Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 560

Guo Xu led the NBA's best lineup for a while, with NASH, Jermaine O'Neill, Duncan and O'Neill.

O'Neal's strength has been affirmed. Without the brawl at Auburn palace, he has played 78 games in the regular season, and his team's record is excellent. He is still the core and has been selected for a while.

Best two: Iverson, Wade, LeBron James, Nowitzki, stoddamer.

It is not because Guo Xu is too dazzling, nor because the judges think that his data explosion depends on "eating cake", but that the selection of the best lineup is divided into three positions: guard, forward and center. Shaquille has always been a starting center in the Suns, and has not competed for Shaquille O'Neal in position 5.

This makes Xiaosi feel very depressed, he and O'Neill compared data, efficiency is a perfect victory.

Best three: arenas, Ray Allen, McGrady, Marion, Ben Wallace. The result of

three array has caused fans to make complaints about the Internet. Yao didn't make the three choice. Did he choose Ben Wallace?

Although Yao Ming only played 30.6 minutes per game, the data has 18.3 points, 8.5 rebounds, 1 assists, 2 blocks, and the shooting percentage is as high as 55.2%. Which cell is inferior to the blue collar of the pistons?

In the final analysis, the NBA is a bit exclusive. In the eyes of the judges, international players are soft, and they want to praise the local "black and hard".

The average time of the game was 36 minutes, with a career high 9.7 points, 12.2 rebounds, 1.7 assists, 1.4 steals and 2.4 blocks, with a shooting percentage of 45.3% and a free throw rate of 42.8%.

During the regular season, Larry Brown boasted about his favorite disciple after cutting two doubles in Big Ben. "He's a spiritual leader," "he's the spirit of the pistons," "he can take on more tasks on the offensive side."

Then, Big Ben, who took on more offensive tasks, was slashed sour by the hawks in the first round of the playoffs with a steady free throw rate of 42.7% to help the pistons go home for fishing.

Big Ben is not as good as Boris Dior on the offensive side of the series, who shows all-round skills, and the guest center can pull out the central shot and coordinate the pass.

As a result, after the pistons were eliminated, a group of experts and the media began to tell lies, boasting that Ben Wallace performed well on the defensive end and was one of the Pistons' best players because he scored two double figures per game. As for how many free throws and how much iron he got in his double doubles, these people didn't mention.

Guo Xu was speechless after seeing the results, but the League likes to do so. You can't help it. In the past, Big Ben was praised higher, the best defensive player for four times, until he joined the bulls with a high salary.

The Bulls management was brainwashed by Big Ben's praise. They really thought that with him, they could support the team's defense system, and decisively gave Tyson Chandler, the better defensive player, to the Hornets for Big Ben.

Next season, the Bulls' management will be stupid. As soon as Big Ben leaves the piston, he will become a waste. Only his muscles and explosive head will remain unchanged. Not only was he unable to score, his rebounds and blocked shots dropped, becoming an ordinary blue collar with a super high salary.

It's worth mentioning that Kobe failed to make the best lineup, and the League gave the last place to Ray Allen.

The Sonics are third in the west, and if the top of the bottom team is included in this situation, Ray Allen will be angry and want to retire directly.

The best defensive player was won by Pacers forward Ron Artest, a late award, last season by Garnett. This year's award must not "wolf king" what matter, the team did not enter the playoffs, but "wolf king" was selected for the best defensive lineup.

Best defensive lineup: Artest, Ben Wallace, Duncan, Larry Hughes, Bruce Bowen.

When the defensive lineup was announced, people were stunned. Sure enough, it was a random selection of defensive data and impressions.

Hughes is the stealer of the season, but his wizard defense efficiency ranked 19th in the league, far less than the suns.

In the wizards, generally strong arenas is the main defense point guard, Hughes is responsible for the prevention and control defense, because he is 196cm tall and weighs only 84kg, so he can't defend the shooting guard at all.

In Guo Xu's previous life, the Cavaliers also found this after signing Hughes with a super garbage contract. After half a season, he simply let him play point guard. In the 2007 Eastern Conference finals, the Cavaliers coach team suddenly realized that "rather than let Hughes, the No. 2 position, go to the No. 1 position, why not go straight to the No. 1 position?" So Gibson went up and the Cavaliers made it to the finals.

Hughes was selected to defend for a while, which is the funniest choice in league history. In fact, he can only defend one kind of player, that is, his own kind, playing position 1 lacks speed, playing position 2 lacks height, weight and shooting. Defensive side of his strength is only gambling style steals, is in 76 when the boss Iverson learned.

The defensive two were equally outrageous, with six selected: Kidd, Wade, Billups, Kirilenko, Prince and Garnett.

Kidd at the beginning of the injury, only played 65 games, the data than last season, and did not enter the playoffs. His explosive power glides obviously, meets the speed guard to be easy to pass.

Garnett also did not enter the playoffs, took a rebounding king, Timberwolves overall defense in a mess. But in the impression that he was a defensive expert and the best defensive player last season, he was selected as if it was unfair to miss him.There's no Kobe in the defensive lineup. The Lakers have a bad record. In fact, he's the one who plays hard to defend

The best rookie was obtained by Bobcats center Emeka okafu, who scored 15.1 points, 11 rebounds, 0.9 assists, 0.8 and steals 1.7 block caps, which was the peak at the beginning.

The other four in the best rookie lineup are igordala, rolden, Dwight Howard and Ben Gordon.

Ben Gordon won the best sixth man as a rookie. His scoring ability is indeed very strong, and he can shoot suddenly, but as a shooting guard, his defense is poor and he is not suitable for starting.

The fastest improving player award was won by Clippers' Bobbie Simmons, who averaged 16.4 points, 5.9 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 1.4 steals per game in 37.3 minutes, with a shooting percentage of 46.6% and a three-point shooting rate of 43.5%.

He was elected with 34.7% of the vote, beating Wade's 11.7% and James's 5.2%. This makes many fans question, they think Wade is the biggest progress. But for this award, the main purpose of the league is to encourage role players, not as a particularly important award.

To put it bluntly, the League doesn't need to use this kind of award to hold big stars. In Guo Xu's previous life, the award was "poisonous". Until 2018, a number of players who won the award have experienced a sharp decline in their state or suffered from injuries in their subsequent career.

Simmons seems to have a bright future. In fact, he just played a good number because the Clippers had no outside line to use and had a poor record.

His physical fitness is very ordinary, shooting ability is average, that year only 42 rookies in the second round. His efficiency is not very outstanding, if a team offers him a big contract in the summer, he will certainly be killed.

This unfortunate team won't be the bucks. After digging Ratliff, the Bucks have no salary space to sign Simmons and survive.

Mike - d'antony finally won the Best Coach Award. This season, the sun court average score League first, defense efficiency League eighth, the team assists the League first, rebounds the data League fourth, does not choose him to be the black curtain.

De Shuai was very happy. He praised Guo Xu at the press conference. He said a sentence that shocked the audience: "I'm very happy to coach Sun and coach Jason Guo. I think he will become the first person in NBA history in the future."

There will be no higher evaluation

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