Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 105: encourage people to grow

After the battle, it was extremely desolate.

The sky began to rain lightly at some point, and the Bible complained that the weather in Germany was so capricious.

The troops had no choice but to simply clean up the battlefield, collect the remains of the fallen soldiers, and prepare to rest here for a night, and then set off for the scheduled meeting place the next day.

At night, Norman stared silently at his trembling right hand, while the sergeant smoked a cigarette.

His combat performance improved again, but he was not happy at all.

He really had enough of such a day, he just wanted to go back to his hometown and live the quiet and peaceful life in his fantasy.

Everyone couldn\'t sleep and started chatting.

The performance of recruit Norman was seen by everyone. At this time, Kuhn began to speak.

He said that he couldn\'t even eat enough at home before, and his family was very poor. He felt that the welfare of the army was good, so he joined the army.

When I first entered the battlefield, although I was nervous, I was convinced that the war was good for me.

Because he can eat enough, he has also trained his judgment and tempered his will.

He used to be confused about the future, but now, even if he doesn\'t fight, he has the confidence to live well.

So, he told Norman, don\'t be afraid, just get over that inexplicable fear at the beginning, and everything will be fine.

But the sergeant couldn\'t think so. He has been in the army for longer than Kuhn. He has seen teammates who have been with each other die in front of him, and more than once, that feeling is quite a heavy sense of guilt. He comforted himself in his heart, "Such a sacrifice is worth it, and it can save five, ten, or even more people." Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

If he didn\'t think so, he would have had a mental breakdown long ago. Only by convincing himself that the war was meaningful would he not be depressed and uncomfortable.

The Bible silently recited the prayer beside him. He kept doing this all the time. After reading it once, he added the topic.

"Discuss what it means to be in the military."

He is the most religious person in the team, and some nonsense such as "Lord" and "Father" has opened up the topic of Norman.

He looked at the rising candle and seemed to fall into memory.

He talked about his family.

My father died early because of a serious illness, and my mother worked two jobs to support the family.

Due to the stress of life, she always came back late.

Every time, Norman wanted to wait until his mother was with her to chat and talk to her.

But I really waited until my mother came back and looked at her tired body. For some reason, I didn\'t dare to disturb her, and always pretended to fall asleep.

Such days are really hard to bear, not to mention that he has a younger brother who is only 5 years younger than him.

He wanted to help his mother share the pressure, but there was nothing he could do.

Until he saw the newly released recruitment notice, the treatment on it was very good, so he came in like this.

He said it easily, but the teammates on the side could feel the same.

Everyone is different, but fate brings them together here.

The sergeant looked at Norman\'s immature face, as if he could think of those countless nights, and he held on only to see his mother who came back late at night.

Perhaps only in this way can he sleep peacefully.

Everyone talked about their thoughts, and it was not until midnight that they went to sleep.

The next day, the marching troops came to the assembly point, and under the command of the commander, they divided their troops into two groups again.

In order to expand the results of the war and end the war as soon as possible, no one is not urgent.

After all, they had fought many frontal battles against the German army. Now that the main Allied forces are biting the other\'s main force, all they have to do is to clear away the remaining enemy troops along the way.

No one knew how Norman felt about what he said last night. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

But what the Furious Squad can know is that as the number of battles increases.

Norman\'s hand pulling the trigger became more and more stable, and his demeanor became more and more calm, and he didn\'t even talk much. When he was not fighting, everyone liked to chat. He always liked to listen, but he didn\'t like to talk.

Perhaps this is growth. The war brings more than that, but also the gradual annihilation of humanity.

He is no different from everyone else. The Bible is so religious that the first time he was hit by an anti-tank shell, he was scared to wet his pants, but now?

Norman also died from a close encounter at the beginning, to the first trembling killing, to... calm killing, it seems that there is no difference.

The war never progresses step by step, every time it is a violent storm, swallowing cowardice and abandoning pain can only survive.

Isn\'t everyone\'s life turning point always enlightened? When facing the random hunt of death, or when a cannonball lands, what will come to his mind?

Helpless, scared, dazed, painful or wronged, no one knows, but Norman has become a qualified soldier.

"Do you know why he\'s here? He\'s here to kill you."

"You know why you\'re here? You\'re here to kill him."

Perhaps as the Bible says, everyone who goes to the battlefield has his own emotions, his own feelings, or excitement or numbness, but in the end, it will turn into a torrent on the road of charge.

