Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1062

The time cycle of earth six soon passed a year, and Wang Jun and Guo Xu formed a team to play crazy.

They often go to various clubs, and they are most likely to have stories with beautiful women, because clubs are places where people with some similar interests engage in social communication, cultural and recreational activities, and it is easy to find common language.

They also went to a book club to read books of interest and exchange ideas with other people. As long as you learn some literary knowledge, it's very easy to talk about some literary works with them.

In the cycle, it's even easier if only they have memories. They know what the other person likes to listen to, and they can give in to what they like.

They also often go to parties. They can come to parties with something to say that they are friends. Birthday parties, student gatherings, wine parties among friends, etc., Chicago has many.

Some changes have taken place in their mentality.

Wang Jun used to be a very stable person, suitable for getting married and living. His life before was very regular, but now he has become very relaxed. He won't think too much before doing things. He can go on a trip and ignore the consequences.

Guo Xu had the idea of returning to play after leaving the time cycle.

Here, Guo Xu knows a basketball player who is stronger than himself, but even if he is too strong to understand, Wang Jun still wants to continue to improve. He has obsessive-compulsive disorder. He wants to see what happens when his physical fitness reaches the full mark and the system evaluation reaches the peak.

He is a person who likes to challenge himself, which makes him feel full. If he knows that he has the possibility of becoming better, but he doesn't do it, he will be very uncomfortable and worried that he will regret when he gets old in the future.

If you are close to the ink, you will be black. People will influence each other.

Guo Xu began to think about a question, whether he did his best? If he trains hard, will he produce more terrifying data and create more terrifying records?

He didn't need to use his brain to know that he didn't try his best. Only the season with 41 points per game worked hard. That season, the team suffered from injuries. His playing time, number of shots and data all set a career high.

Because that season, he had the most loyal fans. No matter how lazy he was, 6 billion pot secrets could give the opponents a line of "I scored 101 points."

But he didn't let the fans see the game they wanted to watch most. His data began to average, hit two pairs of ordinary scores, and then easily won the game.

In the team management recruitment and draft, he will put forward some suggestions to make the team's lineup stronger. He won easily, but very boring, boring for a long time, to this point, chose to retire.

Guo Xu asked Wang Jun a question: "if you and I exchange lives, at the beginning of your career on earth, you have the memory of the future and know which players are easier to win. Would you not choose them and deliberately increase the difficulty of winning the championship?"

"Of course not. Isn't that two fools? The audience doesn't care how your champion comes from, just look at the results. Now I have seven championship rings, three of which are from the team with LeBron. Some people say that it is the first person and the second person in the league. They say that the gold content is low, but there are more people who say I have surpassed Jordan

"It's true that if you don't team up with LeBron, you can't get seven rings so easily." Guo Xu, a group of team-mates, I do not think about the ring of 11, can you do it

A person who has not sat on the throne, thinking about how to add difficulty to himself is certainly a fool. Now Guo Xu's position is different.

Wang Jun thought for a while and said: "if it is, I should choose to come back, and choose the worst team to come back, try to lead them to win the championship next season. The coach will definitely give me unlimited shot power. I can try to score higher points. I don't think it's my limit now. I have to share the right with Stephen

Guo Xu was silent for a moment. If he led the worst team to win the championship, the gold content was really high.

However, frequent team changes will affect the evaluation of players. He has already changed teams once when he left for the suns.

Guo Xu asked: "if you retire first and then come back like me, will you choose the sun? Earth one's sun is still good now, can enter the playoffs, also has the outstanding second rate star

"If I were, I would probably choose the basketball net bar, because I used to play for the nets, and now they have a terrible record. You can think about the Lakers. Is Kobe at the bottom of the team? If he doesn't retire, it's a bit troublesome for you to go there. If he retires in the summer, isn't it good for you to bring a group of potential newcomers? But the Lakers have high ranking rookies, go to share the ball

Guo Xu shook his head and said with a smile: "in earth one, Kobe was traded to warriors by the Lakers in 2007, and then he was traded to nets, Mavericks and 76ers, playing for five teams."

"It's sad. He's been playing with the Lakers all the time, but he's hurt a lot."

They've known each other for a year and haven't talked about Kobe. Wang Jun knew that earth one had such a touching story."It's no big surprise. The Lakers will hold a tour for Kobe next season..."

Wang Jun asked: "who are the Lakers now?"

"Thrombus bosh, Deron Williams with an ankle injury, and a bunch of regular role players." Guo Xu replied.

"Well, the Lakers are worse. It's hell hard to take them to the championship. It's challenging, but do they have room to offer you a high salary? There are already two junk contracts in the team

"The big contract must be open. It's time to raise wages collectively in 2015. Your contract was signed in 2010, and you can also catch up with this good era." Guo Xu said with a smile.

Wang Jun said lazily, "I don't care how much money I have now. I want to live longer than this. Maybe one day I'll go to play in the alien world. After seeing you, I'll refresh my three views. "

Guo Xu sighed: "it's a pity that the parallel world can't be connected. I have never encountered the same parallel world twice in the past. Otherwise, when the aliens who give you the system come back to find you, I also want to see what the alien is like

Wang Jun's suggestion Guo Xu is a little bit moved, because he was with the Lakers when he first entered the league. If he comes back from the Lakers, he has only played for two teams in his whole career.

If he goes back to his old club to play, the fans in Los Angeles will be very happy. Moreover, his home is in Los Angeles. He doesn't have to go to other cities to consider renting a house. At most, when he plays away, he will fly back and forth. It's hard.

The Lakers are in a state of limbo. This season's record is likely to be the last to last in the Western Conference. Other teams can't compete with them.

The disadvantages are also obvious, the lineup is too bad, there are no potential players, only bad deals out of the junk contract. The Lakers didn't even pick Randall. Instead, they chose nurkic, the center with poor mobility.

In the summer of 2015, the Lakers don't know who they're going to pick.

Delon's contract expires in 2017 and is not long, and teams that want to rebuild may be interested in him. Bosh that's rotten in the hands and takes up salary space.

This is really challenging. Wang Jun is not going to contact Jim bass. After the end of last season, bass asked him if he was interested in returning to the Lakers, and he refused.

If buss comes again, he should be offered a better offer

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