Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1069

Guo Xu picked up his mobile phone and called his old friend O'Neill, whom he hadn't seen for nearly eight years, and asked him to have lunch with him.

The most suitable friend, you don't need to keep in touch with each other on the alarm clock. Even if you haven't seen you for a long time, you can sit down and have a big meal together. It seems that many years ago it was just yesterday Well, it was really yesterday that they last met.

After they met in the restaurant, O'Neill showed great insight and said with a smile, "you look good today. Did you sleep well last night?"

"Well, after a good sleep and thinking a lot, I'm going to announce an important thing today." Guo Xu said with a smile.

O'Neill asked, "what's up?"

"I'm going to be back next season." Guo Xu finished and took a deep breath. He wanted to surprise the whole world. He couldn't wait.

But he won't be back in the middle of the season like Michael Jordan, so he can't go to the lake and it will take some time to get in with his teammates. He just wants to be a blockbuster and win the championship directly, but he doesn't want to go to the rotten team to play rotten.

Moreover, he can't get high salary when he comes back in the mid-term. Besides the top salary, he doesn't consider the offer of other contracts.

O'Neill's brain hole opened, immediately thinking that Guo Xu may not be able to withstand at home, want to hide out, his return to play ball is easier than living with two girlfriends at home.

Think of here, O'Neill showed a smile like Xu Wenqiang, Nicholas Zhao four version. "Are you coming back in the sun?"

"No, I'll be back in a weak team to make it harder to win and challenge my limits. Next, I'll take time to exercise at home and get back in shape. "

His form has been recovered, but in the eyes of others, he has not trained basketball systematically for nearly two years. He didn't take part in other sports. Jordan's good state was related to playing baseball and keeping exercising.

In order to make the audience believe that he is still a man of the earth, Guo Xu prepared to send several fitness photos and playing photos on the Internet, pretending to prove that he had also trained during the holidays. If he goes to the slam dunk contest without any training, he has to slice it.

The game that night was bucks vs bulls.

Buckley supports the bucks and sees the Bucks break through from the East. "We are witnessing the rise of a future superstar, Paul George, remember that name."

Guo Xu is more optimistic about bulls. Today, he is very active in his explanation. Out of the cycle of time, he can finally interact with earth one people.

"Ross is stronger than Bradshaw, which is one of the Bulls' strengths, and rolle Dun against George can also reduce his shooting rate. The two are similar in size."

"I don't think Rose is my successor. We play differently. Even if he's in good health, he's poor in mid and long range shots and relies on breakthroughs. He should practice shooting more

Guo Xu also praised the bull's Millsap. The former teammate scored two three-point goals in the half-time and was able to hold the ball in singles, scoring 14 points and 5 rebounds, which was very comprehensive.

At half-time, Guo Xu announced his plan to return.

Barkley quipped, "are you enough after two years at home? How do you compete for the Oscars

"Before I come back, I will make two movies with my heart. "Mars rescue" will be released this year, and another film should be released next year, starting this summer. All in all, the young players are doing well and I want to compete with them

"Which team do you like to win this season?" Kenny Smith asked

"I am optimistic about the warriors' success in defending the title. Curry is better than last season. Their overall strength is very strong."

Barkley asked, "will you come back in the sun?"

"I have to wait for the summer to decide where to return. It's too early to say that."

As soon as Guo Xu spoke, the media didn't care about the victory or defeat of the regular season, and the major websites immediately put the matter on the sports news headlines. Many fans who are concerned about the game no longer watch the ball and post on the Internet for discussion.

TNT radio station is going to interview Guo Xu after the game to talk about the specific plan for his comeback.

The Bulls won 106-100 at home.

Bucks core George's performance is not so good, 6 out of 16, 1 out of 6 from 3, 9 out of 10 free throws, 22 points, 6 rebounds, 4 assists and 2 steals.

Rose's performance was even worse, with 7-for-25 shots, 1-in-3-pointer, 2-2-free throw, 17 points, 3 rebounds and 8 assists. When the home star hits this kind of data to be able to win, all depends on the teammates' scoring efficiency.

The media just casually mentioned the score. George and rose are just ordinary all stars, and their popularity can not be compared with Guo Xu. Their single game data are ugly and the fans are too lazy to comment.

Guo Xu said to return, the other stars of the iron fans feel threatened, many people have become "black pot".

If Guo Xu comes back to join a strong team to compete for the championship, others are afraid to become a foil, which makes them very depressed.

These football fans, who usually watch the ball rationally and resent the punters' smuggling (criticizing their favorite stars), have expressed their deep wishes."Does Jason think he can still dominate the NBA? Next season, even if he returns to the Suns, he can't beat the warriors. Curie's shooting is as accurate as he is. He's taller. He has an advantage in the two men's singles

"Jason is 34 years old next season, and he is famous for his lack of training. I think he will be late."

"If a team gives him a high salary and a long contract, he will definitely regret it in the future. He is coming back to cheat money. NBA now belongs to the era of young people."

"I have no problem with Jason Guo's comeback, but I don't want him back in the sun. If he has the ability, he should not join a strong team. He should join the 76ers like Kobe, and this kind of weak team can win

The six billion pot secret also began to gather, they are still the largest fan group in the world, and the posts satirized those who questioned Guo Xu.

"I also hope Jason doesn't go back to the sun, because when he goes back to the NBA, there will be no competition. It's too easy and boring to win. And he's the boss. Roy and Thompson have to be younger brothers again. I have a hunch that he will choose to go back to the Lakers because it is close to his home

"As soon as he comes back, the rest of the team is finished. Don't try to win the championship until he retires. Any team can become a champion team if he is added to it. It's not a problem for him to take two years off. Don't look at genius from the perspective of ordinary people. "

"The media often say that Guo Xu is old and no longer good when he is holding up new stars. Maybe he feels uncomfortable after watching it, and then he is ready to come back and abuse those faggots. For example, Paul, who hasn't even played in the division finals, calls him the first point guard in active service. Is that disgusting

"Those who say Guo Xu can't do it dare to say which team you support? Do you dare to leave your idol's name? With Guo Xu's character, we should pay attention to that team and blow your superstar out of shit

A group of people divided into two groups because of Guo Xu's incident, but Guo Xu's family did not know about his comeback.

He flew back to Los Angeles in the middle of the night. When he got home, he found that Megan and dadario had already gone to bed. They didn't watch the game and didn't bother to listen to him. Even if they knew he wanted to come back, they were not interested in talking about it.

Nearly eight years did not see his girlfriend, Guo Xu has a lot of words to say, think about it, he still did not go to the master bedroom to wake them up. For them, Guo Xu just left home for two days. It's a bit selfish to influence people's rest.

Guo Xu chose a guest room to sleep in. Tomorrow, he plans to teach them how to live long and help them learn how to learn as soon as possible

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