Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 845

There are not many big deals in the NBA free market this summer. Most of the big free players have renewed their contracts with their respective teams, but there are still some star exchange cases.

McGrady only played in Detroit for a year before being traded by the pistons. He is not very popular in the team, and many of his teammates think he is too unique. In march against the 76ers, McGrady broke through and was knocked to the ground and limped to the free throw line.

Obviously, he didn't fit into the team, and McGrady didn't want to stay and offered to trade.

With the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis, the economic situation of Detroit is getting worse and worse. Under the dual pressure of the US economic weakness and the soaring oil prices, the performance of GM, Ford and Chrysler, which are known as the "Detroit three giants" of the American automobile industry, are deteriorating and facing difficulties, and the auto city is going bankrupt.

T-Mac is right to go at this time, but his value has dropped a lot, and he can't replace any strong man. Joe Dumas ruthlessly sent McGrady away, not for a strong star, just want to get rid of his big contract, afraid that his injury will aggravate, next season will be scrapped.

As a result, the pistons sent Tracy McGrady, and replaced guard Larry Hughes and center Brandon Heywood from the Wizards.

Hughes is useless. The only advantage is that the contract is a little smaller than that of McGrady. Heywood is the addition, he has been very embarrassed in the wizard position, and Kwame Brown overlap, both are defensive blue collar.

After the deal, some wizardry fans were optimistic about the future of the team, believing that the Wizards also formed a big three. As long as McGrady gets his hand back, he will be very strong and can score and organize. He is much better than Hughes.

After watching the news, Guo Xu was silent for the prodigy. It was not to rise, but there was no salvation at all. Arenas and Tracy McGrady are two players with serious injury risks. They have two super bad contracts. Jamieson is strong in attack and weak in defense, and his ability to lead the team is not strong.

Next season, the wizards are likely to hurt no one. The beneficiary is Kevin lefoy, who is the sixth best choice by the Wizards. He will probably get a lot of playing time and ball rights. After Heywood left, the competition inside was not so fierce.

Rockets veteran center Mutombo chose to retire after winning the championship ring, and the Rockets signed Magloire as the replacement in the free market. After winning the championship, the Rockets had the capital to attract big free players to join the league. They signed in an excellent blue collar center with only $1.9 million of basic salary.

Magloire was selected as the eastern all star in 2004 and has 8 years of NBA experience. He has played 24.2 minutes per game and got 8.6 points and 7.2 rebounds. He is a good rebounder. However, his condition and peak period can not be compared, two serious injuries after a serious decline.

In the championship contenders, the Spurs also strengthened the lineup under the premise of controlling the total salary, signing point guard Roger Mason, rookie dual guard George Hill, veteran Kurt Thomas.

In addition, there is still one year rookie contract of Denny Granger, close to the retirement of veteran Bruce Bowen, Michael Finley, the Spurs are not weak in all positions, the weakness is that Duncan is still a strong man in the interior, the rest are blue collar.

The Spurs only aim at the championship in the new season. If they don't win the championship in 2009, they will have to wait for reconstruction. Granger's performance is easy to be poached by other teams at a premium. The Spurs owner never pays luxury tax and is unlikely to match his contract.

The Spurs have done this more than once. After winning the championship in 2003, they let Stephen Jackson go in vain. On the surface, they saved money. In fact, they had to delay a lot of time in order to introduce powerful small forwards.

The Clippers sent off "ski man" Radmanovic and fringe center Paul Davis, who won diabetic Adam Morrison and guard Shannon Brown from Bobcats.

As a high ranking rookie, Morrison was abandoned after playing Bobcats for two seasons. He gave the Clippers a cheap contract in exchange for a bad contract, and he also caught up with brown, who was physically super strong.

The Cavaliers sent out drew Gooden as part player and got the Bucks starting point guard Mo Williams.

Gooden and Boozer overlap, leaving little significance, Mo Williams is the Cavaliers eager to strengthen the point guard.

Knight's total salary has already burst the table, boss Daniel Gilbert now no matter how much money, just want to get the championship. If you don't win, it's hard for the future Cavaliers to keep James.

In fact, it's hard to keep James after winning the championship. By then, he has fulfilled his promise to lead his hometown team to win the championship. He can go to the big city to pursue the maximization of commercial value.

Many experts are optimistic about the Cavaliers and think that their strength has been greatly improved. Mo Williams's style is very suitable for the Cavaliers. He can break through the ball, catch and shoot from the outside, and he is also good at organizing. Last season, he averaged 17.2 points and 6.3 assists. Because he has not been a partner with Yi Jianlian, nor won the title of "mobuzhuan".

The heat sent out Jermaine O'Neal and wiggler Dorrell white, switching from Blazers to guard TJ Ford and inside agent millicci.

Milicic and Aldrich overlapped in the pioneer positions, and the management decided to keep only one. Milicic played for several years, and although he was not called "the best seller", he did not play the expected level to become a star.O'Neal's advantage is that he has only one year left in his contract. After the end of next season, the trailblazers will be able to make 21 million salary space, which is promising in the free market.

The heat lack of inside line, eager to send off the serious injury potential of O'Neill, Pat Riley felt that Milicic may have room for improvement, at least a qualified starting center.

It was the warriors who failed the most in the summer. After signing brand, there were no outstanding players to join, and two role players left.

Guard jaskovi Hughes once led Lithuania to beat the dream team in 2004 Olympic Games. He was selected for the best team in Beijing Olympic Games, and many people began to look forward to his performance next season. However, he refused to renew the warriors' contract or accept other teams' contracts and chose to return to Europe.

Jaskov Hughes in the NBA acclimatized to leave, the other left more strange.

The swing man, tchildris, also rejected the warriors' contract extension and chose to sign for Olympiacos basketball club in Greece. California's taxes are high, and the man who wants to make money doesn't want to stay. In the warriors, he can only be a substitute for Kobe and rolden.

In the free market warriors do not have a good choice of guard, even Ramon - sethens such a second round guard bucks are not released, the latter half of last season sethens played well.

After another lap, the warriors signed the strong attack and weak defense. CJ Watson, who lost the draft in that year, was 188CM TALL and weighed 79 kg. He has poor organizing ability and is more like a shooting guard. If he and Barbosa are point guards in the new season, the ball must be running very poorly.

The Los Angeles media used the headline "players are running away from the Warriors" and did not like the Trident composed of Kobe, brand and rolden in the new season.

The news didn't set off any storm, and there were not many people discussing it on the Internet. Fans didn't care about the life and death of warriors. Most people just wanted to know whether the sun could win next season. If Guo Xu won the championship again, seven championship rings would surpass Jordan.

Stars are not afraid of being sprayed by fans, if there are many sunspots, a black top ten fans, proving that many people like you. Guo XuKe and Jamie have always been concerned about, but the former Jamie has never been on the other side.

Now Kobe has been ignored by the fans, no single game 81 points is fatal

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