Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 622

Knicks attack, Marbury points the ball, Willie green runs on the side without the ball cover to catch the ball and hits three points. 70 to 58.

David Lee Changed defense slowly. If the Suns didn't get hurt, he would have to start from the fringe. Now he has become one of the top three players in rotation.

It has to be said that this rich second generation is really a lucky man. Next summer, the sun management will not consider renewing his contract. However, there are hidden dangers of injury and injury. David Lee will also be re employed next season.

Sun first assistant Larry drew is going to go back to give David Lee a good lesson and ask him to watch the video of the game over and over again to find out his shortcomings.

David Lee's physical fitness is very strong. His jumping power, explosive power, flexibility and coordination are all among the top white people. In high school, he took part in the McDonald's dunk competition and won the championship by beating James White. His problem lies in his defensive consciousness. As long as the consciousness gets better, he will have a bright future in the future.

The early rise of small ball tactics led many teams to imitate the sun's playing method, so did the Knicks. They have the tactics, is loses in the player's individual ability, whether the offensive player or the blue collar all is inferior to the present sun by one level.

If the coaching team used Haslem and didn't let David Lee play, the difference would have been wide.

Sun attack, Guo Xu received the ball after half-time was wrapped, he lowered the center of gravity below the knee dribble, no chance to break, the ball back to Payton.

Peyton in the three-point line was empty, also did not shoot, dribble and so on Guo Xu movement, waits for the opportunity to divide the ball.

His long shot ability began to degenerate in 2003, and now he has hardly shot three points. When the 24 seconds are running out, Guo Xu will not consider shooting.

It's hard for young players with a lot of energy to do that and they want to perform. But Peyton is such a "veteran" who knows how to do it without deliberately arranging.

As soon as Guo Xu ran up, the Knicks felt uncomfortable. It was difficult for two people to follow him without the ball. He was fast enough to disrupt the defense system.

Guo Xu from the right side to the left side, and then from the left side, David Lee, valejo in the left 60 degrees to do a double screen. Guo Xu ran through the gap, and then they "closed the door" together, let go of Guo Xu and blocked the others.

Guo Xu catches the ball, turns to jump shot, moves in one go. Just out of the three-point line is very close for him, the ball is hollow into the net.

73 to 58, the 59th individual.

Assassin Thomas once again asked for a time-out. Guo Xu obviously wants to break the single game scoring record. Just now the Knicks player's defense is not good, so it's still too easy for him to make a move.

At this time, the fans of the scene defected, many New York fans chanted "MVP", Guo Xu had conquered Madison Square Garden.

Since the 1983-84 season, only one member of the league has scored 60 + points at the Knicks' home court, and it is the famous Knicks player Bernard king. Guo Xu is about to achieve this feat on the road.

"It is estimated that many Chinese fans who are watching the game are calling and texting their friends to let them turn on the TV to watch the live broadcast of CCTV5. Guo Xu is about to play a game that has been recorded in history. I think he can score more than 70 points in three quarters today," Xu said

Zhang reasonable excitedly said: "he not only scores more, the hit rate is also very high, three-point ball 18 shot 12."

Xu Jicheng said: "the Knicks want to defend him, I think we can only use the method of no ball, and after half-time, we have to follow him."

Zhang Zhili nodded: "this is something that has never happened in the history of NBA. In Jordan's era, such defense was illegal defense. Now he has a stronger ability to attract bags than Jordan."

Marbury was replaced and spidi was defending Guo Xu. Point guard is still green, small forward Barnes. Coach Thomas dare not at this time to replace the young rookie Salim, inexperienced easy to make mistakes.

Marbury wiped his sweat with a towel. His eyes were confused. He was depressed.

In the face of cover, he had to go around from the side to pursue and defend. Kuri stood still almost every time, and Malik seldom took charge of Guo Xu. When Guo Xu runs up, the Knicks will change from a bag to a man, even if he doesn't pass the ball, it won't work.

Knicks players have been lazy in recent years. How can they change their defensive habits? Larry Brown is not going to be a coach for a short time.

Substitute appearance spidi pressure is greater, Guo Xu is much stronger than him, he just can keep up with the speed. But at present, the Knicks are no more suitable than him to defend, others want to catch up with Guo Xu without the ball.

D'Antoni didn't change his tactics and emphasized the way he played. "Double screen, give the ball to Jason, flank attention to rush to grab the rebound in the front court, grab it down and pass it out, everyone's task is to help Jason score."

No player objected. The Suns are Guo Xu's team. The tactics should be around him. Even Howard, whose strength has been improving, can only obey the arrangement.

If a player wants to score high, he has to be at the right time.

Guo Xu has all the advantages, including the rules, "handcheck" this season is very strict, easy to make fouls, and at present the league has not strictly punished "elevator door cover".This kind of tactics has long been in existence. It has advantages and disadvantages. The Spurs and Pacers often play. Other teams don't learn because of the lack of super three points. As long as the player doesn't sidestep the opponent's shoulder when "closing", the referee will not blow cover fouls.

The game went on, the Knicks attacked, spidi controlled the ball, and four of his teammates ran through the half court first.

As a result, just after half-time of spidi, Guo Xu went forward to snatch. Before that, he had been far away and put spiedi for a long distance shot. When he was on the double guard, he did not match him.

Guo Xu this time has played an obvious effect, hit the opponent by surprise. Spidi just came on the field, half-time and a few minutes ago, his body was cold and there was no activity.

As soon as Guo Xu rushed up, spidi was a little flustered. He failed and tried to protect the basketball on his back. He was hit by his close body and was a bit staggered. Guo Xu saw the opportunity and stabbed the basketball with his left hand.

Speedy turned around quickly and the two started to chase the ball almost at the same time. As a result, Guo Xu took a quick step and picked up a quick attack under the ball.

Speidi can't see, quickly pull a foul, send Guo Xu on the free throw line.

Thomas shook his head in the field. This kind of foul is to send points. As expected, Guo Xu hit both penalties, 75-58.

"Individual 61 points! Guo Xu's scoring efficiency is too high! "

Xu Jicheng said: "he wants to break the individual scoring record in three quarters. There is still a long time to go."

The Knicks attack, spidi was forced by Guo Xu outside the three-point line. This time, Guo Xu's gambling style snatching failed and was easily got rid of by the opponent.

Spidi broke through the middle to attract the ball after making up defense, and Curie made a one handed dunk. 75 to 60.

Sun attack, Guo Xu in the backcourt to catch the ball, he has just run through the middle line, encountered a package, one handed to the empty Peyton. Green and spidi don't care about Peyton. They chase Guo Xu without the ball.

Without scoring, the role of the Suns can also play, Valerio did not go to the forbidden area, three-point line outside a step to help Guo Xu no ball cover. Peyton passes the ball, Guo Xu catches the ball without stopping, facing spidi who pursues and defends in place.

He ran over spidi with all his strength, then changed direction by speed and jumped into basketball.

Guo Xu's attack was completed at the extreme speed. After jumping, he leaned forward and flew out of the baseline after scoring. His landing action was very beautiful. A Parkour was affected and quickly turned over.

77 to 60, the 63rd.

Thomas was stunned at the sideline, and the outside cable was not covered. What should we do?

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