject matter, and thinks that this work is not as exciting as the Three Silly Troubled Bollywood, but after reading it in general, she can accept it.

Director Ryman is as good at creating characters as always. She can forget what the story is about, but she will remember the role of Norman.

That boy\'s behavior of waiting in the middle of the night just to see his mother once sounded silly, but it was emotionally throbbing.

As for the final sacrifice, Lisa didn\'t feel anything.

"Let\'s go."


Furious is obviously shorter in length. When Kurt and Lisa walked out of the theater, 007: Die Another Day on the other side has not ended.

"Hello, I\'m a film market investigator."

As soon as the two walked out of the Chief Stone Theater, they were stopped by a white middle-aged man.

This situation is very common, and Lisa has encountered it a lot.

"Can I delay you for a while and ask a few questions about watching the movie?" The middle-aged man saw the two nodding and said quickly: "Do you think the movie Furious is good?"

"Very good, it\'s a very good war movie." Kurt was still immersed in the aftertaste of the plot just now, "I must buy a videotape of my film and treasure it."

"I also think it\'s very good. The camaraderie in the film is very touching, and the portrayal of human nature is also in place." Lisa thought about it and said.

"Then which character or actor are you more impressed by?" the middle-aged white man continued to ask.

"Sergeant. Nicola Cage."


After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other.

Men, naturally, they like tougher characters and behaviors. Moreover, Norman\'s cowardly performance on the battlefield at the beginning, hiding behind the bunker, panicked and overwhelmed, does give people a bad impression, even if he grows up in the end. For a true "veteran", but this transformation may not have created the sergeant ratio of the outstanding military image in the first place.

"Can you please tell me in detail why you like it?"

"Nicolas Cage." Kurt said: "I have seen many of his movies, and I like his appearance and character performance in it. He has a strong aura, and every move has a mature military temperament, which is too appropriate. However."

But his girlfriend Lisa has a different opinion, "I still prefer Norman."

"Perhaps because of the character setting, from the beginning to the end of the sergeant, the character\'s temperament was there, and there was little change. Instead, it was the recruit Norman, who was timid and immature at the beginning, to mature and determined later. , and this change is not abrupt under the interpretation of the actor, as if the growth history of such a recruit is extremely real, from the trembling when the first shot was fired to the stability at the back. He has experienced too much A lot has changed, and I like a character like this very much."

"Thank you two for accepting my visit."

After the middle-aged white man had memorized his answers, he handed each of them a questionnaire and a pen with the same name as the tank in Fury.

Without any hesitation, Kurt and Lisa chose the a-grading option on the roll.

Then, the middle-aged white man withdrew the questionnaire, and the two signature pens were given to the two as small gifts for answering the questions.

The two accepted it unceremoniously, then turned and left the theater door.

The middle-aged white people are still continuing their own survey and statistical work.

Later, some people accepted his award-winning consultation. After all, this is a very common thing. Many viewers who were asked about it would also be happy to share their viewing experience. Especially when I just finished watching the movie, I have the kind of good mood I want to tell. Of course, if it\'s a bad movie, it\'s not necessarily so. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Some people are still willing to complain, but most of them are not in a good mood to share.

Who would be willing to share with others that they have just watched a peerless big bad movie, and what to say about their mood and rating, it would be even worse.

Fortunately, the two newly released films that middle-aged white people were ordered to investigate today have good reputations.

Forget about the rage, even the 20th sequel movie 007: Die Another Day was mostly well received. Looking at the attitude of the audience, there was no aesthetic fatigue at all, but it was highly praised. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

Thinking about it, it\'s not surprising. The audience who can buy tickets to support it on the first day of the release will definitely be fans of the two films or specific people who are interested in the subject matter. How can it be bad.

If you want to really see word of mouth, you have to come to investigate next week, the middle-aged man thought silently.

However, if you really want to compare it, Fury\'s reputation among the audience has the upper hand.

007: Die Another Day has a lot of fans, but passers-by have also mixed in, at least their comments are very pertinent.

"Above the pass line, but if you really want to say where the excitement is, it\'s still almost, but the big scenes are constant, and it is very eye-catching. Of course, 007\'s handsome and beautiful Bond girl is also worth seeing, other than that. , the plot is a bit mentally handicapped, and the villain also feels a bit stupid, and the shaping is not good."

"The pace is so fast, I can\'t remember what was said at all."

The middle-aged white man packed up the market data statistics and survey scoring questionnaires collected today, and was ready to go back to do business.

He even wondered in his heart whether he should go to see Fury on the rest day tomorrow. After listening to the audience\'s comments, they were all quite high, which also aroused his curiosity.

Man, always a little bit interested in war movies.