Legendary Guardian

Chapter 477 - 477: The word path

"Run!" Blake shot backward as the barrage of bone spears shot towards him and the beyond.

"I will deal with this" The Beyond's voice reached his ears as the dark clouds appeared in front of him.

Just before the bone spears could reach him, a spatial gate appeared in front of the cl.u.s.ter of black clouds, swallowing up the bone spears all at once.

"Nice trick… I guess I will have to deal with this the normal way!" Derek grinned as his eyes let out a bright green light and his huge body vanished.

Appearing right in front of the thick black smoke, Derik stretched his hands and touched them. Right before everyone's eyes, even the black cloud began to rot and fade away.

"Your power is crazy! It has no laws and follows no rules!" The beyond couldn't help but scream in fear as the clouds around her rotted away easily. She could understand when Derik made the golden sword rot since she believed the sword without divinity of life no different from any other normal sword! Since Derik could overwhelm the divinity of the sword it's reasonable that he could make it rot. What she couldn't bring herself to understand how Derik can make clouds rot!

"GET BACK!!!" Blake roared as his eyes let out a golden light and ancient letters flew out of his mouth, smashing into Derik and throwing him a few meters back.


While flying back uncontrollably Derik was forced to summon two pairs of black angel wings to regain control. Finally stopping, Derik rubbed his forehead with his eyes shut for a while before opening his eyes again and looking at his opponents. In the past, he always said that a second is enough to decide the victor in a battle between top-tier masters but that's different for him now.


"Because I am the absolute!" Derik muttered as he slowly approached the duo again.

"If only I had my death scythe, this would have been over a long time ago" Derik yawned while he spoke.

Seeing Derik's attitude when facing them, these two couldn't help but feel insulted! They are beings that have reached the peak of this realm, yet they are been looked down on by someone today!

"GRAVITY MAGIC: GIGA FALL!" The Beyond roared viciously as she grabbed the space around her and pulled down. The entire space around them was been pulled down by her power but Derik didn't even move an inch. She could feel the gravity magic lingering around him and she instantly knew he was using his gravity magic to prevent hers from affecting him directly.

"ON YOUR KNEES!" Blake growled as he planned to use the word path but he received the shock of his life.

"SILENCE!" Derik growled and an unknown force prevented both the beyond and Blake from speaking.

"I call this absolute death magic! The abilities of all those who once died are registered and I am capable of using them… King Robert of Gyro was the first to make use of this path… now it's mine…. Do you understand… you cannot win against me… why? Because I am the absolute!" Derik laughed as he slowly walked towards them.

He watched them struggle but none of them could speak. A satisfied smile surfaced on his face as he clasped his hands together and two death spears appeared behind him.

"DON'T MOVE, GET IMPALED AND ROT!" Derek muttered those words but it sounded like bells ringing in their ears.


The two bone spears shot towards them and no matter how they struggled they couldn't move! The unknown force created by Derik's words was strong enough to keep them tied down. At this point, when looking at Derik, these people didn't see a God or a human being. Instead, they saw a monster!

Before the spears could hit, a massive spatial gate appeared behind them and they were pulled in by the gate's suction force and the gate closed just before the spear could reach them.

"Nice trick, I am genuinely impressed" Derik couldn't help but commend the Beyond's choice of spell.

Even though Derik had regained his gold essence, he is yet to recover his true strength. While his strength was slightly higher than what it was before he got here, he could now perform some godly abilities which he couldn't do in the past.

Shutting his eyes, he spread his consciousness across the entire planet, searching for the beyond. He instantly found the location of the old gods and a handful of other potential enemies but these people are not his main target for now so he chose to ignore them.

"They left the God's vein" Derik muttered in shock but he also found this extremely reasonable since it's the best thing to do.

Now he has regained his godly essence, no one else in this world can challenge him and he can easily kill them off whenever he wants, so the best place to be is a place where there no one can challenge them, where they can get help! The chambers of the cosmic beings!

"Do you really think I won't dare go after you? Don't think too highly of yourself!" Derek growled as he grabbed the space around him and tore it open, instantly creating a spatial gate.

He shot a final glance to the space beneath the black whirlpool and silently swore to visit here and learn more about it when the battle is over.


With the destruction of the Beyond's barrier, mana returned to the world spreading across the land. The sudden occurrence came as a shock, leading many of the old gods and new gods to form several theories as to why it happened. While old god's believed that something must have happened to the Beyond for this to happen, they really couldn't tell if she is dead or alive.

Meanwhile, the new Gods were aware of Derik's departure from the empire and they knew he was searching for his godly essence. With the sudden destruction of the Beyond's barrier, they assumed that Derik must have met the beyond and defeated her but what worried them more was that Derik was yet to return!