Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 621

Next, Guo Xu was frequently entrapped and scored 4 points when it was not easy to catch the ball. It was all relying on the counterattack of Marbury, a step backward to stop the middle shot, a breakthrough to make a foul, and a double penalty.

Marbury not only did not prevent, but also resurfaced the price of three criminals. He can not hide, Guo Xu main defense him, a counterattack is against him, the faster speed of spidi can't cover Guo Xu in the counterattack.

Blake is able to defend spidi. It doesn't matter if he slows down. He can put him two steps away from the forbidden area and wait for him to jump. He doesn't have to worry about shooting in the middle and long distance, and spidi is not sure about one step jump shot within the three-point line.

The Suns were 62-53 ahead at half-time.

Guo Xu has already scored 48 points. During the half-time, major websites vied to report the game. A group of reporters preparing to cover the nets in New Jersey are also rushing to this side. It is estimated that Guo Xu will have to score high again.

There is no big difference between the two sides and he will definitely continue to play in the second half.

Some experts analyzed Guo Xu's shooting in midfield and thought that his shooting was quick and energy-saving. He stretched out his arms to throw the ball at a very fast speed, which is worth learning from many players.

Guo Xu did develop the habit of straight arm shooting, let the wrist completely release, downward to the maximum range of the ball. In this way, he won't be short of shots in the middle circle. This technique is not his originality. McGrady can shoot with one hand in midfield, but the arc is lower than him.

Guo Xu is still not satisfied with his score. He thinks it is not much to score 18 points in 8 minutes in the second quarter. It is not difficult to break through 80 points in this way, but it is difficult to impact the 100 point mark.

So he talked to Valerio and asked him to pay attention to Marbury. In the second half, if he could, help make Marbury foul. Don't focus on the interior defense.

As long as Marbury rest, Guo Xu is easier to shoot. When he counterattacks, he can shoot against the other two guards. If Marbury's height is 188CM and no one covers it, he can do a better job in interfering with the shooting.

In the second half, Guo Xu was ready to use the unique skills. Instead of constantly running to find out the mobile phone, it was better to gamble on the feeling of the hand at a farther distance and no one's purse.

At the beginning of the second half of the game, Peyton made a mistake in the back court with the ball after the rest of the section, which was snatched by green and easily got two points. 62 to 55.

Sun attack, Peyton passed the ball to Guo Xu after half-time, and his counterpart or Marbury.

No one came up from the distance, the Knicks used joint defense, only Marbury, the outermost of the position, was in front of the three-point line.

Let everyone unexpected things happened, Guo Xu took a step after catching the ball, snatched three points in the middle circle, and stepped on the edge of the Knicks' team mark.

Marbury did not interfere, he felt Guo Xu crazy, the results turned to see the ball fly into the basket.

“what?!” Everyone at the scene was stunned, including Guo Xu's teammates and members of the coaching team.

You don't feel good anymore. You're on the hook!

65 to 55, Guo Xu scored 51st.

The Knicks attack, the Suns contract defense, Malik - Rose mid shot in Valerio slightly disturbed by the basket.

Malik worked hard for the Spurs. He was brave at both ends of attack and defense, which could improve morale. Now Malik has lost his energy and his shot is unstable.

Because he won the championship with the Spurs, his career is no regret, and the Knicks have no hope at all, can not enter the playoffs. He also signed a seven-year contract of 42 million in 2002, which expired in 2009. It's better for him not to play basketball now.

David Lee took the rebounds to fight back, Blake passed to Guo Xu, Guo Xu with the ball after half-time, Marbury back defense quickly, and then retreated to the three-point line near, no close.

Guo Xu just crossed the center line two steps, in the position of a little bit to the right to stop the jump shot again. Everyone was dumbfounded. They thought the third quarter was coming to an end. This was his last shot.

Incredible is, Guo Xu this arc is very high ultra far three-point ball hollow into the net.

68 to 55, individual 54th.

Guo Xu turned back to the center line of the jump ball position, arms flat, to a "midfield Jesus" celebration.

He is excited to play. When he practices super long distance three-point, when no one defends, he usually has about 40% shooting rate. This is the result of a group of 200 ball hard training, which is already very good.

It was fun. He took it. It's no longer a Bynum patent.

The cameraman gave the lens to the Knicks bench, including coach and assassin Thomas. A group of people were all dumbfounded and couldn't believe it. On the Suns bench, Haslem took the lead in dancing and waving towels.

Zhang reasonable cries: "the midfield throws three points to score two in a row, Guo Xu today God, he is more like the God of basketball than Jordan."

Xu Jicheng said with a smile: "Thomas didn't call for pause any more. How to prevent it? In midfield

"There must have never been such a performance in the history of NBA. This is the real strength of Guo Xu. In the first two years, when the lineup was too strong, he played around and took a ring for vacation," Zhang said. Now he stands up. "Knicks attack, Marbury is already in a hurry.

Although he has never led the team to play in the second round of the playoffs, but the data is not bad, he has always felt that he is one of the best point guards in the league, and also one of the most underrated stars. Nash, Kidd and others can only find positions behind him. Guo Xu, Iverson's personal ability is better than him.

Marbury directly single shot Guo Xu inefficiency, choose and curry play pick and roll, change backward head to want to full speed to the right road.

How can I expect Valerio to stare at him? Before, he was shrinking near the forbidden area, but this time, valejo stood very far outside, a little bit inside the three-point line. Marbury used to keep a distance from the sun's interior line, did not observe well, a head into Valerio.

With his weight of 82 kg, he should not have knocked down the 120 kg high center, but Valerio's "diving" is very technical. He deliberately tilts his center of gravity backward and bends his legs to look only 190cm tall. He didn't really dive, he actually made physical contact and put himself in a state of being easily knocked down.

Marbury couldn't stop the roof of the car on Valerio, overturned the big man to the ground, and the referee whistled.

Even in the regular season, the Knicks, the bottom of the team, don't have many home posts, because there are no stars worthy of promotion, and Marbury's reputation has long been gone.

This kind of collision referee does not blow also easy to cause controversy, the ball right to the sun, Marbury four.

Thomas, the assassin, made another mistake. He didn't immediately replace Marbury. At the moment, his brain can't move a little, he has been thinking about how many points Guo Xu will get today.

Thomas can't help but compare Guo Xu with the stars of his time. Can he and Magic Johnson's personal ability be better than Guo Xu?

The answer is no, he and the magician can't do Guo Xu's shooting without dead angle. The explosive power of single score is not as good as that of Guo Xu, and Jordan's highest score is only 69 points.

When he came back to his senses, Guo Xu had already finished the forced breakthrough, and then he dribbled the ball back to catch the European step and got rid of the bag.

Marbury knew that he had made four offenses. He was not so resolute in the package. He was afraid of fouls. If he made five, he would have to go down and rest. Guo Xu couldn't be caught by a low-intensity opponent. He jumped in to make up for defense in Curie and scored another goal.

70 to 55, individual 56th.

D'antony took the lead in cheering on the sidelines, and his teammates didn't consider scoring any more. He helped Guo Xu create opportunities and set a record for him.

Everyone wants to see how many points he can get in the end

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