Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1070

Guo Xu got up at 7 o'clock in the morning and browsed the news with his laptop in the living room. At 8 o'clock, dadario and Megan went out of the bedroom together.

"Back?" Dadario said hello with a smile.

Megan pursed, "are you still paying attention to him? He went to Chicago himself and didn't even call. "

Megan is sensitive in emotion and knows that Guo Xu is hiding from her when she explains the game. If Guo Xu didn't go through a long time cycle, they would probably have quarreled.

Now Guo Xu feels a little sorry for Megan, and his confidence has changed a lot because he has found a solution. He is so confident that he can't get out of the loop if the problem is not solved.

Guo Xu said with a smile: "tell you a good news, I found a way to let us have children."

"Not to mention adoption or test tube babies." Megan frowned, a little dark.

"No, I visited a very good man in Chicago. He taught me a set of kung fu skills. After practicing the golden gun, he would not fall down, and there would be children." Guo Xu said with a smile.

"Kung Fu has something to do with children? I can't laugh at you making fun of it. " Megan's face was darker.

"I'm not kidding. It's a secret. If you and Anna practice together, we have a 100 percent chance of having children. This set of Kung Fu can also beautify and beautify, strengthen the body and prolong the life span... "

"Wait, what's the name of this man? Can you find it on the Internet? "

"Wang Jun is a Chinese. I can't find it on the Internet. I don't know if I'll see him again in the future." Guo Xu sighed. The fighting friendship between the two in the cycle is never understood by ordinary people.

"I think you've been cheated." Dadario, embarrassed, interposed.

"You have to practice this." Guo Xu thought for a while and said with a smile, "come back to my room with me. You two will know that I am not lying."

When they left the room again, Megan and dadario believed Guo Xu had an adventure.

"What kind of kung fu works so well? Are you taking the medicine Megan asked.

"I didn't take medicine. I really met an expert. I'm sure it will work if you practice this set of Kung Fu together tomorrow."

"Let's take a shower first." Megan rolled her eyes. "I don't believe in Kung Fu that can be practiced one day."

"There is a method of Chinese Kung Fu called guanding." Guo Xu made a fool of himself.

"Pour x?" Dadario opened his mouth in surprise.

Guo Xu covered his face with one hand. "Well, I'm wrong. There's no such thing in English, but it's definitely not what you think."

After that, Guo Xu did not go to TNT radio station to explain the competition. He taught his two girlfriends how to improve their life at home and urged them to practice for a period of time every day. Guo Xu will never pass this skill abroad, and will leave it to future generations as a family treasure.

It's a pity that the older people can't get good results in practicing the method of longevity. Many movements are difficult for them to complete, and they have passed the best training age. They can only practice simple movements, through maintenance to extend life.

The NBA regular season continues, the warriors continue to maintain strong in the second half of the season, successfully won the regular season championship, with a record of 70-12. They failed to break the best record, winning 70 and winning countless accolades.

After 1996, in addition to the warriors, the other teams that won 70 + Games in the regular season were all the teams that Guo Xu played for. The media specially mentioned this point when reporting the news, which made Guo Xu more powerful and created momentum for his comeback.

President Xiao Hua was very happy to hear that Guo Xu was going to be back, and he had already begun to publicize it. This season is not over, the media can talk more about Guo Xu, deliberately attract fans to discuss, and stimulate the hard work of active stars.

If young stars want to prove themselves and not be robbed of the limelight by Guo Xu, they must strive to play more beautiful games and data.

What team will Guo Xu join? Can he win the warriors led by Curie?

The 2-8 in the West are grizzly bear, sun, clipper, spurs, pelican, king and calf.

9-15 are the Blazers, rockets, thunder, jazz, Nuggets, Timberwolves, the Lakers.

The Mavericks declined in the second half of the season, barely catching the last bus of the playoffs, only 43 wins.

The Trail Blazers didn't make it to the playoffs because of their poor defense. The data of two inside players, kacins and Aldrich, were beautiful, but they couldn't win. Moreover, the strength gap between the first round and the substitute of the Blazers is large, which is the fatal weakness.

The Lakers have only 17 wins and are at the bottom of the Western Conference. It's not just because of injuries. Bosh and Deron are still not good at winning. They have great problems in defense and can't break through.

After Deron was injured, the Lakers suffered a wave of 16 consecutive losses. There was no one on the outside who could organize the attack, so they could only fight in disorder.

Laker coach Byron Scott has no tactics at all. What's funny is that he likes to call pauses. He can't use up the team's suspension every game and pretend to be "I'm working hard.". The result of serious Scott's call for a pause is often a wave of high C's immediately hit by the other sideThe Laker's record is so rubbish, the two stars are rubbish contracts, as President Jim buss is to blame.

As soon as the final game of the regular season was over, Jennie bass rushed into his brother's office and denounced Jim. When Kupchak, the manager, came in, he found that Jim had been forced under the table.

"Go and ask the Tathagata It's not Go and invite Jason Guo Cried Jim.

Kupchak also knew that if Jim wanted to win the bet with his sister, he would have to invite Guo Xu out of the mountain. Ordinary stars can't bring the current Lakers, let alone return to the championship line, they can't even play in the playoffs.

Chris Bosh's thrombus is more serious than imagined, the recovery situation is very poor, if he can't play next season, relying on Deron Williams to lead the team is definitely at the bottom.

When Kupchak called Guo Xu, he was confused. He felt that Guo Xu could not join. If you say which team is the most difficult to win, it must be the Lakers and the 76ers.

Is it possible for Guo Xu to give up the chance to win the championship and return to the Lakers to help them rise again? It's going to be a long process for the Lakers to win.

In order to attract Guo Xu to join, Kupchak said: "we are willing to accept all the conditions you put forward and offer the top salary. We will try our best to find any players you want."

That's almost exactly the same offer Jim made last year when he contacted Guo Xu himself, so Kupchak didn't have any confidence.

This time, Jim did not dare to call because he was afraid that Guo Xu would ask him for the shares of the Lakers. However, he was worried that he would have no choice but to agree with Guo Xu's conditions and give up some shares. This is what the bass family relies on to survive and will affect its long-term interests.

Jim obviously thinks too much. Guo Xugen doesn't pay attention to the shares of the Laker. At most, it's just a bonus. It's impossible to match his catering business.

Guo Xu's goal is to lead the worst team to play. He doesn't think about the 76ers in the East. He only chooses the Lakers. If he doesn't join the Lakers, his physical fitness will be in vain in the cycle of time.

So he happily agreed to the terms. "Mitch, I'd like to go back to the Lakers and get my number 58 ready. It doesn't matter if bosh can't send him out in the summer, try to send Deron away, and take high ranking rookies as chips

"Did you agree?" Kupchak doesn't feel his brain is running out. Is that too easy? He really doesn't understand the way of thinking.

"I promised. I'm happy to cooperate."

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