Unconsciously, more and more lives were lost in the tank fire of the Fury, and by the end of April, the dawn of victory in the war was already visible.

The main force of the German army was defeated again, and they clamored to push children and women into the battlefield, but who knew that they would not be able to resist for long.

The Allied forces grew stronger and Germany\'s own people began to flee, perhaps knowing that the government they had always trusted had gone mad.

Under such a good situation, the commanders demanded that each unit block various strategic points to prevent them from jumping over the wall.

This instruction was conveyed layer by layer, and finally the Furious Squad took another team of infantry and was ordered to guard the entry channel of a house in the rear.

This is the only two main roads that can break out of the encirclement in several surrounding towns, and the other one is also held by troops.

The two teams were merged, commanded by the sergeant, and everyone went after some ammunition and supplies.

After arriving at the position, begin to deploy the combat line of defense.

After the infantry squads were arranged in simple fortifications on both sides of the nearby road, the Fury tank was hidden in the housing area.

They were in the rubble of the town, talking and laughing, not worried at all.

For two days in a row, it was very quiet, except for the refugees, there was no trace of the German army.

This is also normal. After all, the large troops in the front are still suppressing, and the rear is attacked. I don\'t know how many lines of defense to break through.

They had been swept away once along the way, which also gave them a sense of security.

Everyone was even thinking about whether they should come out and get together after the war ended soon after they returned to their hometowns.

It was another normal day. They stood guard, and Kuhn returned a record player he had found yesterday, took it out and opened it.

Listening to the incomprehensible German girl singing on the record, everyone felt very comfortable.

Kuhn listened to the music and chatted about dirty jokes. He said that his former neighbor was a widow with big breasts. Many times, in the dead of night, he always thought of this, saying that he wanted to go back and try to talk to her. place a paragraph.

While the chat was vulgar, it was exactly what this group of soldiers, well, single men liked.

The sergeant smiled and didn\'t speak. Norman was also calm, wiping the firearm in his hands, as if thinking that he would be able to go back to his hometown and see his mother soon.

The military merit he has saved will definitely make the family live a slightly better life.

But at this moment, the sergeant heard the sound of vehicles moving forward.

Years of military career made him very vigilant, and immediately took out the binoculars and looked out.

I saw a troop with a flag advancing here.

A truck full of people was driving smoothly, and through the telescope, I could clearly see that there were many young men inside.

Although a little surprised why an enemy army had already appeared behind him, the sergeant immediately ordered everyone to return to their combat posts.

The Bible went up to an attic window and observed the situation from above.

And gesturing, saying that the enemy is still 500 meters away.

At the same time, the German truck arrived first, and the people above were talking and laughing, as if they were not going to war at all.

The soldiers in ambush, how could they miss the opportunity, seeing that the other party was so unprepared, they were ready to raise their weapons.

Immediately afterwards, with the explosion of the mine~www.novelhall.com~ sergeant and others launched a violent attack on the panicked German troops in the truck.

The machine gunner Norman kept firing bullets, hitting the fleeing German soldiers.

The German army was stunned by the sudden attack, but the follow-up troops rushed over quickly.

The number of opponents is large, and the equipment is not bad.

In the midst of the hail of bullets, soon, casualties began to appear on their own side.

Several members of the infantry squad were directly blown away by an M2 60 mortar shell, and fragmented body tissues were scattered everywhere.

The Bible in the attic was also in crisis at this time. He aimed his sniper rifle at the enemy hiding behind various bunkers, and prayed every time he fired a shot. Soon, the sound of his guns attracted the enemy. With his attention, the head of the howitzer gradually aimed at the attic where he was.

Bible opened his squinted eyes and shouted, "Kun, get down."

With the sound of a cannon, a plume of smoke rose from the attic.

Kuhn, who was lucky enough to escape, looked at the location of the Bible with tears in his eyes, and then shouted and rushed towards the Fury tank hidden behind the room.

The loader Godot on the side understood Kuhn\'s thoughts and climbed into the tank together.

Soon the tank woke up with a roar and slowly drove towards the German positions.

The ground trembled uncontrollably, and it seemed that it would witness the most sophisticated fortress-type killing weapon on the land.

The German troops on the opposite side quickly discovered this scene, and they fired with machine guns and bombarded with mortars.

But to no avail, the tank is still moving forward steadily and steadily.

The head of the cannon lifted slightly, "Boom", and several German soldiers beside him watched as the shells whistled, burying the comrades gathered behind the bunker together with the gravel and rubble.

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