Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 846

On September 10, Robert Smith came to Guo Xu with his brother Matt and said to ask him about NBA.

"You have a good eye. I want to ask, do you think the NBA team is worth investing in? I want to buy the warriors. " As soon as Matt opened his mouth, Guo Xu was surprised.

Warriors boss Chris Cohen does consider selling the team, as early as a few years ago, there were rumors that Cohen would sell his shares. This summer, the same news was once again in the air, and it became more and more true.

Cohen is tired, and over the past 15 years under his leadership, the warriors have become a synonym for strangeness and failure. He tried to be the boss who was loved by the fans, tried to be a winner, but failed.

The warriors have a good geographical location and have a market in the San Francisco Bay area. It's easy to succeed, but it's just a little bit short.

After the trade to Kobe, warriors still failed to play in the playoffs, Cohen finally made up his mind.

The Smith family wants to buy NBA team is the butterfly effect caused by Guo Xu. In the past, Matt was not a competitor. He was not familiar with NBA at all. Now it's different. The Smiths and Guo Xu are allies. They start to pay attention to the NBA and get to know the NBA. They want to buy a team to advertise their own industry.

In the past, they were just invisible tycoons who were in the limelight, and they were not well-known outside the circle. As they met Guo Xu and Robert to marry Britney Spears, they began to gradually step onto the stage. The current global economic situation is not good, investment in NBA is the way.

"Of course you can. I'm optimistic about the potential of NBA." Guo Xu gave the affirmative answer directly.

Robert cut in: "are you sure? I heard that the labor agreement in 2011 is not easy to talk about, and many teams are losing money

"Yes, now the NBA is in recession, but it will be different in a few years. The NBA will become the largest League in the basketball field. Because the dream eight team and I won the championship easily in the Olympic Games this year, fans can see the gap between other leagues and NBA. If the U.S. team wins the championship in 2010 World Championships and 2012 Olympic Games, the commercial value of NBA will continue to improve."

At this time, only a few people thought that there was a future for investing in NBA teams. In Guo Xu's previous life, Joey Lakoff, the later boss of warriors, was engaged in venture capital.

Matt said with a smile, "Jason, will you consider warriors playing in the future? Or are you going to retire from the suns? "

"I didn't think about it. Even if I didn't play in warriors, I could give you some advice on team building." Guo Xu replied.

Matt said with a smile, "OK, I'll organize a group to discuss the acquisition of warriors."

Guo Xu is not joking. If he wins too many games, people will become a little bit floating. Now he has some Hong Kong man mentality. He is always invincible and meaningless. Even if the warriors are organized as before, what will happen? It might be more interesting to play hard.

It's just a question. A lot of people know his relationship with the Smiths. Maybe some people question the match fixing?

Considering that Adam Silva will become president in the future, he will cooperate with the gambling company. Guo Xu's matter seems not a problem.

Matt is likely to be the final winner, because the Smith family's financial resources are not comparable to Lakoff's. as long as they decide to buy, they will definitely be able to bid higher than the other party. Cohen must have sold it to someone who offered a high price. There's no reason to sell it cheap.

In recent years, Cohen has been investigated by the U.S. tax office about tax evasion, which can be described as a constant trouble. To make matters worse, Warriors also spread the problem of internal fighting among the management, leading to the whole team up and down the morale of the army. Guo Xu knows that the warriors will change ownership in the summer of 2009.

Players can't buy teams, otherwise they want to buy warriors to play. When he retires in the future, he also has a team to run and will always be linked with the NBA.

It's not the key to make money by the team. It's a live advertisement. It's convenient to do other business. Everyone will know the boss through the team.

After the former warrior changed the boss, he began to rise in 2013. In 15 years, he won three NBA championships in four years, and became the hottest super team in the league. How much was it worth to buy the warriors for $450 million?

In 2018, the warriors were valued at a staggering $3 billion, how many times did they earn? Cohen's blood is low. I think I'm sorry.

Guo Xu does not participate in any purchase of the warriors, as long as it has nothing to do with himself. When the team really changes ownership, he will not have any dispute.

It's not impossible to think about Guo Xu's coming and going to play with warriors. Now he and Brian crongiro have a very happy cooperation, which is based on his youth. After he is 35 years old, his state has declined. Who can be sure that he has been happy all the time?

It's very common for NBA stars to be forced to cut their salaries or be kicked out of the country after their declining status. Maybe Brian will go crazy one day. In Guo Xu's previous life, this guy has done a lot of stupid things.

He has been exposed for using multiple trumpets to attack his team and players on social media, including the star of the day, David OBID, as well as okafu, who had been neglected by the 76ers before, and his former manager, cinky. All of this makes the whole public opinion uproar.Of course, if Brian is not stupid enough to build a trumpet, he will only do so if he is crazy. When Guo xujianxin was 35, he was probably the first person in NBA history. Now he's only 27 years old, and he has eight years to go.

In September, the sun's last quota was determined, and 37 year old Brent Barry was selected to make up the 15 person list.

Barry is very comprehensive, can shoot three points, good sense of passing, physical fitness in position 2, 3 can also keep up with the pace of the game. He is not completely a mascot mixed ring, occasionally play a few minutes can play.

Guo Xu and the Suns have completed the renewal of their contract, with the top salary of 5 years, which will be implemented next season. The player option is 2012 and will expire in 2013. By then, Guo Xu will be 32 years old, and he will be able to sign a big contract.

Guo Xu didn't sign for six years, which was very embarrassing in 2014. It was not appropriate for players to sign long contracts or short contracts, because the NBA started to raise wages in 2015, and any player in a role could earn tens of millions a year. Guo Xu's plan is to sign for three years from 2013 to 2016. If he doesn't retire at the age of 35, he can catch up with the tail of wage increase and sign a few more years of high salary.

Maybe he didn't care about making money by playing at that time, but the size of the player's contract and whether the top salary is a direct reflection of the value of the star, and he would not agree to give too little. Some star's salary cut is to have better teammates to attack the championship, Guo Xu can also impact the championship without superstar teammates.

When Guo Xu bought a house in Los Angeles, many sun fans were worried, for fear that he would suddenly send a statement back to the Lakers. If the Lakers want to welcome him back, it's not impossible to send Joe Johnson away without changing players. Bogut or rookie contract, Ellis, Artest's contract is not big, can free up the salary space.

Now that Guo Xu has completed his contract renewal, the fans are at ease.

At a press conference on the renewal of his contract, Guo Xu also explained why he bought a house in Los Angeles. "Phoenix is too hot. Los Angeles is more suitable for vacation. I like to stay in Los Angeles on holidays. I also want to live there when I retire. Don't worry about me joining the Lakers or clippers."

Until the end of September, Guo Xu returned to Phoenix. Steve and Bucky, two cats, stayed in Los Angeles and asked Jason stanson to help watch. Recently, his cousin lived in his house and they talked nonsense every day.

"Inception" after stanson is also popular, film about the continuous, but there is no big production, is a type of action film.

The good news is that he's starring instead of being a villain or a stunt

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