Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1093

King attack, Rondo with the ball after half-time to Haden.

Guo Xu can completely free Rondo to help Booker pack Hadden, but he did not do so, standing on the side quietly watching the excitement.

If Booker improves his defensive ability this season, the overall attack of the Lakers will be stronger when he enters the playoffs. If he can't defend the black hole for a long time, he will have to use blue collar Andre Robertson in the playoffs.

Hardon was sleepy, and he was not slow at all. He dribbled in the right crotch, took a step back, and simply turned back to meet Booker's jumper and made a three-point return. Three to three.

Harden's best play is similar to Guo Xu's, attracting the defender's center of gravity forward or backward by changing the ball's rhythm. If the opponent moves forward, he can change to pass, and if the opponent withdraws, it is difficult to block harden's backward step shot.

The Lakers attack, the players are all pulled away.

Guo Xu continuously dribbles under the crotch, but Rondo does not eat shaking. He observed the weak side and forced his way to the right. Rondo followed.

Both of them were very fast. Guo Xu took the right hand back dribble to the left hand to stop abruptly, and the left hand took the crotch dribble to the right hand. His technical connection was just right. Rondo took a small step forward after he stopped, and was completely shaken away by the second action.

Guo Xu took a step back again, hit the board score, 5-3.

Rondo had no time to take off, so he could only stretch out his hand. No matter how long his arm was, this interference was useless to Guo Xu.

King attack, Guo Xu back into the three-point line, long more than two meters away, the head is too lazy to lift. This is a headache for him today. As long as Rondo is on the field, it's hard to let go of the king. It depends on the defensive performance of his teammates.

In the past five seasons, Rondo has always been in the top three in the league's assists list, has been in the top ten in the steals list, and the rebounding data is at the top of the point guard. It seems that Rondo is one of the top players in the league.

The fact is that for the past three seasons, when Rondo is not on the court, his team has been able to score two points per 100 rounds.

What's more, Rondo has a high error rate on the premise that he will never be entrapped or even rarely be personally defended. Last season, he averaged 3.4 times per game, and the 2012-13 season averaged 3.9 times.

What is the concept? Guo Xu made the most mistakes in the season with an average of 3.2 times. Under the same playing time, responsible for holding the ball main attack of curry, Kobe, James and others are not more than Rondo, he does not mention and Paul this kind of steady guard compared.

Harden singles, like Guo Xu, uses the crotch dribble to do the hand style. Booker's center of gravity shifted a little forward this time. Hadden changed to hold the ball and hit Booker's hand intentionally and threw the ball onto the free throw line.

He scored 5-5 in two.

The Lakers attack, Rondo began to entangle himself after half-time, he knew Guo Xu had super long three-point ability. Guo Xu passes the ball to hofford and starts running without the ball.

Rondo's physical fitness is very strong, known as one of the best physical conditions of the point guard, he has super long arms, huge hands, terrible speed and amazing bounce. But today, Rondo's body is at a disadvantage, Guo Xu can come directly to hard, much stronger than him.

When Rondo first entered the league, he was only 77 kg, as thin as Iverson. At first, he was a dry chicken. His attack was bad, and his defense was also at a loss. If he's always in this shape, Rondo won't be strong enough to defend a black hole.

But he worked hard, and by the third season of his career, he gained weight to 84kg, becoming a player known for his defense. He was selected for the first time in the defensive lineup, and since then he has not been afraid to confront any point guard.

No fear doesn't mean you can prevent it. Guo Xu deliberately contacted Rondo when he was running, and then suddenly changed direction to hit him. He staggered out of defense and cut to the basket from the bottom corner.

Hofford hit the ground and passed the ball at the right time. Guo Xu took the ball and threw it with one step. Hebert didn't have time to make up for the jump, so the ball flew to the basket.

7 to 5, Guo Xulian scored 7 points.

The referee didn't blow with his whistle. Guo Xu and Rondo are similar in size. If this kind of no ball counter blow star fouls, everyone will think he is blowing black whistle. In this case, the defender gets rid of, and can only blame himself for not being strong enough.

King attack, Rondo also want to color, a bite of teeth to choose the open jump shot three points. He feels good today. He went in the first time. Seven to eight.

The home fans gave Rondo a round of applause, and Guo Xu clapped twice with a smile on his face.

Yu Jia said with a smile: "Guo Xu clapped his hands again. He was too confident and didn't defend at the beginning. It's very much like a superstar encouraging new people, and his status is high. "

Zhang reasonable said with a smile: "he is me now. No matter how many points you get, I get more points than you, and win the game with attack."

Yu Jia said: "because of Guo Xu, now the Laker momentum is super strong, very much like a champion team."

Guo Xu first passes to the hofford organization, then runs to the line in the right bottom corner, nurkichira goes out to block Rondo.

Guo Xu received hofford pass 70 degrees fast three-point shot, perfect rhythm. Rondo was a little bit slow in pursuit, but Hebert didn't change his defense and the ball went in again. 10 to 8.King's home fans also gave Guo Xu a round of applause, he had 4-for-4 in the beginning, scoring 10 points in a row.

King attack, Rondo was not confident after the empty second shot, passed to harden.

This time, harden went to Europe and hit Booker, threw the ball, took one of Booker's arms, turned and fell.

The referee blew a defensive foul, Booker's innocent excuse, but the referee ignored the rookie. Watching the video playback on the stadium's big screen, Hadden's action was so fake that it was very funny.

Harden is Xiao Huali's outside star. For three consecutive seasons, he averaged more than 10 free throws in the regular field, which was worse in the playoffs. His breakthrough has reached the point where the defender can hold his hand, and you can get fouls if you reach out.

Tyronlou replaced Booker with Seth Curie. He always understood the boss's intention. No matter which team he played for or with which star, he knew how to better pass the ball to the core.

Since the king's defense is not too fast, it's a good defense.

Clarkson sighed to himself on the sidelines that this day is really hard to live. Last season, he was often the first choice for the team to replace. Now, he is not even the sixth man of the Lakers, not to mention the competition for the best sixth man.

And this game Josh Richardson was included in the lineup, it was easy for the coaching staff to beat king king and consider giving him the garbage time to practice.

Harden is 10 to 10.

Guo Xu after half-time long-distance grab shot three-point, King hit back, harden also snatched three-point, Seth did not cover, the ball also deflected. Nurkic took the rebound to Seth, who led the ball to Guo Xu in the half-time.

Guo Xu's fastest speed, single fast break rushed to the three-point line, he took the ball a step, shoulder against Rondo forced layup. 12 to 10.

He played Stephen curry in the cycle of time, and the opponent who could squeeze couldn't jump up. He will now put some of the essence of Bajiquan into the basketball game, to the defender to hit, help, squeeze, rely on. Rondo, who is physically antagonistic by instinct, can't fight him one on one?

At present, the only point guard who can resist Guo Xuqiang Tu in the league is probably Lori, the "small steel gun". The heavy point guard with too high height can't do it. If the speed is too poor, he will be cast off if he has no chance to fight against him.

King's head coach is George Carr, who doesn't want to call a pause

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