Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1061

Knowing that Guo Xu has a lot of investment projects in earth one, all of which are very profitable, Wang Jun also talked about the topic of investment.

The United States encourages the rich to spend more, and if they don't spend, they have to pay a lot of taxes. It's too late for Wang Jun to invest in opening a pizza shop, and LeBron James has invested in flame pizza, which has become the fastest growing company in the history of American food service industry.

At present, it is only three years away from the year when Guo Xu was born again. His foresight is no longer useful. What he remembers is the brexit of the UK. They can pay attention to this matter and prepare the brokerage team to see if they can profit from it.

In 2016, the brexit faction won the referendum with 51.7% support and will leave the EU. The pound fell rapidly by 10%.

Guo Xu is not very concerned about brexit. He is the big boss of a catering group. His cash is mainly used to invest in opening stores. Fat fox will be listed in the future.

Soon, they formed a team to play for a month. In normal time, even the best friends can't get together to play like this every day. They have their own jobs and they have to worry about their families.

Now Wang Jun doesn't care about anything. Everyone's memory stays in one day. He has never tried to live so selfishly in his life, opening the door to a new world.

At first, Wang Jun also asked for leave to say that he had an emergency and didn't want to worry about the team members. Later, he turned off his mobile phone when he got up together, and he was too lazy to say the same thing.

They change flowers to play, challenge extreme sports when they go together, gentler activities, they will find a female partner.

They also got to know the female singers who performed in the evening because Guo Xu volunteered to participate in the performance. He is an all rounder. He can play a variety of musical instruments and sing on stage. Wang Jun, however, was unable to perform his talent and was an audience with a sister.

Guo Xu is still singing original songs. No one in earth six has ever heard "ashes" or "everything in eed". His male version is very distinctive. After singing, a star scout will come to visit him.

In the evening, if you go to the nightclub all night, Guo Xu is even more powerful. He can lead the dance and interact with the female dancers.

The next month, the two began to get down to business.

Wang Jun runs the system and instructs Guo Xu to practice the method of longevity. It is not a matter of a day and night for him to practice several projects. They practice for a while every day and then go to have a big meal.

Guo Xu also became a teacher and taught Wang Jun acting skills. Wang Jun is a pure wild road child, relying on Theron's guidance and natural performance. He is basically a facial paralysis actor, and his performance is very narrow.

Guo Xu went to a famous school for further study. He also had the experience of being a teacher. Wang Jun benefited a lot from his eloquent lectures. After the cycle, he will make a good performance.

Wang Jun has a great chance to continue acting in the future. Theron can't give up acting. They often talk about movies and have more common language. Both brothers have girlfriends in the entertainment industry. Naturally, they have a common language. While Guo Xu gives lectures, he is also refining his acting skills.

The two began to improve themselves, and each day was very full.

If they don't always do the same thing, they won't be bored. Wang Jun often laments Guo Xu's super ability.

Guo Xu also felt very interesting this time. He said with a smile: "it's mainly because someone talks. I haven't had such a relaxed time cycle before. It will be boring after a long time. This time I feel like I can stay for more than five years, but I don't know if you can stand it? I want to practice the longevity method and go back. Can I practice it in five years? "

"Sure, but you've been on earth six, don't you want a girlfriend?"

"Before I went into the cycle, my relationship with Megan became very tense. After 15 years together, it was inevitable that there would be conflicts. It would be good to meet us at intervals."

It's inevitable for lovers to make conflicts. If one side talks too hard, it may break up. Guo Xu is more mature than Megan and will let her, but as long as the contradiction exists, he is not comfortable. Guo Xu hopes that through this time cycle, the trouble between them can be completely solved.

Wang Jun did not see the trouble of his family, can call or contact online. He really wanted his girlfriend and children, so he went home and took the plane for only four and a half hours. He had a one-way ticket and returned to Chicago at 6 o'clock.

Wang Jun already has children, and he has no pressure to find two girlfriends and will not be prevented from affecting the performance on the court because he can't fall down.

Guo Xu guessed that the key to getting rid of the cycle was that he practiced as well as Wang Jun in this respect. In the third month, in addition to practicing the method of long life, he also began to practice "iron plate bridge".

This is not an alien black science and technology training method, but a Kung Fu of Southern Shaolin in China. It is a special skill to strengthen the waist and back function. According to scientific explanation, this is the most important action of opening tendons and pulling the kidney. It can activate the kidney, open up the muscles and collaterals, and discharge the moisture in the body.

Practice iron plate bridge can not be impatient, there is no rigid time regulations, try to adhere to, really can not insist, can not be forced to support, otherwise long-term will cause lumbar muscle strain. Guo Xu in the time cycle to practice can challenge the limit, do not worry about injury, the most uncomfortable day, after the restart of time.

Practice is very simple, prepare two chairs of the same height, supine, put the part above the shoulder and the part below the ankle on the chair, the body is hanging straight, and keep going. Pay attention to the buttocks do not droop, the body should be straight, like a bridge.It is said that if you can persist for more than an hour and strengthen your waist and kidney to the limit, you will be stronger than those who take tonics.

Guo Xu firmly believes that after training, there will be children, so he is training step by step, not going all out. He didn't want to cycle too fast. He didn't stay long enough on earth six.

In the fourth month, they had a new entertainment project, that is, Wang Jun took Guo Xu to the king's team training class.

Wang Jun hasn't practiced ball for a long time. He always thinks that there is something missing. He proposes to have a duel with Guo Xu to see his strength. They first contracted an indoor stadium to look for the feeling of single competition, which made Guo Xu a little collapsed. He had no chance to win one-on-one.

Wang Jun's body is too strong, speed and Guo Xu almost, super defensive ability, is all outside players' nightmare. He mainly plays shooting guard, as a small forward can win James one-on-one, guest power forward can also resist most of the League interior.

In order to save face, Guo Xu tried hard to practice, found a breakthrough feeling and a certain sense of shooting, but still couldn't play. Wang Jun lean back, forced turn this move let all guards head big.

Guo Xu deeply realized what it means that there are people outside, and there is a sky outside. He said that it was unfair, the point guard single pick swing people is misplaced, and Wang Jun is also a guy with skills, including "a hundred steps through the Yang", facing people into this can't play.

If there are teammates, Guo Xu can give play to the reaction speed, organizational ability, so he went to participate in training.

Wang Jun and Kuri are the first team in the king's group confrontation. If they don't control the dishes, they will send them.

Then Curie single is also send vegetables, only Wang Jun main defense, two people's Duel let King's players and coaches all look confused.

If Guo Xu joins the king, Curie will have to play as a substitute. However, the signing rules of earth six players are not like the broken earth four. They have no chance to represent the king against the Bulls together.

The world is a normal basketball rule. In one day, players can't even complete the registration. It's impossible to sign a 10 day short contract in half a day and play for the team in the evening.

Under normal circumstances, players can only play on behalf of their new owners after they have passed the League certification. Even if the registered players sign freely, it will take two days as soon as possible to join

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