Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 609

What kind of experience does ordinary people have against NBA stars?

In fact, many NBA teams have done this kind of activity. During the open training class, they choose lucky spectators and players to play at half-time and win prizes. It's usually fans who play 2-to-1, rather than singles. Even if it's 2-to-1, NBA players have the same advantage as adults playing primary school students.

If you can't get rid of a lot of tricks, even if you can't get rid of a lot of tricks, even if you can't get rid of a lot of tricks, you can't get rid of a lot of techniques, even if you can't get rid of a lot of techniques, you can't get rid of the players' fitness.

In this era, even a marginal player eliminated by NBA can abuse the whole court in CBA League. It can be seen that the strength of top players is unimaginable.

In Guo Xu's previous life, Cao Fang, the main guard of Beijing University of technology, was almost invincible when he mixed up in the street court. When he went to participate in the CBA trial training, he could only be suspended. As for Dongdan top streetball king in place, no team agreed to go to CBA for trial training.

To put it bluntly, this is the first-class abuse of vegetables, even amateur Street players have the distinction of master and rookie.

One of my friends, who had studied in school and was good at playing streetball, said to his friend, "I'm against a black man. He can dazzle me with any change of direction."

A friend asked him, "is that black man Alston level?"

He replied, "it's almost as good as he passed me if ALS passed him."

In a word, if ordinary people are lucky enough to compete with professional players, the picture is simply too brutal to imagine!

Guo Xu is not the same as those players who do sports. Those people just play casually, but he will do his best. The amateurs want to get these top players.

What's the scene of a star who can single out Iverson and go all out to fight ordinary people? This completely subverts people's imagination. It won't happen outside the time cycle.

After all, all the stars have their bottom line, except Durant, who likes to cover children and drink bath water

It's very difficult for the school team to entrap Guo Xu. His speed is too fast. He can rush up before he can encircle. He can always find a gap. If three people are sandwiched outside the three-point line and there are all empty spaces near the penalty area, he will score as soon as he passes the ball.

After playing for more than 20 minutes, the players of the school team stopped playing. The coach called a pause to indicate the end of the game.

Five people play one, other positions have advantages, 52 points behind, this is simply appalling.

Guo Xu slashed 71 points, 7 assists, 5 steals and 3 blocks like cutting melons and vegetables, but he still had blocks. All of them were obtained from the side and behind him to make up for the sneak attack. One of the big caps of chasing and defending nail board blocked the layup of the swing man.

What's more, after the fight, Guo Xu was sweating a lot. His breathing was stable and his physical strength was still very abundant. The penalty shot was just a normal training session for him, not as intense as the devil training with Wade in Miami.

And the intensity of fighting against college students is too low, he can't feel the pressure.

Guo Xu plays this kind of competition, does not have the help to the technical promotion. But he still decided to play regularly, and in the evening he would take part in the friendly against New York University.

This is a warm-up, although it is the lowest level of the game, but the college still has to send people to play. New York is a big area, and universities add up.

In Guo Xu's previous life, Chinese cities also held basketball competitions between high schools, and there were also basketball competitions in universities. Although the level is very low, it has significance to encourage students to keep fit.

Everyone was curious about how Guo Xu could be so powerful. The coach asked, and his answer made people faint.

"Because I'm good at acting. I'm a Methodist performance. I put myself in the role, and I have to keep the same mental state as the character in front of the mirror and behind the scenes. Then use the way to beat the opponent. Believe it or not, I can choose a boxing club as a boxer? "

You are not acting, but super ability.

If he had said that before, everyone would not believe it. Now we are not sure. Maybe he is a good boxer?

Guo Xu asked the coach of the lost basketball team a question. "Can I take part in the game in the evening? Blow the confidence of NYU players. Even if it's broken, it doesn't matter if I'm a member of the school? "

"OK, that's settled, but I have to report to the headmaster. It's amazing." The coach sighed.

Unfortunately for NYU tonight, many people like to see it. It's fun to think about it.

Guo Xu arranged the tactics for the coach directly. "It's easy to win at night. You can play as fast as you can, attack as fast as you can. Just pass the ball to me and keep your strength to defend. I'm sure I'll win five times. Don't hold back when you're on the court. I'll have to work hard when I hit nine. "

The team looked at each other. Before the game, he seemed to have said that to his students

In the afternoon, Guo Xu played basketball as well as NBA stars and spread all over the campus.

In the evening, the stadium was full and many people couldn't get in.

When the New York University team came, they were surprised. I don't know why so many fans came to see the ball. SVA university basketball level in the New York District can not break through?After the start of the game, the people of New York University were quickly abused. They all wanted to surrender with the white flag. There was a monster on the opponent's side.

Guo Xu runs to catch the ball with three points, breaks through the score, grabs three points in the counterattack, and makes a crazy shot.

He wants to use this opportunity to change his mind, prove that he can also score high points by his own ability, and can also play hard in the face of a bag. He may not need to score the ball.

The college basketball game is divided into two halves, a total of 40 minutes, Guo Xu played the whole court. He made 43 of 61 shots, 15 of 26 three-point shots, 15 of 16 free throws, 116 points, 4 rebounds, 12 assists, 6 assists and 2 blocks.

Everyone was shocked, Guo Xu not only scored 100 points, but also double assists.

This is not playing basketball games, you are playing video games?!

New York University players are abused and suspicious of life, but they dare not fight, because they represent a famous university, are literati, how can they play, but just like a football ruffian and fight with people?

In fact, they did not dare to do it. The atmosphere of SVA's home court was so hot that it was full of cheers. It is not known whether the two sides can fight well. If the audience comes down to attack them, it will be miserable.

The New York University basketball team has no blood, otherwise they will not play in the League three, even the NCAA championship. They can't win the championship in the lower league, but the middle team is abused by the bottom team this time.

Guo Xu took a bath and changed his clothes. His body was in a state of extreme excitement. It's not an NBA game. He's got 116 points but has a sense of accomplishment because he's the focus of the game. He was also a little dissatisfied with the impression that someone in the previous NCAA had received higher scores.

It's true that NCAA's historical single game scoring record was set by a third tier League player named Jack Taylor, who scored 138 points in a single game to help his greennard college win 174-104 at faith Baptist College.

The defense of the third tier League is very amateur. Guo Xu thinks that he should get more points. When he attracted three players, he still passed a lot of balls. He felt that if he did not pass, he would have to "play iron because of inclusion".

But this is training. He should not be selfless. What he wants to practice is to break the bag, no matter how many people he faces.

Next time, he'll be more unique.

When Guo Xu leaves the stadium, welfare comes. Many female students talk to him and want to have something to do with him.

Can he be polite in such a matter? In the cycle of time, he can lead an emperor's life and hold three thousand beautiful ladies in the imperial palace.

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