Legendary Guardian

Chapter 478 - 478: The Great Hall

The beyond and Blake appeared in something that looked like an endless corridor with mighty statues of the God realm cosmic beings littered by the sides of the corridor. She looked pale since it took a lot of will power to summon a spatial gate even when under the influence of Derik's word path abilities.

"I have called the cosmic beings to aid us, I doubt Derik would dare step foot here! If he does he will be going up against five true gods and two demigods with just the demigod realm cultivation base." The beyond and Blake quickened their pace as they walked down the extremely long corridor.

"If that's all you have to say, then you do not know who Derik is or what he is capable of… Do you really think I would call someone normal 'master' for years? Do you still underestimate the strength of his absolute death magic?" Blake looked a bit irritated by how clueless the beyond is but he couldn't blame her.

She is one of the first set of creatures created in this realm and from the beginning of time till now she has remained dominant with her space element. In the past, she had reached a power level where she could even create beings at the true god realm cultivation base! Even Derik is yet to achieve this level! So he could understand why she is unconsciously belittling Derik's strength over and over again even after seeing it so many times.


Finally, they reached the end of the long corridor and the beyond wasted no time in pushing the massive doors open. With the massive grand hall was a round table where all the cosmic beings were seated. Taking his time to observe the entire grand hall, Blake noticed the numerous images of all the cosmic beings that have ever existed. He was pretty sure that Kaido and his group were not the first to overthrow their cosmic spirits.

"Why is he here? A hiss could be heard from across the table and Blake couldn't help but recognize the man.

He was dressed in a bright orange knight armor with a massive blazing broadsword which had a lion face shaped hilt was placed on the large table. His strength at the low grade of the true god realm! While this is far lower than what it used to be, he knew this drop in power was a result of their defeat at the hands of Derik. He consumed portions of their souls granting him a boost in the realm and their powers as well. In his opinion, these people have done more harm than good but he chose not to bring up the matter since they are still true gods and if he wishes to survive today, he will need their help.

"Long time no see, Kaido… Why are you so pissed? We all betrayed Derik… He wants our head so it's best we stick together" Blake spoke lightly with no hint of anger or annoyance in his tone or face.

Hearing this not only Kaido but Crystal and Diana were infuriated by his words but they couldn't entirely refute him. They tried to convince themselves that they didn't betray Derik for personal gains but the truth remains that they did. Their actions led to the death of the new gods who they once called family!

"At least we didn't betray him for trivial reasons like power" Diana hissed but Blake did not look moved by her words. Instead, he shot her a glance and said;

"Power is worth dying for… You betrayed your family so that you can live… if you ask me… that's pathetic"


"Enough!" The Beyond screamed immediately Crystal, Kaido and Diana jumped on their feet, ready to pounce on Blake.

"My master and your friend is coming… Derik has regained his godly essence but he is yet to completely digest it… his cultivation base is still at the demigod realm but I must say, it will be dumb to look down on him… This is our best chance to kill him... Your best chance of survival!" Blake said in a serious tone.


"The last time I came here, it was to kill a few cosmic beings… I succeeded… Do you really think that having the beyond and my run-away apprentice by your side will change anything? You all must be confident in your abilities or plain stupid" Derik's voice surged in from across the hallway.

The air got thinner as a darkish green aura surged into the room spreading all across the room.

"Didn't you say he hasn't reached the True God realm?" Diana felt fl.u.s.tered by Derik's presence and the thick death aura made it impossible to detect his realm. The other true gods seemed to agree with her, they found it hard to believe that someone with such a powerful and intense aura is still in the demigod realm!

"He is yet to reach the true God realm… a thousand years of peace have dulled your senses and has made you weak… that's why six of you couldn't face him" Blake spoke those words filled with venom.


His life aura exploded and spread across the room, meeting Derik's death aura fearlessly. Everyone could feel the two energies collide and since they didn't know of the beyond's plan they were left shocked and dumbfounded.

"That's Lord's Cyrus power!" Diana screamed out in shock.

"You wish to use life aura against my death aura? Have you learned nothing?" Derik's enraged voice could be heard from the long corridor.

"Back then I was scared of destroying the source of the God's vein, here I have no reason to hold back, Derik Angus!" Blake growled as his life aura flared up, mixing with the aura of various elements!