Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 610

This time, Guo Xu felt better than an emperor, because there was a Shura around him, but he didn't.

No matter how playful he is, he won't roll over. Every day is a new start. Women's jealousy is gone. How good.

In normal time, Guo Xu would rather stay single than provoke multiple women. He knew something would happen.

He thought that the "abortion artifact" in Chinese palace opera was numb and could not be counted. It was not easy for human beings to reproduce until now. For example, the American version of legend of Zhen Huan, which cuts 76 episodes into six episodes, has seen the story of the empress and the owners of the great Chinese dynasty. As a result, there are only six episodes left. The story is still on the road of tearing B and being torn B.

Guo Xu can live a different life every day in New York, and the entertainment is too rich.

He can go to classes, to practice acting, to date different women. This is not limited to the school, he can take the initiative to chat up in various places in the city, through the rich cycle of experience to take the peach blossom luck.

He has dated singers, actors, dancers, coffee shop waitresses, yoga teachers, nurses, etc

After a year of cycling, Guo Xu played a new trick. In the evening, he checked the news of the day, learned about the hot spots of the day in New York, and then went to specific places to "meet" celebrities.

Celebrity parties can't go in if you want to. Guo Xu is not a star in New York. There is no invitation.

It's not difficult, as long as he goes to meet a friend. He went to the cloud top casino in the afternoon to meet the captain of the New York Yankees, the super baseball star.

There are countless legends in the North American professional league. There is also a legend in baseball. He is Derek KITT of the New York Yankees.

From his debut in 1995 to his retirement in 2014, in his 20-year service for the Yankees, Keith was selected as an all-star 14 times, won five golden glove awards and five silver bar awards, and helped the Yankees win five World Championships. When he first arrived at the Yankees, the market value of the team was only $241 million, and 20 years later, the market value of the Yankees rose to $2.5 billion. It can be said that kit made the Yankees, of course, the Yankees also made kit.

This man is famous in North America, and he never lacks trivia news. His girlfriend also has some big names, including singer Maria Kelly, Miss World Lana Dutta, actress Jordan Brewster in speed and passion, Jessica Alba in magic four, Scarlett Johnson in Avengers League, etc.

This is only now exposed by the media, in the future this product will fall in love with Jessica bell, really playboy. Guo Xu thinks that if you want to exchange girlfriends in a circle, you have to find this kind of talented person with three outlooks. Unfortunately, he is separated from Scarlett and alba. They are in Los Angeles.

Why don't you want to be in love for a long time? It's irresponsible to date only a few times. You are not in the time cycle!

Guo Xu easily killed four sides on the gambling table relying on the circular memory, winning more than one million dollars. Five people including kit felt that they had met the God of gambling.

Guo Xu deliberately said something that kit was interested in and became friends with him, so we could go to the party together in the evening. As soon as kit saw Guo Xu, he was very good at playing and was willing to be with him.

At the party, Guo Xu met Paris Hilton and the unknown Kardashian sisters.

Paris and king have known each other since childhood. One is the daughter of a rich family, and the other is a child of celebrities. Kardashian's father has been a famous figure since he won the Simpson case of killing his wife.

Kim is like Paris's valet and Valet now, although she is still a year older, and Kohler, 21, is trying to get into the celebrity world like her sister and get ahead in the future.

When Guo Xu enters a party, he can get involved with anyone, because he knows what is going to happen, and he can show his specialty at the party. He can sing, dance and play the piano. As long as he knows what the ladies like and want, he can show his demeanor and attract them by doing something that seems to meet in fate.

As long as Guo Xu convinced the Kardashian sisters of the time cycle, that night would be too exciting

After stimulation several times, Guo Xu's self-confidence became more sufficient when he went to play basketball again. He firmly believes that he is about to soar and become the first person in the NBA, because the Kardashian sisters, the NBA's best defensive player, can't stop him.

In the past, Hadden just broke through a Kardashian defense and became a regular season MVP, super scorer. Guo Xu broke through two Kardashian's bags. Who can do it? How about Hardon?

Guo Xu's performance on the court is getting better and better, because he is familiar with his opponents as soon as he plays many times.

It doesn't matter if he plays better than his head. Although the audience thinks his play is God possessed, he will not be sliced by scientists as soon as he leaves the stadium.

Guo Xu and his favorite people have a secret code, know each other's secrets, and then let the other party believe that he is not a person in this world, and play together boldly.

Guo Xu doesn't get together with Lucy, whom she sees every day. Although she hasn't done it, he thinks that this person has no bottom line when he sees Lucy's attitude after knowing the time cycle. She is willing to try drugs for the sake of stimulation, and it will be sooner or later.On the contrary, Alexandra dadario, who "broke off and became famous" in her previous life, was a very serious girl. Her tutoring is very strict, and no one dares to bully her in school. The identity of the lawyer's daughter is a protective umbrella to let those who have bad ideas hide far away.

In her previous life, her father not only worked as a lawyer, but also served as the New York City federal prosecutor for 13 years. In 2010, she was appointed head of the New York City Police's counter-terrorism department. Who dares to provoke such a person's daughter? It's OK to fall in love seriously. If Hollywood doesn't have eyes, it will be in big trouble if she wants to hide the rules.

Guo Xu is an exception. He dares to play some exciting things with dadario, because there is only one day.

Guo Xu thinks that her future is probably not really red, forced urgent, just chose to take the sexy line. As a result, she didn't go completely because she had a baby face and didn't have a seat in the end.

In "Posey Jackson", she played Athena's daughter. In fact, when she fought, she would be popular as long as she used the Tianma meteor punch, but the director didn't allow it. She finally got a little fame when she was playing "the end of the world". She was almost 30 years old and still could only play her daughter.

The secret code and meeting place they set were actually in the fight club.

12 is Friday, and Daddario has no classes in the afternoon. She will go to the fighting club to learn women's self-defense techniques, mainly to prevent lady killer. There are not many people in America who are better than her. It's impossible to learn some Kung Fu.

Of course, it is impossible for her to practice "hitting ten". If she can prevent one or two people, she will succeed. She will not go to dangerous places.

As long as Guo Xu and her Kung Fu competition, have physical contact, feelings will soon be able to warm up. In the evening, he taught dadario to lie, telling his parents to stay with his best friend on the weekend, "girl's Day" and then not go home.

Parents may find out that she lied, but it's not that there is no problem killing her today.

If Guo Xu told her about the time cycle, she would be more open-minded. It doesn't matter if she indulges once. She doesn't want to be a good daughter at home all the time. When they went to the presidential suite to exchange Kung Fu, Guo Xu was much more tired than going to the fight club.

That's what Death.

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