Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 615

Guo Xu dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. He asked sun coach de Antoni to talk about the tactics of tonight's game.

I haven't seen him for nearly three years. He looks at d'antony's face, which is a little strange. This fat face smiles a little Q.

Guo Xu said his idea: "I suggest using double screen to help me catch and shoot. I start to move in the two bottom corners and run. Even if I don't shoot three points, I can also play with the ball on both sides. If curry leaves the field, it will be changed to the hawk attack routine, and I will cut into the inside line

Don't we talk about it yesterday? How did you change your mind? "

People's memory is limited, how can Guo Xu remember what he said on the 11th? He asked d'antony to say it first.

Yesterday's tactics are very simple, his peripheral single play mainly, the baseline to the line running position, catch the ball or find dislocation breakthrough points. Guo Xu went to the Knicks for training when he was in circulation. He found that this move was well defended by them. He would certainly trap him on the line, empty the inside line and force him to pass the ball.

Many teams will pack Guo Xu, empty the role player, let the Suns two inside shots, if he plays the baseline and both sides, it will expose Eddie Curry's slow moving weakness.

Guo Xu simply explained a few of his own views, and d'antony agreed to fight according to his ideas. The coaching team knows that the Suns depend on Guo Xu now. As long as he is not dissatisfied with the team's poor lineup and doesn't spray his teammates when he loses, he is the qualified core.

Guo Xu whispered: "don't specially arrange defensive tactics. I don't want the Knicks to lose too fast. I have a hunch that I will break out tonight and cut the highest score in my career."

D'antony thought: be careful when you play. Thank God you won't get hurt after the regular season. There's a risk of scoring high points away from home.

He won't say that. It's not good for him to pour cold water on Guo Xu. Now the Suns need star players to play to improve their morale.

D'antony never thought Guo Xu had enough confidence. Now he is very familiar with the basket in Madison Square Garden and has played hundreds of training games with the Knicks in the cycle.

Against earth three, Guo Xu can easily score high points, the world's Knicks lineup is weaker. There are no David Lee, Ariza, Crawford, Nate Robinson, Quentin Richardson. This is a rotten and hopeless Knicks team. Guo Xu is not going to be polite to them, especially Marbury.

Even if Marbury is not abused by Guo Xu, his popularity in Nix will fall to the bottom sooner or later, fall out with the management and be hidden until he is mixed with China's CBA.

American imperialism turned Marbury a good man into a "lone wolf". Only after he went to the CBA and accepted the socialist transformation, could he learn to play team basketball and prove himself.

Before the game starts, Guo Xu has one more thing to do.

In the afternoon, he put on his beard and wig and went to the fight club, the one with Alexandra dadario to sign.

If Guo Xu doesn't make some changes to his image, he won't be able to go to the street on the road, so he always carries a face changing tool in his bag, which he can use when he wants to go out. Since he is just a normal height, few fans can recognize him with a slight change.

In people's impression, Guo Xu has always been a flat head, and does not grow a beard, just a little bit blue stubble.

At the same time, at the same place, dadario did show up.

If Guo Xu doesn't work as a teacher in this world, it will not change dadario's living habits in other aspects. She will come here to keep fit and learn women's self-defense without class hours.

Like Earth three, there are not many people this afternoon. Students of other majors are in class. Those who have graduated are working at more than two o'clock in the afternoon. Only a few students and coaches of the club are present.

Guo Xu takes the initiative to find dadario to chat up, and proposes to be her practice opponent.

To his surprise, dadario just looked at him and his face turned red, because she was round and looked like a tomato.

"Are you all right?" Guo Xu swallows to spit to ask, he is a bit confused, does she have the memory of earth three? Otherwise, how could this reaction be?

"Nothing I I am You look familiar. " He stammered.

Dadario didn't have more memories, but she had a spring dream last night. She dreamed that she had become Guo Xu's girlfriend. They went on a date happily and then went to the hotel to open a room. All kinds of tricks were very crazy.

Like Bibby and Wade, she also dreams of fragmentary fragments of the parallel world, but they have nightmares, and her dreams are pornographic.

In the morning, dadario had been in a trance. Now she suddenly saw a person who was "very similar to Jason Guo". She immediately remembered those dreams and was so ashamed that she couldn't do it. It's not a sign, is it?

Dadario took a minute to calm down a little and agreed to the practice request.

Guo Xu practiced with her in a habitual way, and then deliberately fell down by her and threw the loose wig down.

"Why do you still have a wig?" dadario asked curiously

Guo Xu called her to the corner, took off the beard and the eye patch on the corner of the eye. The single eyelid turned into double eyelid, and returned to normal appearance. He whispered, "because if I don't do this, I can't play. Don't tell others."Dadaleoton's breath was not smooth, his mouth was wide open, his face was red and turned into a tomato. She pinched her thigh fiercely, it was not a dream, it was really me?!

Guo Xu put on his beard and wig again. No one noticed.

"Do you have a game in the evening?" he asked incredulously? And the fight club? "

"When I'm away from home, I'm always easy to go out and play. Although it's a bit troublesome, I can't always stay in the hotel. That will affect my state. It's good for me to come out and breathe and warm up."

"I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"My arm doesn't seem to be very comfortable. It may affect my performance tonight. If I hurt my ligament, the sun will be completely empty. You are the culprit."

"Er." Dadario didn't know how to answer.

Guo Xu used to reach out and pull her round face. "You're kidding. I'm fine. If I'm so easily hurt, how dare I come to such a place to play?"

Dadario was embarrassed. "May I have your autograph and group photo?"

"Of course, not here. There are too many people. It's easy to find out if I take off my wig. Players are not allowed to come to such places."

The two stopped talking to each other. Dadario introduced herself as an actor. Guo Xu asked for her mobile phone number and asked her to go to Los Angeles for an audition.

"There is a new play, a science fiction blockbuster, in which Keanu and Jet Li are the protagonists. You can audition for the heroine."

"I I I audition for the heroine? "

"I think your image is very suitable. If you are confident, you will probably be selected." Guo Xu said with a smile: "if you choose, we can work together in Los Angeles next year."

In the time cycle, Guo Xu is looking for dadario to act as an opponent and practice acting skills. He knows that she can do it. With a pair of glasses, she can play Xueba. She's a very young woman, but she's not as young as Ellen Page. She's more suitable and more attractive to make a vase.

Guo Xu and her partner have more tacit understanding, then filming can save running in time. He just needs to talk to Robert and the director and the role is set.

After going out for a group photo, Guo Xu took a taxi back to the hotel to prepare for the game in the evening.

Dadario was fanning his face with his hands on the street. His hot head was smoking

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