Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1092

The Lakers' second game was against Sacramento, who lost 94-117 to the pelican in their first game away.

Although the king's overall strength is not strong, the game is the focus of the game, once again the United States broadcast, because they have stars.

It doesn't matter if Dalglish fired Bynum and let kenbar Walker go. As long as Hadden is still there, it will attract fans. He is the representative of the league's outside stars, last season average 28.6 points, 5.8 rebounds, 7.5 assists, 1.7 steals, 3.5 three-point shots per game, with a shooting rate of 36.6%.

Harden is a man whose fate has been changed by the butterfly effect. King is the star of the family. He is very popular in China and is known as the yuzhibo nightclub in Sacramento.

He didn't get to know Kohler Kardashian, he wasn't stimulated to see Paul George break his leg, he wasn't hit in the head by Artest's elbow, but all these didn't affect him to open his wheel eye.

Last season, he still often broke through the dunk and was selected into the top five goals. Change to floor flow for a longer period of time? Harden didn't even think about it.

Harden is braver than the parallel world, but his record is very poor. So far, he has not led the team through the first round of the playoffs, and has not entered the playoffs many times.

Dalglish has a weak lineup, and it's hard to get into the playoffs this season. The introduction is unreasonable, and no big stars are willing to join. In addition to Haden, the king mainly relies on the Indian boss's daughter, ajari lanadev, to attract fans by singing and dancing.

The team's second leader is always not good at shooting Rajan - Rondo.

Rondo's tactical role can't be compared with that of Walker. He doesn't look up to the kings. He only signed a contract of 10 million a year. His plan is to play a good figure in the king and pursue a high salary contract in the coming year.

Both teams have obvious defects in their lineups, and the players play to win. Experts predict that this is likely to be a fierce war.

Guo Xu, who is pregnant with his girlfriend, is the best. As long as he doesn't go out and mess around, he will be in the best condition again.

No one said "Rondo is the best defender to defend Guo Xu" this year.

Most people have seen through Rondo's essence. Celtic tried to extend his contract with him for five years and $70 million in 2014, which was eventually rejected by Rondo. However, that's the biggest offer Rondo deserves and no team is interested in him.

Rondo's shooting is impossible. For a pitcher, confidence at the moment of shooting is very important.

However, Rondo in the first season into the NBA has been fixed, we all know that his shooting ability is very poor, the court all let him this open shot. Although he occasionally throws one or two goals, it's just an accident. The league team has been adopting such tactics, which makes him less and less confident to make a shot.

In addition to lack of confidence, "pure point guard" Rondo did not work hard, and there was no news that he would practice shooting during the off-season.

If many players can't shoot, they will strengthen their shooting training in the off-season. Rondo is not so. He likes to use luck to decide the hit rate, put a lipstick in his socks, and play the game to love his lips to increase his luck. Actually lipstick will make him more like the Panther's sister in the movie.

This game is also live on CCTV5. There are no Chinese players playing in the NBA any more. The fans are most concerned about the Laker game. China's cauldron is the largest in the world with an amazing number. Guo Xu didn't go to China to make movies this summer. If he did, it would definitely be a grand occasion for thousands of people.

When the players came out, the king's fans gave Guo Xu warm applause. No one doesn't like to watch the star score, even the opponent's star. Because of Guo Xu's reason, the king's home court is full tonight, the attendance rate has greatly increased.

"Guo Xu scored 58 points against Paul in the opening game. Today, he is a point guard who is often selected for the best defensive lineup. I think he will play seriously today," Yu Jia said

"I have a hunch that Guo Xu can score 40 + per game this season. He is the only super scorer in the Lakers. The team needs him to take more shots. It is very reasonable for him to play the ball."

During the warm-up, Guo Xu can feel that harden has changed. In the past, harden was one of Guo Xu's fans. He would go to the sun's home to watch the game. However, when the two teams had a contest, Haden didn't come up to him to say hello.

Harden played Hardy. When the king swiped the data and got a big contract, he was satisfied. His desire to win was not so strong. It doesn't matter whether he wins or not. He just has money.

In the parallel world, harden's pursuit of material enjoyment and beauty has never stopped and has been criticized.

There are different opinions about the reason why thunder team traded Hadden, the main reason of course is salary. But according to "basketball insider" senior reporter Steve Keller revealed that the thunder team decided to trade harden for another reason, that is, he was too fond of going out to parties during the 2012 finals, which affected the game state.

In the 2012 finals, harden looked like a ghost on the court. In Miami, there were rumors that he played late in the South Beach.

Harden is only the top three of the team in Oklahoma. He can go to the nightclub during the finals. In order to attract fans, the management will not trade him. The coaching team has got used to him and he has a better time.After being eliminated by the Grizzlies in the first round of the playoffs last season, harden didn't stop on the court and went straight back to the dressing room, while other king players shook hands with Grizzlies on the field.

According to the conventional practice, after the series, the players and coaches of the two teams will greet each other. It is necessary to say hello to each other. However, harden's practice of leaving without shaking hands has been criticized on the Internet. Because harden went straight to the nightclub after his press conference. Many people said that his mind was full of chasing girls in the nightclub and forgot to shake hands.

Harden, who played for the Rockets, was once fat, while King's was much thinner. Many fans speculated that he did not rely on fitness to keep fit, but spent too much energy in nightclubs.

If harden doesn't come to say hello, Guo Xu won't take the initiative to greet each other, and he won't praise him in future interviews. He thinks this person is useless. Or king is the most suitable team for him, anyway, he worked hard in the Rockets, but he didn't win the championship.

Players from both sides appeared, and the Lakers started with Guo Xu, Booker, Carter, hofford and nurkic.

Kings start: Rondo, Haden, Solomon hill, Willy cauly Stein, Roy Hibert.

In order to strengthen the center position and strengthen the defense in the forbidden area, King Wang dug "Gao Yuanyuan" from the Pacers this summer. He is not worth 5 million yuan a year. Of course, he can't do much.

Earth one's Hebert's fate changed greatly. Without excellent outside teammates, he only played in the playoffs once, or played as a backup for O'Neill for a few minutes. After that, he spent his days in the Pacers, averaging 12.4 points and 8.5 rebounds at the peak game, with a shooting percentage of 47.6%.

Without a good record to support, of course, Hebrew has not been selected for the all star game, nor has he been selected for the best defensive lineup. There's no media hype about him. He's a regular character player.

In the parallel world, this guy was so crazy in 2014 that he thought he should win the best defensive player award. Although he can only defend the forbidden area and can't get rebounds, how can a good defender be of this type?

Nurkic jumps to win, and the Lakers attack first.

Guo Xu in the three-point line outside a meter to find nurkiqi for a cover, cross left to get rid of Rondo, one step stop jump shot.

As soon as the King opened the defense line, there was a loophole in the defense line. Hebert retreated to the free throw line. Guo Xu made an easy shot, and the ball was hollow into the net, 3-0.

Zhang reasonable exclaimed: "the opening into three points, Guo Xu will open the wind again!"

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