Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 888

Suns first signed to Sergi Ibaka, according to the rookie contract normally signed for four years, in order to let him join the NBA next season, the sun spent a little bit of gold. Because his last year was only partial coverage, a million dollars was done.

The sun's second contract is to renew Maxin gotat. The warriors who lack the inside line have made 10 million poachers for three years. Originally, Brian wanted to let go directly. He called Guo Xu and wanted to hear his opinions. Gotat usually likes to please Guo Xu. He takes an active part in the dinners and group activities initiated by Guo Xu. If Guo Xu likes this little brother very much, it will be bad to send him away.

Guo Xu thinks that gotat's annual salary of just over 3 million yuan can't be cheaper even if it's rotten in his hands. He suggests Brian match the contract. It's a good deal. Although he's just a substitute, it's impossible to sign someone as strong as him at the same price.

Then a very embarrassing thing happened, piston veteran Rashid Wallace wanted to join the Suns, but was rejected, even if he only had a base salary. There is no place for him in the team, the inside is too strong.

Sun's third contract renewal veteran hill, two years 600 everything beautiful and cheap. Hill's playoff tactics are obvious, and the defense is still working hard

then, the talented suns made a deal. They can't do without trading. The total number is more than 15.

Sam Young's performance in the summer league has not been recognized by the management. He doesn't move fast enough. He plays power forward most of the time in college. The Suns don't need short power forward any more, so the playing time is not easy to allocate.

Little Jordan's position is also very awkward, offensive technology is too rough, defense is not as good as little Gasol, only suitable for garbage time to play data, he almost did not play in the finals.

Trading alone can't get back any good chips. Bryan simply took their two packages and cash and traded with 76ers to get back Kyle Cowell and the first round draft rights of next season.

Two for one also includes the quality is very strong inside line Jordan, 76 people have no reason not to change, happily agreed. Cowall has been in Philadelphia since he joined the league. He has one year left on his contract. The Suns can choose not to renew his contract or stay with him next year.

Cowall is suitable for the solar system, he is good at running, catching and shooting, three-dimensional, defensive general. He is very suitable to be the starting small forward, if morrow and Roy start together, the defense is not as good as him.

If you don't trade to Cornwall, the Suns will not be able to sign strong men with low salary in the free market. The era of small ball comes ahead of time, and players who can shoot three points are worth more. In Guo Xu's previous life, Vaughn weaver, who was forced to seek gold in Europe, was able to mix well.

After the transaction, the Suns' 14 man lineup confirmed that a place was reserved for veteran players. If Brian felt that there was a gimmick, he could sign it.

Centre forward: Amare stadamier, mark Gasol, Maxin gotat.

Power forwards: Udonis Haslem, Paul Millsap, Sergi Ibaka.

Small forward: Grant Hill, Kyle Cowell, Gerrard green.

Point guards: Anthony morrow, Brandon Roy.

Point guard: Guo Xu, Kyle Lori, Golan Dragic.

Guo Xu spent two weeks in Los Angeles to finish his part, then left the crew and his girlfriend to live in the villa, living a shameless life every day.

They are easy to be surrounded when they go out, or they are comfortable on vacation at home. If they want to play games, they can interact with each other first.

Once in a while, they argue over different ideas.

When discussing the selection of new films today, Guo Xu and Megan have totally different ideas.

"I've already been nominated as a film queen, and maybe I'll be the winner next time. Let's play Chloe," Megan said

"I will never do that kind of movie again, and after the Oscars is not important at all. Is it not good for you to make commercial films in a down-to-earth manner? Other people want to be a movie queen in order to improve their own value. You are just looking for abuse. " Guo Xu was helpless.

"It's almost like that. You've won so many awards. I just want to take it once, can't I?" Megan pouted. At home, her hobby is to play with Guo Xu's trophy to give an Oscar speech. Unfortunately, she can only YY her lines, and she has no chance to really speak on stage once.

"The best hostess, which is so easy to take? How long do you think Kate stayed up... "

Although Guo Xu still remembers several films that can win the Oscar nomination, he is not optimistic about Megan winning the prize. Oscar's hidden rules are no less than NBA. The judges don't like Megan.

Movies with themes and biographies are easy to win, but none of them are suitable for Megan. Moreover, whether or not to win depends on the public relations and the mood of the judges, which has little to do with the quality of the film.

For example, there is a best film "the bomb disposal unit". It's just a piece of shit. Which audience will go to the movie to see that thing, and after watching it, they still say it's ok?

Megan may win a prize in black swan, which is famous, but Guo Xu's company can't win the script.In Guo Xu's previous life, the film was much more wonderful outside the play than inside.

At first, Darren Aronofsky tailor-made for his wife, Rachel Vicky. As a result, Natalie Portman got involved in their marriage, leading to Darren's abandonment of Rachel.

After Natalie successfully got the role she wanted, she was not a professional dancer. A large number of dance parts of the heroine inevitably had to hire special dance doubles, which would seriously affect the Oscars.

After finishing a small part of her dance parts, she claimed that she had completed most of the dances, and signed an overlord contract with the dance stand in, forbidding the other party to tell the truth, so as to avoid the adverse impact on her Oscar.

What's more, Natalie decided to find a suitable partner in order not to get involved in the scandal caused by the breakdown of Darren and Rachel's marriage. At the time of filming, she got involved with Benjamin mipped, the director of the bisexual dance on the set. She killed two birds with one stone. If someone criticized her unprofessional dance, she would naturally be recognized by her boyfriend, the chief dancer of the New York ballet.

after that, she announced that she was pregnant. She made movies during her pregnancy to show sympathy, and she became an Oscar winning actress. Unfortunately, after a short time, she was exposed to use a stand in, promiscuous relationship between men and women, people collapsed.

Which is the impact of Oscar? Natalie just wanted to kill herself to be a movie queen. Even if Megan could do it, he would have been nominated under different hype.

Besides this one, Guo Xu doesn't know what other characters are suitable for Megan. "Why don't you try female match? There are trophies anyway, and it's easier for an Oscar girl to match. "

Megan turned her head and stopped talking. She felt that Guo Xu looked down on her as an outstanding actress who had been nominated as a film queen.

In fact, even if the female matches Megan, it is difficult to win. Basically, most of the winners are literary and artistic films. Guo Xu's impression is that "miserable world" is the better winner, and Megan can't sing her voice.

Guo Xu couldn't help her and sighed, "I'll keep an eye on it for you. When there's a good script, I'll take it down for you to act. Don't pick up the drama yourself. What you think is good may be rubbish."

Megan said in a coquettish way: "for once, I don't like to shoot for a long time. I just want to prove myself. I'll do it again, whether she wins or not

"That's settled. I'll try my best to help you choose."

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