Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 561

Before the Third World War of Grizzlies vs. suns, the sports media almost all discussed Guo Xu's affairs.

Guo Xu didn't feel much when he won the MVP trophy, and he didn't compare himself with anyone else. But what d'antony said pushed him to the top of the waves, which made a group of celebrities dissatisfied.

NBA has been held up by too many gods, obviously not enough gods. Those famous players who lived 40 or 50 years ago all jumped out to point out their existence, otherwise the fans would forget them completely.

However, as an old man, if he talks nonsense again and again, it will make people feel uncomfortable.

Guo Xu's playing style and the small ball era he triggered are undoubtedly not liked by the old school players and coaches. In their view, Guo Xu's height and seemingly no confrontation ability are not qualified to be compared with them at any time. They prefer players like James.

Guo Xu's defenders didn't like the tradition. In fact, he didn't make any mistakes.

In the eyes of many predecessors, Guo Xu's playing method is not a man at all. In fact, if everyone talks with their fists, none of them can win Guo Xu. After all, none of them has ever fought professional boxing.

The Suns won 117-102 away with a 3-0 lead.

Guo Xu cut 41 points, 4 rebounds and 8 assists. This time, the Grizzlies kept a close watch on the inside line. Guo Xu increased the number of single shot, and once again smashed Jason Williams, leading the team to win.

After the game, a reporter talked about Mingsu's low evaluation of Guo Xu. Unlike before, he chose a positive response.

"How did those players train 40 or 50 years ago? How to match the diet? Does anyone know this? I'd like to learn about it now, because 50 years ago, the players were taller, stronger, faster and more flexible. Star players like me may not be able to enter the league. Modern role players are probably not qualified to accompany them

Journalists will not answer this question, and they do not have to answer it. How could the physical fitness of people in that era be better than they are now? Even if there are a few people with outstanding physical fitness, the whole can not compare with modern.

A reporter asked: "do you mean you are better than retired celebrities?"

Guo Xu shook his head and said with a smile, "I didn't say that. Don't frame me. But I can tell you what I'll say about the stars of 2005 in 50 years. The League doesn't work now. You are all scum. If I play in this era, I will definitely win 40 + 20 per game. My predecessors are more powerful, averaging 100 points per game

The reporters in the meeting were stunned for a few seconds and then clapped together. There are several madmen in every era of NBA, but Guo Xu is the first one who dares to hate famous players like this.

This time, that time, now Guo Xu's morale is very enough, no more polite.

This year, the sun's lineup is so strong that unless other powerful teams in the League begin to form three giants and four giants in advance, how can they compete with them? This year's Suns are the big four.

Guo Xu has been MVP for three consecutive regular season games. As long as the Suns win the championship again, he will hold four championship rings, which can explode most people in NBA history. Except for Jordan, who has more honor than him?

Guo Xu thinks that the sun won 100% of the championship this year, so what is he polite about? Let's spray on the celebrities who are quoted directly, and then he will hit these people in the face with his grades.

He has a huge advantage, that is age, he still plays in the NBA, the future has unlimited possibilities. Retired stars can't prove that they can do it in this era. They can only talk. Guo Xu does not believe that fans will choose to side with the retired.

Sure enough, online fans began to discuss that night, and most of them were on Guo Xu's side.

Guo Xu even the slot points are listed for the fans. If anyone really thinks that Robertson's group of people have better physical quality than they are now, and send posts to support them, they will show their IQ.

As for the celebrities, they deserve it. Every time they find fault first, Guo Xu doesn't fight back. These people come endlessly to find fault and finally insult themselves. Who is to blame? Can't Guo Xu always do his own thing, to respect these people who have never met, never had dinner together, or talked to the sky?

Grizzlies continue to play at home, and the fourth game is for honor.

It's no use. The Grizzlies lose the same way in every game. The inside double bears perform well, the swing man and the point guard are all prevented. The Suns blossom more and more, and both the inside and outside can score. Open the score a little bit and laugh to the end.

The Suns swept the Grizzlies 113-101 and made it to the Western Conference finals.

Guo Xu's series of games are 28 points and 15 assists. Williams has no way to take him from the beginning to the end. In the counterattack, two people are against each other, and even the physical confrontation is a "white chocolate" loss.

The grizzly management is completely desperate for Williams. He has never played a star level in the playoffs. However, Mike Bibby, the point guard of grizzly trading to the king, has a very eye-catching performance. Although he has not been selected as an all star, his attack is much more reliable than Williams.At the press conference, Gasol praised Guo Xu with regret in his voice.

He has heard that the Lakers almost traded with the Grizzlies. If he and Guo Xu partner, he may have won the championship now. He has never experienced the taste of partnering with top defenders.

Another series in the West was tied 2-2 with two home wins each.

Almost everyone is optimistic about the Suns winning the championship, because the Sonics are not very good in the regular season, but they can still compete with the Spurs, and the two teams are definitely not cheap against the suns.

After two more games, the Spurs won the tianwangshan game at home and narrowly won the Sonics 98-96 away to advance to the Western Conference finals with a total score of 4-2.

Different from the meeting of the two teams in 2003, the media and fans favor the Suns on one side. Many people think that the Spurs will win if they are not swept.

The eastern heat swept the Wizards 4-0, and the Pacers beat the Hawks 4-2 for the Eastern Conference finals. This year, there was no surprise. The results of the top four and experts were exactly the same.

On May 22, the Western Conference finals started in Phoenix, the Suns played the Spurs 2-0 cleanly and went away with a huge advantage.

The Spurs played even harder at home, but they couldn't take the suns. They lost two games in a row and were swept out 0-4.

In Guo Xu's previous life, the Spurs eliminated the Suns led by Nash 4-1. Although they couldn't defend Xiaosi and let Xiaosi score 37 points per field, Parker's performance was not inferior to Nash's and could explode with each other. With Joe Johnson injured by Stackhouse in the series against the Mavericks, the Suns are not the strongest team to play.

This life's suns lineup is much stronger than the previous life, Xiaosi is still brave, Joe Johnson has not been injured, Spurs forward defense expert Bruce Bowen does not know who he should deal with.

In his previous life, Parker could score high scores almost every time he met Nash, but he was always in the downwind almost every time he met Guo Xu. His biggest weapon breakthrough couldn't play out and he could only score in the middle.

Spurs all positions are not dominant, even Duncan's data are inferior to Xiaosi, how to win the sun like the sun?

The Suns swept for three consecutive rounds and entered the holiday to wait for the Eastern team to break through, and the eastern game was tied 2-2. Experts predicted that the two sides would have to fight for seven.

The Suns, like the Lakers in the 2001 playoffs, have to take at least 10 days off this holiday

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