Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 108: Miss Eva

"Dong dong... dong dong dong."


A continuous knock on the door rang out, making people irritable.

Alas, disturbing dreams.

On the big bed of the hotel, Lehmann slowly opened his eyes.

I just felt dizzy and a little nauseous.

There were bursts of fatigue all over the body, and half of the body was numb.

Into the eye, the ceiling is light yellow, the chandelier is retro, and the decoration is exquisite.

The familiar environment made Laiman\'s mind calm down a little. Last night, he really didn\'t drink much.

Clinking glasses one by one, I don\'t want to lose anyone\'s face, so I have to dry down cup by cup.

Human exchanges are like this. In similar wine rounds, Laiman also participated in the past life, but after coming here, he rarely drank like this.

After all, he is in his early stage, and more people are willing to pay attention to him.

It\'s a good thing, hehe.

The headache and dizziness were severe, and there was a knock on the door outside, and Lyman struggled to get up.



"Hs... eh?"

With a coquettish cry, a pair of jade hands immediately hugged him. Lyman\'s brain, who had just half sat up, crashed instantly. What happened last night?

Soft hair scattered, soft fragrance in the arms.

Isn\'t this look and feel exactly Eva Green?

How could she be here?

No, this is my usual hotel room.

What\'s going on here, it needs to be taken care of.

Lyman thought about it, his brain was about to explode, and he couldn\'t remember how Eva Green appeared on his hotel bed.

The forearm, like a white lotus root, tightly hugged Laiman\'s waist.

There is only a white bra on the upper body, with the pattern of the hard bracket printed on it.

Walking sideways like this, it also seems that the career line has deepened.

The strawberry mark between the necks seems to make Lyman have a feeling of missing a lot of wonderful plots.

He slowly released the hand that Eva Green was holding, and was about to get dressed, go outside, and scold the man who was still knocking on the door.

Unexpectedly, he hadn\'t put on his pants yet. Eva Green seemed to have noticed something, and her beautiful eyelashes trembled twice.

She woke up.

Eva Green looked at Lyman beside her and smiled.

"What?" Lyman was still confused, "Why are you here?"

The girl smiled and looked a little happy.

Last night, Eva Green was standing in the corner of the crowd, watching one by one around Lyman.

They joke, there are men and women. The women are constantly making small movements.

Eva Green was originally very lonely, but who knows, after he was a little drunk, the first thing he thought of was her.

"Last night, you brought me here. You asked the driver to take us back to the hotel. The room number was told to me by the front desk."

Lyman rubbed his head, but still couldn\'t remember.

Maybe I got too much teasing last night, and I drank a lot, so that\'s what happened.

"Okay, thank you, take me back."

Lehman has always been free and easy, and it\'s good to let nature take its course, although at first he wanted to draw a line, because he couldn\'t control this smart and ambitious woman at all.

She wanted too much, and Lyman was destined to not give.

Eva Green\'s smile froze for a moment, but then she became happy again when she thought about what happened last night.

She didn\'t know how attractive she looked now. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

Lyman looked at her beautiful face, beautiful eyes, and unforgettable figure.

An anger rose in my heart, and I didn\'t want to know who was knocking on the door outside.

Let you knock, I have more important things to do now.

As it is said:

Baozhuo coral mountain thin

Slowly close your temples, a cloud grows your sleeves

Beautiful people from the past meet again

On Emotional Rotation and Phase Shifting

Several stacks of mandarin duck clothes, red waves wrinkled

Dark blue silk, gasping for breath

Treasure sandalwood slot in front of snow chest

Desolate twilight rain soaks the sleeves

Since I didn\'t know it last night, I\'ll revisit it again.

Then, went to the washroom to solve the hygiene problem, and Lehman felt refreshed.

Glancing at Eva Green, she was still in bed.

After saying hello, he pushed the door open and walked out.

At this time, the knocking on the door had long since disappeared.

He didn\'t want to either, took the breakfast that Thomas brought, asked for another cup of hot coffee, and ate it with his head down.

"Sit whatever you want." In the hall downstairs, seeing Eva Green coming downstairs, Lyman greeted casually.

While enjoying baguette and bacon omelette, Ryan came in from outside.

"Hey, Lyman, I just knocked on the door and called you, didn\'t you hear it? It\'s past two in the afternoon, and I thought you weren\'t hungry."

"Oh, I slept so hard I didn\'t hear it, sorry, Ryan. Come, come and sit, have you eaten yet?" Lyman continued to greet. As for why I didn\'t hear it, there is no need to explain in detail.

Eva Green was eating West Toast and blushed when she heard Lyman lie. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

Ryan sat down without saying anything about the existence of Eva Green. Last night, he also saw Lyman asking Eva Green to accompany him.

