Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 889

Megan's commercial films are about to continue, but in the past two years, all the films that she has asked her crew to shoot are rotten films, which Guo Xu does not have the impression at all.

The only thing he was familiar with, and Megan liked, was Disney's big production, Prince of Persia. The producers think Megan's skin color is suitable for the role of Princess of the holy city in the desert.

Megan was so happy that she almost agreed. At that time, the Disney crew gave up her for Lindsay Lohan. Now Lindsay has become a synonym for "slut". However, Disney invited her to play in a $200 million blockbuster. It's a great sense of accomplishment to think about it.

As a result, Guo Xu asked the economic man to push the play for her. The smoke of Megan's seven holes was similar to that of boo, the devil on the Bank of Daming Lake. If it had not been for dadario, the villa would have become a scene of star domestic violence.

Of course, Guo Xu's choice is correct. The former Prince of Persia lost both word-of-mouth box office, and Jack Gyllenhaal, the male owner of the pit, is not light. In addition to special effects, this film really has nothing to watch. The main man is not strong in fighting power, only good at jumping and jumping. There is no suspense in the plot. You can see from the actor's appearance that it is Kidd who killed the king

Game adapted movies have always been a big hole, and there are few successful cases. Even the box office of "biochemical crisis" series is not very high, it is to make money by depressing investment.

After the movie was missed, there was no big production for Megan. There are few Hollywood blockbusters in a year, and she is lucky to meet a hit series like transformers.

There was a big opportunity for imeber Hilde, but it was not taken.

She was recognized by the cast of Iron Man 2 as the most suitable actress to play "black widow". She is beautiful, tall and suitable for wearing tight clothes. A large number of action plays can be completed by herself.

Later, this role was robbed by Scarlett Johnson. It was not that Amy arbor was out of schedule, but that Scarlett didn't want money. As a leading actress with a lot of parts, she actually accepted 300000 US dollars.

It is worth mentioning that Robert Downey Jr., who starred in Iron Man 1, only paid 500000 films. On the one hand, Downey's box office appeal was not tested at that time, and on the other hand, he just came out of the drug-related scandal.

Marvel likes to hold down prices on actors, and then spend money on special effects. After the release of "fast track", amebo's value has been greatly increased and compared.

Scarlett's previous bad films one by one, after "escape from clone island" are mostly independent films. If it were not for these experiences, she would not have become the famous Natasha Romanov.

It's a good thing that amebe didn't play the black widow. Otherwise, the price of the avenger alliance would rise too fast. How could Guo Xu find her to play the hunger game series?

In line with the principle of "more than enough", Guo Xu suggested that Megan and dadario should not accept new films for the time being, and that they should receive less films in the future, at most one film a year. She's famous only for her company's films, and she doesn't have to think about anything else.

Dadario is a bit depressed. She hasn't starred in a movie since Chloe, only as a guest star. She doesn't feel like an actress now. She's in love in Los Angeles.

It's a good way to say that. In fact, she feels that she is more like being taken care of by two people

Dadario is not going to take on some messy plays. She believes Guo Xu's vision. He has never failed in his investment in the entertainment industry. He said that bad films are bad.

Not only people in Hollywood believe in Guo Xu's vision, but also her friends in the music world. At the end of July, Stella grey came to see Guo Xu and asked him to listen to his new songs and give him some advice.

This song is the first version of Guo Xu's famous "love the way you lie" in his previous life. Many tunes are slightly different from the final version, which is very decadent.

After hearing the version of Stella, Guo Xu got the Grammy version automatically in his brain. It was Rihanna who covered it, and Megan shot the original MV.

He thought about it for a while and decided to change it directly to the final version, which would save a lot of time and save her brain cells. "I have a little personal opinion. Maybe it's not right. Please refer to it."

"Don't worry about my face. I know I'm a loser. My songs are not comparable to those you wrote before. I'll be satisfied if you can give me some advice." Said Stella with a wry smile.


Guo Xu hasn't seen Stella since the weekend. She thinks that she will be better when she is out of the mountain. The result is that she has been touched by Perona's negative ghost, and she will kneel down at any time to repent that "my mother should not have given birth to me".

Guo Xu organized some words and said with a smile: "I think you should sing more passionately. The current singing method is not the artistic conception of this song. According to the understanding of the lyrics, the hostess likes this man very much. Even if she lies, she also likes to be beaten. She has a tendency of masochism. Your singing feels just negative and decadent, lacking a bit of ferocity

Sgara grabs a little inspiration. "Tough?"

"To be exact, the story of your song is not complete. If this is a movie, you only consider the heroine and do not give the hero a complete set. What kind of man do you think the man will be? Cheating playboy? Or the kind of control maniac who loves the mistress but can't express it"I think it's the second one," she replied, swallowing

Megan and dadario, who accompanied Guo Xu to study music in the studio, didn't realize it. Looking at the twinkling stars in Guo Xu's eyes, both felt that he was particularly handsome at work. No matter what kind of work it is, he seems to be able to do it well.

Guo Xu pulled Megan to his side and proposed: "Megan, you have a performance. If you think you are the heroine in the song, a little bit masochistic, and you like the man very much, what will it be like?"

Megan's career as an actress has not been muddling along for so many years. She immediately brewed her emotions. She cried and then laughed, then gave Guo Xu a warm kiss and finally gave him a hard push.

“……” Stella thinks it's not masochism, it's single dog abuse.

Guo Xu was also a little embarrassed and said with a smile: "first of all, you should think about how to sing louder and faster. The hostess can't just be abused like a poor creature. She should be able to fight back. I think it would be better to show that in my singing. Just a moment

While digesting Guo Xu's words, Scola listens to the story of two female YY songs.

Guo Xu quickly changed the tune and changed the rhythm to Rihanna's version, which immediately became more passionate.

Sgara looked at his altered song, tried the climax, and trembled with excitement. It's a very right choice to come to Guo Xu. He is his bosom friend.

He only listened to a song three times before he could modify it, and the change was in line with sguela's appetite. It was a manifestation of genius.

In fact, Guo Xu's work efficiency has been reduced. The previous life's song is the representative work of Eminem and Rihanna. It's hard for fans who have paid attention to these two singers to forget it. After Guo Xu's rebirth, probably because of the fusion of the two souls, his thinking became very clear, and his intelligence was much higher than that of the two generations. Once he recalled it, he remembered the whole tune.

Guo Xu also recalled the live version of Eminem and Rihanna at the 53rd Grammy Awards. They performed a mixed chorus of two songs, with sgara and Dr dre coming out later to sing another classic "ineeda doctor.".

If I'm here to sing this song, I'll be able to go to the Grammy again

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