Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 614

For the first time, Guo Xu stayed in the time cycle for more than two years. His long-range shots became more and more accurate, but the cycle did not end, which proved that he did not fully grasp the scoring average of a single season over Jordan.

Just look at the data to know how difficult it is. In the history of Guo Xu's previous NBA history, only five people have averaged 35 points per game in a single season, including Jordan, Kobe, Rick Barry, Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor.

Jordan averaged 37.1 points, 5.2 rebounds, 4.6 assists, 2.9 steals 1.5 blocks, shooting 48.2% and shooting 27.8 times. Although Jordan didn't shoot three points, he was very efficient, because he still had his peak season, averaging 11.9 free throws per game, hitting 10.2 and shooting 85.7%.

If Guo Xu wants to average 38 points per game, he has to shoot more than 25 times at least. If he wants to score less than 25 times, unless he throws three points crazy.

Fortunately, he has plenty of time. If he can't surpass it in two years, it will be three years. In any case, except for him, no one knows that he has practiced for so long that the fans think he is a person who doesn't love training.

In life, ordinary entertainment items can't make Guo Xu feel the stimulation, so he began to play tricks.

In the 771 cycle, Guo Xu jumped from the plane at an altitude of 2500 meters and flew over New York City in wing suits at a speed of 190 km / h.

This time it's not a terrier. It's really "because I'm Batman!"

Wing suit flying is a kind of movement in which athletes use special clothes to jump from high places and control the flight direction with limbs. After reaching a certain height, the parachute is used to balance the fall. This kind of flight suit is developed with the body movement. The principle is very simple. It can meet the wind force through the extended area of the human body and the wing, and then realize the unpowered ascending flight. The speed and course can be controlled by legs and arms.

It's also inspired by the flying bat.

Extreme sports enthusiasts need enough financial support to enjoy the ultimate experience. Guo Xu spent $250000 and directly bought a set of flight equipment, including parachute, helmet, watch, alarm and other security and defense props without bargaining. And then he can challenge the 30 percent mortality entertainment.

10 dead, 3 dead. This is also called entertainment? Can't, want to experience the taste of being a superman is not ordinary people can do. If you don't have enough courage, you can't try this sport.

Guo Xu successfully completed the flight and parachute jump in the first attempt, and fell into the Central Park. The coach who repeatedly advised him not to be dead was surprised because he was too crazy to do this without training, and others could not help him.

Guo Xu is not afraid of death, only enjoy the pleasure, the more dare to do action in the air, the more can not die.

In the 799 cycle, Guo Xu escaped the security guard at Parkour on the Empire State Building, and then jumped down from the sightseeing platform on the 86th floor to perform a thrilling low-altitude skydiving performance.

As soon as he landed, he was arrested by the police and charged with assault, endangering others and resisting arrest.

"This is New York City. It's rush hour. It's not time to jump off the Empire State Building," said the official! The worst thing is that his parachute doesn't open, and if he falls, he will kill a few passers-by on the street. "

They all underestimated Guo Xu

In the 850th cycle, Guo Xu participated in the underground boxing competition of "Friday night battle" in New York.

"Friday night battle" is both mysterious and exciting because it is illegal and everything is done in secret. The adrenaline spurt of illegal boxing draws a wide range of spectators, from veteran Marines to gang thugs.

Guo Xu thinks it's much like the movie fight club, which is much more exciting than going to a regular club to practice boxing with people. At night, even if he was seriously injured, he couldn't hurt for long. The next day he was fine.

Guo Xu started playing from ordinary players and then changed to challenge the champion after several cycles.

He began to get a lot of beating, was KO seven times, in familiar with the opponent's way, can fight, although still points lost, but not Ko, and can also hit the other side.

In the 11th PK, Guo Xu played his advantage of flexible footwork. He moved faster and kept circling with the opponent, defending and counterattack. He seized the loophole of the other side's light enemy to rush to attack and made a set of combination fist. In the first round, he defeated the champion who was 13 kg heavier than himself.

After he became a champion, a hot girl immediately asked to sleep with him

In the 884 cycle, Guo played zipline, the longest high-altitude slide in New York State and the longest in North America.

For him, this is no longer an extreme sport. The passengers wearing flexible spreaders are suspended under the sliding car, taking two cable-stayed steel ropes as the track, and using gravity, they quickly slide down from high to low, crossing valleys, rivers, lakes and jungles, and overlooking the beautiful scenery from high altitude.

In the 906 cycle, Guo Xu stole an Optimus Prime truck in the suburbs, and started the heavy truck curve racing mode.

This kind of post appeared on the Internet in the afternoon: "I lost to a truck in the northern suburb. He used inertia drift to cross the corner. The car is very fast. The license plate number is XXX. If you know who he is, please tell his family that he drove the car into the lake, maybe he hung up..."In the 911 cycle, online news: "NCAA three league friendship match hit a terrible score, SVA teacher Jason Guo took the place of the players, scored 161 points, and hit 31 three-point goals in the field. This teacher is an entertaining child star. It seems that playing basketball is more suitable for him than acting

This is Guo Xu's personal record. Every time he scores, he can break 100. The media often report it. He is already calm when he sees this kind of news.

In the 999 cycle, Guo xutou's three-point shot had no dead corner. He hired a trainer to pass the ball to himself. He moved the shot at the top of the three-point arc and threw the ball when he received it. His hit rate was very high. He moved a little bit from the right bottom corner along the top of the arc to the left bottom corner, often hitting 10 shots.

He was shocked by his training methods. He had never heard of such a quick and accurate shot in the NBA. He shot back and forth along the top of the arc, practiced 200 balls, took a rest and then practiced long-distance three-point.

His three-point range has become far away, and he can also shoot in the first two steps of midfield. He is used to throwing the ball to the basket by pushing the ball with one hand. He shot fast, high arc, practice on 200 ball rest, and then practice arc top moving shot.

Every time, I couldn't help asking Guo Xu why he didn't play NBA.

Guo Xu's answers are varied.

"Because I'm afraid of flying."

"Because I'm not from this earth, I have to go back to my own planet, or the Korean people in charge of managing this universe will come to me."

"Because of love, I will not be sad easily..."

In the 1015th cycle, Guo Xu didn't choose to practice. He went out with dadario during the day and went to the presidential suite at night. He is now more and more capable of scoring and feels that he may leave earth three at any time.

Before he left, he wanted to have a good gentleness. When he went back, he would have no chance. He wanted to be the great Xia with deer cutter.

As a result, two people just finished the third time, Guo Xu suddenly saw a piece of white light in front of him and couldn't open his eyes.

He had to close his eyes, then opened to find himself in a strange environment, alone, the cycle of time ended.

He turned over and found his cell phone and looked at the time, 9:22.

This is the hotel room where the Suns stayed. After a long time, Guo Xu seemed to be separated from the rest of the world. However, he only spent one night in this world. He was like entering the deep dream in inception.

Guo Xu scratched his head and sighed.

Before the end of the cycle was in motion, what is this?

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