Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 623

Guo Xu now has a way to break the opponent's whole court, and these tactics are verified by his actual combat in the time cycle.

If Guo Xu only depends on his personal ability, even if he is facing a group of amateur rookies in the University, it will be difficult to get more than 120 points. In the second half, they will chase and block Guo Xu, pass the ball freely, but it is not easy to get rid of the shot.

Guo Xu began to practice his personal skills, breakthrough techniques and throwing. When he was sure that he could not get more points by his own ability, he began to bribe the basketball team with money to seek help.

He went to SVA school team training in the morning, practiced the tactics of breaking the bag and found his own way through practice.

Teammates as long as help Guo Xu block a small on the line, a guard plus an inside line of the package is not perfect. Once the big man can't keep up with Guo Xu, he can find the space and try to break through.

When he's facing curry, it's a lot easier to break through, and Kuyt may be one of the worst defensive centers in the league.

The Knicks' attack was also restrained by Guo Xu, who today proved that "attack is the best defense.".

Spidi did not dare to break through the pick and roll, but he would be chased by Guo Xu to fight back if he didn't score. To this end, he passed to green after half-time, the Knicks lack an important point of attack to hold the ball.

Green ran to catch the ball, did not get the direct out of the mobile phone meeting, and curry after the pick and roll break points, curry caught the ball into the basket, was withdrawn David Lee.

At this time Malik in the other side in the vacant position, Kuri did not pass, can not see the teammates empty.

Curry has almost no ability to coordinate the passing of the ball. He can only deliver 0.6 assists in 28.7 minutes last season. He is more than him to find a blue collar inside line who has no right to the ball for such a long time. It's no exaggeration. For example, the famous blue collar Reggie Evans, who can only defend and rebound, was 0.7 assists in 23.8 minutes at the supersonic last season.

For such a center with average scoring ability and no other ability, the Knicks even paid Tim Thomas and the first round draft right. The only advantage for the Knicks was a junk contract.

Curry relied on height advantage to single David Lee, forced to turn around and miss the throw. The rebound was snatched by David Li and passed to Peyton, who passed to Guo Xu.

Spidi didn't snatch, chose to retreat with defense, which let Guo Xu easily receive the pass.

The reason why he doesn't press for snatch is because he knows that his personal confrontation is at an absolute disadvantage. Once the gambling snatch fails, Guo Xu will easily get rid of it. Guo Xu's seemingly ordinary figure is actually a "small steel cannon" freak, which can be said to be the nightmare of all point guards of the same size.

Height below 190cm, weight less than 90 kg of control guards and Guo Xu physical confrontation, can not take advantage.

Playing basketball is not about weight lifting. Guo Xu hasn't practiced in the gym for a long time. But he broke through the fans, who claimed to be the biggest push 140 kg Iverson, just to play. According to the difference between the two people, if Guoxu's strength is blown by guomi, it is insulting to say that the horizontal push is less than 200kg.

His muscle type is different from that of normal people, his explosive power is amazing, and he is not afraid of collision.

He went to participate in the "Friday night battle" black market boxing, protected the key position, a boxing match was blasted n times, all right. After getting used to the pain, even if he is beaten in the face, he can also observe the boxing with his eyes open.

Guo Xu catches the ball and rushes forward at full speed. The opponent is not close to his body. He plays like the last attack. He takes the ball one meter away from the three-point line and grabs three points against spidi. The bag didn't come up, he dodged the cover, but the ball missed and Barnes grabbed the rebound.

Howard on the spot started to snatch, Barnes transport a step to the withdrawal of the spidi error, Guo Xu did not return to defense, but also rushed to snatch.

Barnes passes the ball in a hurry. Guo Xu steals the ball first. He takes off under the basket and wants to dunk with both hands. Spidi draws a foul from behind.

Guo Xu didn't jump high, but the ball was still very stable. Instead, he shot the ball with his right hand before landing, hit the cricket at close range on the right side, and the referee whistled 2 + 1.

Xu Jicheng said: "the Knicks defense is out of order, and Guo Xu's defense has become very aggressive."

Zhang reasonable said: "Marbury off the field, the substitute of this speed and Guo Xu gap is too big, the difference will be opened."

There were many people shouting "MVP" at the scene, especially the Chinese and Asian spectators. Guo Xu is a mixed race, proving that Asian descent can also climb to the top of NBA, and Asian Americans are willing to support him.

Guo Xu added a penalty to hit, 80-60, the 66 th individual.

During the dead ball, d'antony changed players, James Jones and Haslem came on the field, Howard and Valerio rested.

You may not believe it. The purpose of this exchange is to reduce the intensity of defense.

The two men who were replaced defended too actively. Haslem got angry in his heart. He volunteered to play and told d'antony, "I'll miss all the people and just grab the rebounds and pass."

If someone from another team talks to the coach like that, he should not only be traded, but also be kicked to death.

But the sun needs this kind of talent, d'antony will not be angry, at this time destroyed Guo Xu's record setting opportunity to make the core very angry.After playing, Haslem gave Guo Xu a look in the eye, Guo Xu nodded, very relieved to iron little brother.

There was a smell of Manchu army between them.

I want to tell you how much I know you all the time

On the other side of the court, the Knicks are in the same mood as Chaoyang people in Beijing. They all want to call the police and report Guo Xu. This product is definitely addicted to drugs today.

The Knicks attack, Haslem let go of power forward Thomas and Guo Xu, together with spidi, if the ball is broken near the three-point line, he can immediately hit back and score. Spidi points the ball along with the situation, Thomas goes into the basket to attract David Lee, then points the ball to the right side, curry clasps the basketball with both hands. 80 to 62.

Sun attack, Peyton with the ball after half-time, Haslem and David Lee together without the ball cover, help Guo Xu received the pass.

The Suns didn't think about rebounding in the front court at all. All five players were on the periphery, and Jones was standing outside the three-point line. Since the founding of the NBA, this is the strangest tactic in history.

Thomas came out, but Curie was still standing near the penalty area, looking at it from an onlooker's point of view.

Guo Xu catches the ball on the right, two steps out of the three-point line, the ball dangles falsely, Thomas pours out to interfere, Guo Xu changes to cross the ball successfully.

For other players, there is no need to pay attention to receiving the ball in this position, and shooting three-point will not have a high percentage of hits. Knicks players dare not have the slightest relaxation to Guo Xu, he can shoot in the midfield, what is two steps outside the three-point line?

After Guo Xu broke through, spidi caught up. He knew that he couldn't stop. As soon as he stopped, he would be trapped by green and Thomas, who would choose to pursue.

He lowered the center of gravity, leaned against the spidi pull ball and forced a three step layup.

In the case of confrontation, he can not play high board layup, on the inside line like to help defense is likely to be blocked, but Curie is staring at David Lee, did not make up defense.

After confirming the eyes, David Lee is the man he wants to defend, the defender has nothing to do with him, he is not the future guard Curie.

Guo Xu pressure spidi into the basketball, the latter did not pull people this time, afraid to be hit 2 + 1. He is very poor in confrontation and may not be able to hold on. His upper and lower limb strength are defective.

82 to 62, individual 68th.

Thomas, the assassin, was staring at the court, forgetting to call a pause.

When Thomas was a player, he couldn't dream of playing like this. He couldn't defend himself today, unless Guo Xu chose to stop and pass.

The Knicks are going to have a big event at home today

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