Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 605

When he left the stadium, Guo Xu asked Jason Richardson if he had a woman he liked. If he did, he would ask him to play with him in the afternoon.

Richardson is slow to find a girlfriend. Now he has a long contract with a high salary, but he has no regular girlfriend. He doesn't know it's a long time to get married.

Richardson was stunned for a moment and laughed obscenely. He whispered, "do you like to look for black people or white people? Are we going to change in the evening Do something exciting? "

Guo Xu covered his face with one hand and felt that he could not play with Lucy with the goods tomorrow. Why are their thoughts so unhealthy? You want to have a party to exchange girlfriends?

Richardson was a very pure black man in the first cycle of Boris. Even if he had not been to Gotham for training in the world, he would have been a rogue in 2005.

As soon as he knew that there was a time cycle, he had this idea. If he could keep his memory, in the first half of the cycle, would he have to call on his teammate Jason Collins to blow up others?

Too evil, if this is a network novel, today will be 404 ah!

Guo Xu took a deep breath and said, "don't even think about it. You don't want to exchange girlfriend, 3P, nothing."

"Why?" Richardson looked sorry.

"Because I'm an ambitious young man with three outlooks, I'm not as degenerate as you are. I can't accept this kind of thing." Guo Xu is serious and has a low voice. If he is a little more hoarse, he can say "because I'm Batman".

"What do you want me to do with a woman?" Richardson black question mark face.

"Don't you like anyone? Wouldn't you be happier if you took this opportunity to go out and play together? "


“……” Guo Xu thinks that if this kind of kidney walking person has super ability, he definitely has the potential to become a playboy. Maybe he will be drunk for a long time and will not want to go out of circulation.

"Man, you should have a bottom line. If you do more, what will you do if you like this kind of thing?"

Richardson narrowed his eyes. "But I can't remember it?"

Guo Xu rolled his eyes and sighed, "I can remember it! You can go out and do whatever you like tonight, but Lucy and I won't be with you. I'll just find a hotel to make ends meet. I don't have to go to your house for the night

In fact, Guo Xu is not a three-dimensional spectacle. He has staged Red Sorghum in the time cycle. He has played double flying in the countryside for many times. He tried three women one night in Miami last time, but he couldn't accept playing double dragon and Phoenix with friends, let alone Richardson.

He was stimulated when he was in Indianapolis for the first time. He got up every morning to see Richardson "putting up a tent" in the bed beside him. That was a picture he would never forget.

If you let him see Richardson without clothes, the psychological shadow area will be too large. He will not have any other ideas except castrating the goods with a knife.

Richardson found a young woman who thought she was beautiful and was a fan of him.

The black girl's figure is convex and backward, and her height is about 1.7 meters, but her face is over. Her lips are thick enough to stir fry. The distance between her eyes Where is Guo Dasen?

Guo Xu has been unable to make complaints about it. He despises Richardson of earth three in his heart.

You want to exchange girlfriends with me? Why don't you just shoot me with one shot? Even if I had to change it, I would have to go to find Li Zi and George Clooney.

four people went to the famous Michelin 3-star law restaurant in Manhattan. In the morning, Guo Xu asked Richardson to make a reservation, and the star came to this place to eat to make a reservation.

There are a lot of high-end restaurants in New York, which provide all kinds of food all over the world. The price is 20% to 50% higher than that in other areas. The consumption tax is also high. With tips, it is almost 100% more expensive than that in small cities. But Guo Xu will not care.

The two girls have never seen such a generous person. Guo Xu doesn't ask for the best but the most expensive for dinner. Lucy certainly hasn't eaten it, so she brought her to have a try.

Guo Xu went out with his bank card yesterday. He had checked the balance in it. The password of Jason Guo, the earth three, had not changed. The $230, 000 deposit is nothing compared with his income from playing basketball, but it's only for one day's expenses. He can play as long as he doesn't buy big things.

After a good meal, Guo Xu paid by check and gave the maximum amount of tip.

In the United States, many people like to pay by check. It's very simple to fill in the date of payment, the amount in small letters, the amount in English and the signature on your blank check.

Here, stealing money and robbing money emerge in an endless stream, and stealing cheques is rare, because you need to sign when you use it. If you steal a check, you don't know whether you can use it. Chinese people who are new to the United States are often not used to using cheques and carry a lot of cash on them, so they often become the targets of experienced thieves.

four people go to play together in the afternoon. Richardson has the final say. He is most familiar with New York and has been playing basketball nets since he joined the league. This is his fifth season of career. During his holidays, he was in the New York area.There is almost no industry in New York. In fact, the whole United States has been hollowed out, and industries have been transferred to China and Southeast Asia.

So what does New York make money on? Their biggest income is tourism, which brings tens of billions of dollars to New York every year. With Wall Street finance, Broadway's music and dance, huge ports, and real estate that attracts rich people from all over the world to invest in, New York has become the Pearl of the world.

there are so many things to play here, more than the last Orlando time cycle, Guo Xu will never feel bored. So he didn't want to leave the time cycle as soon as possible. He had to stay for two years.

At 10:00 p.m., four people broke up. Guo Xu took Lucy to the hotel to open a room, but didn't go back to the school apartment. Lucy wants to try the black man's power. Later, he doesn't want to see it.

He did what he said. He could make it one night. The presidential suite at the Hilton hotel would do.

Guo Xu can't just play. He has to do some business. He talks with Lucy about his predecessor in the hotel.

He doesn't practice every day, and occasionally wants to go to school to play a circle, to teach a class to try. If you let him teach for a long time, you can't do it. Just one day's training should be no problem. It's a rare experience.

Guo Xu has made an appointment to film next year's vacation. The final script of inception has come out. He has read it and refined the lines. His time is limited. He has to have acting skills to make a good movie. He doesn't want to drag down the professional actors.

Guo Xu plans to take advantage of the time cycle to train his acting skills. When he goes to a drama class, he tells the students about the rough movie script, and then finds someone to cooperate with him to perform his role.

If he gets applause in acting, he will have a great sense of accomplishment. He didn't finish university in the United States, but he became a teacher directly. When he was called a professor, he thought it was very interesting.

In basketball, Guo Xu is ready to take his time, practice his technique, his body and his speed.

The training plan is to exercise five days a week, two days off, and he doesn't have the devil training he did in Miami. When he can't get out of the loop, he chooses to torture himself.

Tomorrow, he will continue to go to the tennis team to practice, increase the number of shots, want to see how many points can be released.

Kidd is in trouble again

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