As for the relationship between them, Lehmann didn\'t say clearly, and he didn\'t need to be clear.

Thomas next to "Lyman" was reading the newspaper and handed a copy to Lehman.

He took a sip of coffee and took it.

Apparently the contents of the newspaper are related to the fury of their work.

"Fury not only satisfies the audience\'s need for a big scene, but the several battle scenes in it are absolutely heart-warming and adrenaline rushing, and they don\'t pursue the depiction of the scene too much and ignore the characters. In Nicolas Cage, Xi Under the wonderful performances of several actors such as Sledger and Joe Bernser, a precious friendship in war makes people feel emotional..."

"The director has a very good grasp of the atmosphere of the film, the shaping of the characters and the operation of the camera, and the rhythm of the story is not too slow. The straight-to-the-point background of the war era seems to tell everyone that this film will not disappoint; It has indeed done it. This is definitely a wonderful and excellent World War II-themed film. Even in the description of the tank scene, it has its own unique features. I heard that a real tank was invited to shoot on the spot. If you think about it, it should not be Could be wrong...highly recommend everyone to check it out.”

Seeing this, Lyman nodded. Is the American news media still very good at it? When they say good things about receiving money, they use money to tout them.

He opened another New York daily and easily found the rage-related content.

"The director used a grand and atmospheric war scene at the beginning, which is really enough to attract attention. First of all, the opening is neat. Through the old woman\'s memory of missing her son who died in the war, he introduced the background of the era at the end of World War II, and then there was no time for people to react at all. , then turned to the scene of the frontal confrontation between the Allies and the Germans. A dozen tanks lined up in a row is also a domineering debut: advancing in parallel with the infantry, the enemy troops suppressed by the fierce artillery fire were unable to fight back, and the roar of the tanks With the shells that exploded on the ground..."

"The breath of war is blowing in the face, igniting the audience\'s hormones every minute, and the reflection on the erasure of war that the film reflects is its real moving point. Watching the immature Norman grow step by step, the kind of constant The price paid is really shocking and uncomfortable..."

"Iron and blood, love and righteousness, without being overly hypocritical, the rage rarely produced a touch that is extremely tough and principled to death, allowing the audience to see the most real and cruel side of war, that ordinary soldier. People, the scene of dying calmly, even if you think about it, it will still make your nose sour...recommended."

"Congratulations, dear... Lyman." Eva Green was also looking at the newspaper. Although there was no sign of her on it, she was still happy for Lyman, she said with a smile.

Although it feels good to be praised, Lehman doesn\'t think it\'s anything, and said lightly: "Paramount\'s PR is doing a good job." Lehman praised Paramount Pictures and continued: "Just now At the beginning, the media praised it or something, it was too false, and it was not worth learning from."

I read a few more newspapers, all praising Fury from various angles.

The meaning of touting is too obvious, he is not perfect, even he thinks he has blown it, it is just a movie that focuses on commercial flavor, and it seems to be about to win an Oscar~www.novelhall.com~ It is not low-key .

What he didn\'t know was that the reports in these newspapers were just phoenix feathers and water chestnuts, and those film critics hadn\'t made any efforts yet.

It\'s a weird thing to say about film critics.

After the rise of the Internet in later generations, it almost lost its status, influence and traffic attention, but at this time, it was still the first impression choice for those audiences in North America.

The reason why those film critics are willing to tout it is not only because of the effect of red envelopes and pen fees, but also because Lehman\'s film has really scratched some people\'s itch.

Characters that are bigger than the background scenes are indeed rare in the framework of World War II themes.

With the recommendation of the media and the support of some film critics, the popularity of the furious premiere has become an irresistible thing.

The previous efforts of Paramount, caa, and Europa were really not in vain. The Los Angeles Times, Chicago Daily, Parisian, etc., these newspapers with high sales also immediately exerted their efforts, resulting in the attention and influence of the film. Naturally Not bad.

However, as far as the market feedback Fury can get, these are all false. Only the box office, and only the box office is the most real data, can be convincing.

After having breakfast for lunch, Lehman checked the time, it was past three o\'clock in the afternoon.

Putting down the last newspaper, Ryman stood up and said, "Let\'s go, let\'s go to Paramount Pictures, we also need to know what the effect of the previous publicity will be. Hopefully, these reviews will attract more people. audiences walk into the cinema.”

"Definitely." Ryan affirmed.

"Where\'s George?"

"He went to Paramount\'s headquarters early in the morning, and he cared more than we did."

"Haha." Lyman didn\'t care about Ryan\'s ridicule.

That\'s how George is, always responsible.