Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 104: wealth is in heaven

In late March, 1945, the weather was fine and the visibility was high.

As the evening approached, the offensive and defensive battle of the position continued.

Whenever the Allies just rushed up the hillside behind the trench, they would be immediately pushed back by the Germans with even more intense firepower.

Under the stalemate between the two sides, it was getting late, and the mutual attack and defense came to an end. Except for the occasional surprise attack or the bombardment of artillery shells, the Allied forces did not have any large-scale pressure on the soldiers.

The same is true for the German army, who is struggling to support it, hoping that reinforcements will come.

The Fury tank stably drove back to its own position, and the team\'s tense nerves began to relax.

A few people climbed out of the tank, and the Bible couldn\'t wait to take out a crumpled cigarette case from his pocket and distribute it to the brothers.

He used a kerosene lighter with a silver-white metal casing as a German trophy collected during a battle to light a cigarette **** for the sergeant.

A faint white smoke rose, making people breathe a sigh of relief.

In the temporary military camp, soldiers from different countries occasionally pass by, and they chat with each other. Even if there are many soldiers who are receiving treatment not far away, maybe the next moment, they will suffer from wound infection. He died, but no one showed pity, with a calm face or a smile on his face, rejoicing that he had survived the battlefield again unharmed.

After a simple night\'s rest, the genius lighted up slightly, and the Allied forces could not wait to launch the offensive again.

It\'s the same way of artillery washing the ground, and the same way of fighting with the tanks. The speed of the advance is as fast as ever. Only when it reaches the same high **** yesterday will it be blocked.

But what is slightly different today than yesterday is that the German army has prepared some means to deal with tanks.

Fury\'s tracks were also blown off, and it was besieged by dozens of iron fists.

While the sergeant kept Bible and Kuhn inside the tank, he rushed to the back of the dirt **** that blocked the fire fortress with the watchman and Godot.

The Allied comrades were constantly being shot and wounded by condescending bullets. No need for the sergeant\'s order, the medical team accompanying them was already working hard to rescue the wounded.

But in the face of such a simple environment and all kinds of serious injuries, all they can do is give the wounded a shot of morphine. As for whether they can survive or not, it all depends on personal creation.

The sergeant hid behind the dirt **** and wanted to ask for support, but he took the communicator and found that it had gone silent with his master. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

The sergeant had no choice but to continue leading his team to fight.

They put the blasting canister into the enemy\'s position.

Then, with a "be careful bomb", the first line of defense was finally captured.

But the battle is far from over, the second line of defense of the German army is still pouring countless bullets on them.

The captains of several Allied squadrons discussed their own countermeasures. At this time, the sergeant quickly leaned over to take a look and found that the five mg42 general-purpose machine guns hidden behind the sandbags were the biggest threat. The firepower network, if it is not solved first, it will always be difficult to pass.

But the accuracy of artillery shells to wash the ground is too poor, which is why after so many bombardments, the positions built by the German army still did not fall.

So, under the consultation of a few people, dozens of soldiers quickly leaned out halfway, attracting the enemy\'s attention, and taking the opportunity to let several snipers in the team run to the dead end of the enemy\'s firepower.

The Bible also went. He is the best marksman in the Furious Squad.

This group of people lived up to their mission and successfully won the opportunity for the snipers to reach the combat site.

The bible was praying, and the sniper rifle aimed at the enemy behind the sandbag.

As the Bible pulled the trigger, gradually, several machine guns stopped moving.

The large troop hiding behind the soil **** took the opportunity to launch a large-scale charge.

Afterwards, they cleaned up the German positions behind the soil slope. Just like the Germans, facing their own enemies, the Allied soldiers showed no mercy.

But after the battle, the sergeant\'s right hand holding the gun trembled slightly. When charging, his team\'s lookout hand fell under the stray bullet.

The commanders\' strategic intentions were achieved, and another piece of the battle map between the two sides was occupied by the Allies.

And the remaining resistance of the German army will only become weaker. Although they also paid a heavy price, it is all worth it, isn\'t it?


The question of whether it is worth it is not important to the sergeant, even if thousands of soldiers were killed in this operation, even if they all have their own families, there are people in the family who are looking forward to their return. But what he is still sad about now is the sacrifice of his team\'s lookout.

When cleaning the battlefield, he held the identification card of the lookout, together with the suicide note that the lookout had written long ago, and was worried about how to send it back.

The sergeant standing in the middle of the battlefield smoked a cigarette silently, and then the camera started to turn around and silently pulled up.

His figure began to become small, and the audience could see the tragic attack and defense of the entire battle situation.

