Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 606

Guo Xu went to the tennis team for five days in the morning. He was very happy to abuse Kidd. In the afternoon, he called on his friends to play together and change his style.

Then there were two weekends. Although Guo Xu doesn't answer the phone, he still reads the text messages from his two mobile phones. In school, his popularity seems to be not very good. After a day's class, there are a lot of people waiting to see him busy. There are only two women who send messages to care about him.

One is her colleague Lily parvin, who sent a text message saying that she had gone to replace Guo Xu. The school leader was very angry and asked Guo Xu to call back as soon as possible to explain to the leader. She also sent several text messages asking him if he was in any trouble? In the evening, he sent a lot of articles. He really cared about Guo Xu. If she couldn't find anyone in 24 hours, she would have to call the police.

Another concerned about him was the one named "Dear Anna" in the phone book. He was really his student. He worried about what happened to him. He not only sent text messages, but also called.

That day, Guo Xu got up in the morning and didn't do anything to see Lucy off. He decided to contact Anna and take her out to play. After getting familiar with each other, he went to "teach".

He is not the scum man of earth three who pedals two boats. He is to be prepared.

If he went to the classroom and didn't know Anna, it would be very embarrassing. He is very convinced of this predecessor. If he is exposed, is he not afraid to be stabbed to death?

Guo Xu sent a text message to Anna, asking her to meet in the park nearby, and then go to breakfast together.

He went to the park first and waited at the gate. From a distance, he saw a baby face beauty with long brown hair waving to this side.

She was dressed in blue and gray casual sportswear with red stripes on her chest and jeans of the same color. She was covered tightly, but she was still a little sexy because her chest was too big to cover.

When Anna approached, Guo Xu looked at her carefully. Her skin was very good, not inferior to big Hollywood stars. She had a sweet smile and natural beauty. Her features are beautiful, blue eyes, pupil is very unique, like the eyes of a cat. Her nose is very high, cloud silk fog temples, like

It's not a living image. It's clear.

Guo Xu couldn't help asking directly. "Are you Anna? Aren't you Alexandra dadario? "

Dadario's baby face is so recognizable that it is impossible to match her figure. In her previous life, she became a famous actress in Hollywood by acting as a vase. She has appeared in films such as "the end of the world", "Posey Jackson"

Why does she use a pseudonym?

Anna's name is not suitable for you. If you want to use a pseudonym, the Chinese name "yourong" is better than this!

I'm the scum of double body. I don't cherish such a good girl. I'm looking for Lucy's little flat head?

"Why don't you seem to have met me? What's wrong with my middle name? " Dadario smiles, and he's a big fan.

"Did you use the middle name as a nickname?" Guo Xu stopped and held out his right hand. "In fact, it's really the first time I've met you. I'm Jason Guo from the earth parallel world. I'm going through time and space temporarily to replace the teacher in earth three."

Dardario, amused by him, shook hands and said, "I am a man of this earth. Nice to meet you. Where shall we eat?"

She thought Guo Xu was joking. If it was the first time we met, how could she call her full name? This is a loophole!

People who attend classes here want to be actors in the future. There are many plays and plays that are usually performed. It's easy to accept strange settings. They often have to become another person.

But this is not a loophole. In the future, many male audiences will watch her movies grow bigger

"Get in the car and go to a good place."

Guo Xu drove to a French western restaurant named buvette. The breakfast food tasted very good. The interior decoration of the restaurant was full of European style. Although the space was small, it would not give people the feeling of crowding. What's more, he enjoyed the atmosphere of breakfast lazily.

The food here is a creative European breakfast. Each portion is small, and the ingredients and methods are far more exquisite than other breakfast. Guo Xu likes it after eating it once.

After ordering the meal, he called his colleague lily, skillfully pretending to be ill and asked her to ask for leave and substitute classes, saying that he had gone to the hospital. When he was in Orlando, Guo Xu used this tactic when he didn't go to the restaurant to work.

"Are you pretending to be ill and not going to class?" dadario asked in surprise

"Today, no, we just have a day off."


"Not good? It's a pity to go back to class with such a beautiful dress. " Guo Xu said with a smile.

"Are you out of your mind? God, I thought you were a serious man. Where is a teacher like you Dadario frowned.

"Wait, let me ask you a question. Are we in a relationship now?" Guo Xu asked.

"Of course not. I admit I have a little affection for you, but now, I think you are quite different from what I thought."

Dadario's tone was very depressed, but he couldn't see it on his face. He didn't even have a wrinkle. Guo Xu looked at it and wanted to pinch her round face.He pondered for a moment and then said with a smile, "well, let's change places for breakfast. I didn't lie to you. It really doesn't matter if we have a day off today, and I need your help."

Guo Xu directly asked the waiter to pay the bill. Before the food was delivered, he paid for it and went out.

Confused, dadario asked, "what do you mean? Where are we going? "

"Go and have breakfast with a friend of mine and you'll be surprised that it's going to change your view of the world."

"You're scaring me a little bit now."

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Do you watch NBA?"


Guo Xu drove dadario to meet Richardson. They chatted with each other in the restaurant for a while. Guo Xu proved skillfully that he was not a person in this world.

Guo Xu likes to see people's surprised expression very much, dadario's expression is very wonderful. Guo Xu proved to them that he had passed November 12 several times and knew what would happen during breakfast.

He expected that the waiter would overturn the ketchup, and the lovers on the table next to them would quarrel for a second, and then express their love, just like Qiongyao opera.

After breakfast, Guo Xu said that he would no longer play in the stadium, and would come back to play with Richardson tomorrow. It would be boring to do the same thing for several days in a row.

Guo Xu and dadario went out for a day and chatted a lot, but nothing happened.

She won't go to school here until she gets her diploma. She just wants to learn some basic knowledge and then go to film.

Recently, the double body is pursuing dadario, intentionally or unintentionally ambiguous, doing quite concealed. Because she doesn't come to class often, she can't live on campus, and she can't find out about Guo Xu and Lucy.

She is of Italian and Czechoslovak ancestry. Her parents are lawyers. She has no money in her family. She wants to act because she is interested in acting. She started her career as a 16-year-old soap opera actress in all children.

Before parting, Guo Xu deliberately said something about Lucy. Although dadario can't remember it, we can see her reaction.

She was angry and worried because she was afraid of being cheated. When she was excited, she let out her mouth and had no memory. The next day, she would still have a good feeling for Guo Xu

Guo Xu can save infinitely and play games with strategies, but he can't help NPC change his mind.

This is very contradictory. Even if it can be changed, he can't ruin his reputation in the parallel world, can he?

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