Under the smoke of gunpowder, the blasted earth pits and the torn fortifications seemed to witness this battle.

After returning to the camp, the sergeant held an envelope containing the lookout\'s suicide note and identification card. After writing down the exact address, he sent it out.

On the way back, the sergeant saw a group of soldiers escorting the captives. Some of them seemed to be in a bad mood, swearing and beating the German captives who had been disarmed and unarmed in front of them from time to time.

He didn\'t care, and continued to return to the team\'s camp.

After a while, someone called his name, and the sergeant looked back and saw that it was one of his own commanders.

The purpose of his coming here is naturally for the casualty list reported by the sergeant. His squad is a very secure tank team in the enemy army. In any case, the integrity of the number must be maintained as soon as possible, so he came here to bring Norman fill in.

As soon as the sergeant looked at it, he knew that Norman was a very new recruit, who had probably never held a gun on the battlefield.

He was a little dissatisfied, because newcomers have always been an unstable factor on the battlefield, and he didn\'t want his team to bear this burden.

The sergeant\'s wish is just to end the war quickly and return to his hometown, but the premise is that he can get out of the battlefield alive.

He took the commander to a secluded place, and he refused.

But what can the commander do about this kind of thing? He also wants his tank team to maintain the best combat effectiveness, but isn\'t it nobody?

They have penetrated deep into the German army\'s hinterland. It looks beautiful, but there are still many guerrilla enemies inside. Even the supply of materials is often blocked, not to mention the deployment of some people from the rear.

Although the Allied forces are not scattered, they also have the feeling of running their own affairs and shirk each other. Who should pay attention to these issues.

The sergeant was persuaded, and since he had no choice, he had to accept the fact that Norman joined his team.

Norman was ignorant. He was originally a clerk, but suddenly he joined the frontline troops.

At night, everyone sat around each other and chatted.

But Norman didn\'t know what to say. He didn\'t know anyone else and greeted him very embarrassedly.

The other 4 are all veterans who have been on the battlefield. They have no time to care about this noisy recruit, and they talk on their own.

On the second day, the troops were divided and continued to expand the strategic section from the southeast and northeast.

The journey was uneventful, and Norman gradually began to integrate into the Furious Squad.

The sergeant taught him how to be a good lookout, and told him how to observe the direction. These are all responsibilities that he needs to take on in the future.

The visibility inside the tank is very poor, and an outside "eye" is needed to tell them where to hit and where to push.

In this way, after marching smoothly for three days, they came to a housing area where they were fighting.

The commander of the team ran to inquire, only to know that this was the vanguard of an Allied army. When they were chasing the trail of the German army, they found this place and immediately launched an offensive. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

Since there are enemies and they are blocking their way forward, they also want to help the vanguard of the friendly army to capture this place.

Before preparing to fight, Norman was a little nervous.

The sergeant comforted him, saying that it was a small scene, so there was no need to worry at all.

In this kind of housing area, the tanks naturally have little effect, and there are too many bunkers. After bombarding the target a few times, it is found that the lethality is not enough.

The sergeant gave the order decisively, leaving the two of them to continue the bombardment, and climbed out of the tank with Norman and the Bible.

Norman hid behind the bunker, listening to the sound of the bullets popping, and watching the surrounding comrades who were injured from time to time, at a loss.

The teachings and beliefs of the past all turned to ashes at this moment.

On this most real battlefield~www.novelhall.com~ he seems to have fallen into auditory hallucinations.

I just feel that everything around me is so unfamiliar.

Not far away, a comrade-in-arms fell down in pain, blood flowing from his wound, "Save...Save me...".

His gaze turned to Norman, who was hiding under the cover, but he was still unconscious, so he looked at him blankly and closed his eyes.

Norman looked around. The two sides were at war. He supported the steel helmet on his head, it seemed that only this could give him a sense of security.

Why is he here? He thought so.

"Lie down." The sergeant shouted, pulling Norman over.

The cannonball landed next to them, making a violent roar.

Norman was pulled out of his trance by the sergeant. He looked at him and clenched the weapon in his hand.

Looking at his appearance, the sergeant pushed him under another bunker. He has no time to care about him now, and he has to continue fighting.

It is common for recruits to be stupid, which is why sergeants are reluctant to bring recruits.

On the battlefield, maybe it\'s just a moment of distraction, and you may lose your life.

He didn\'t want to send a suicide note to his teammates again.

Soon, all the German soldiers on the opposite side were wiped out. The entire battle, from the moment they joined, was inevitable.

It is indeed a small scene...

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