Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 948

"Oh..." Next to the black did not speak, but also concerned to look at, at this time should be a.

"Can't you say a few more words?" Xiao Huang looks at Xiao hei and asks.

"Well!" Little black's answer.

"Look at you..." Xiao Huang said angrily, "will you die if you say two more words? Don't worry, I'll save you when you die... "

"Oh..." Xiao Hei answers again, and Xiao Huang is defeated.

But before Xiao Huang could speak again, the two little girls suddenly started up and looked at the distance. At the same time, Xiao Hua was surprised. He had a feeling of being peeped. He suddenly looked up!

But the edge of the bloody desert is a rolling hill, and further away there are some continuous mountains. The outline of the mountains can't be seen clearly in the fog. Just as Xiao Hua looked up, "Wu..." Strange wind suddenly rises from the sky, rolls up and clouds fall!

"Roar..." Xiaojingang wants to roar, Xiaoyin scolds, "what's your name? Mother and father didn't say a word

Xiaojin droops his head and flies back with Xiaoyin.

Xiaoyin just flew to Xiao Hua's side, "boom..." Among the hills and mountains on the ground, there are also earthy yellow lights and shadows rising to the sky. These earthy yellow lights are solid, and the earthy spirits of large and small are looming in the air. When the blue clouds collide with the earthy yellow lights and shadows, "click..." A layer of thunder, like waves, will cover a thousand miles in the blink of an eye. However, Xiao Hua did not fall into the scope of the thunder.

Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and watched the thunder roar. The immortal vitality of thousands of miles around condensed wildly. Strange runes gushed out in the thunder and fell into the immortal vitality, gradually converging into a human figure with thousands of feet!

These thousands of Zhang's figures have just been condensed, "boom boom..." High above the sky, the sky is bright, countless stars appear out of thin air, and countless stars condense into columns and fall on the human form. Starlight condenses into a few feet of star marks, which is just the skill of half a cup of tea. A light purple star armor condenses on the surface of the human body.

"Mother..." Huang whispered, "is this your old enemy?"

Xiao Warner was bored. He had just divined in chenxiaohai, but he didn't find any danger. How come when he came out of chenxiaohai, he had the outline of scorpion first, and then the shape of starlight human. Is his character so bad?

"It shouldn't be!" Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "if they are my mother's enemies, they should use the array to trap my mother!"

"If not, then go!" Xiao Hei is also on guard. He opens his mouth at this time.

"Well, let's go!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, looked at the condensed human form, and the thunder Rune whose shape was like armor, nodded.

There was no one on the left and right sides, and there was no immortal array to imprison him. Xiao Hua urged his body to fly a hundred Li obliquely. However, just when Xiao Hua felt that he was thinking more, the human figure raised his hand and grabbed it in the air. He held several thunderlights and lightning in his hands. Two brilliant thunderlights were also shining in his eyes. A voice more like a thunderbolt sounded: "Zhang Xiaohua, don't you dare to fight with me?"

"Zhang Xiaohua?" Xiao Hua was stunned and looked up at the figure. The figure walked slowly towards itself, surrounded by countless clouds. Although the figure was walking in the void, there were huge clouds where the figure's feet fell. The clouds seemed to be heavy, and the whole space was shaking!

Xiao Hua bared his teeth and said with a smile, "are you talking about me

"Is there anyone else around?" Roared the majestic figure.

"That's Xianyou's wrong person!" Xiao Hua said coldly, "I'm not Zhang Xiaohua!"

The figure looked clumsy, but after more than ten steps, it was not far from Xiao Hua, and the surging clouds were slowly around!

"Hey, hey..." The figure stood still, looked at Xiao Hua with a sneer and said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time. How can I make a mistake?"

"Strange!" Xiao Hua stretched a little and looked lazy. He asked, "I've already said that..."

"Boom..." When Xiao Hua has the final say, the human form is a double punch, and the ten way distortion is like a dragon's thunder. The human form growls, "are you Zhang Xiaohua, not you?"

In other words, the human form is hitting at Xiao Hua!

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua stopped the four small attacks, laughing, "it's really interesting, who is my husband, I don't know?"

With that, Xiao Hua rubbed his hands, "boom" also had thunder big hand out of thin air, facing the humanoid big hand!

"Boom..." The huge roar suddenly rises, the human shape thunder fist is broken by the small thunder big hand, the small thunder light falls everywhere!

And Xiao Hua's thunder hand is not reduced, "boom" even hit on the humanoid star armor.

"Crackle" thunder not only broke the star armor, but also hit into the human body, causing the inner clouds and thunder pouring out!

"You You... " The flash of thunder light in human's eyes couldn't see clearly, but the shocked tone was that he didn't believe Xiao Hua was so powerful.

The figure spits out two words and suddenly opens its mouth, "poof..." A column of thunder hit Xiao Hua straight in the middle of his brow!"Hum..." Xiao hualeng snorted. Instead of avoiding, he came up in a flash. Seeing the pillar of light falling, he waved his left hand and lifted out his stick.

"Fight..." With Xiao Hua's roar, Ruyi stick splits into the pillar of thunder, and then "poof" hits the center of human's eyebrows!

"Boom..." The whole body of the human body falls with the Ruyi stick and collapses from the top. Countless blue clouds, thunder and yellowish light and shadow fall around.

Seeing this, Xiao Hua didn't move. Instead, he took a stick flower in his hand and looked at Zhou Yunxia coldly. He said, "since I don't go, I'm not afraid of you. In that case, don't I show up?"

"Ha ha, ha ha..." In Yunxia, there was an arrogant laughter, but after two laughs, the voice stopped awkwardly, but the laughter stopped, "boom..." The roar of 4728 came from all around Xiao Hua, and immediately 28 strange stars rushed out of the ground, then penetrated into the sky. It was originally the opened star sky, but also the bright light and shadow of the stars and the moon, falling towards the thousands of miles of space covered by the stars.

"Roar, roar..." As the blue light falls, there is a roar inside the Star column. Strange textures appear on the Star column, and the textures overflow on the Star column like water. In a twinkling of an eye, all kinds of stars begin to condense in the Star column!

"Twenty eight stars?" Xiao Hua sees this and turns pale slightly. Because the Star column blocks the space, Xiao Hua not only feels that Yan Nian is imprisoned, but also feels that the pressure of the surrounding space is increasing.

More than that, between the pillars, the starlight condenses like tracks. Countless stars of different sizes come out of the pillars and fall into the starlight. As these stars flow in the orbit of starlight, the cocoon like radiance gradually condenses. Xiao Hua's eyes fall to the place where he is dizzy, and his whole body is confined like a mountain!

However, Xiao Hua was not alarmed. His eyes flashed with ridicule. He looked at the spirit body that appeared and disappeared in the Star column. He had some insight in his heart. He had many causes and effects with the spirit body. Apart from Yuanling mountain, he was Juling mountain that he had never seen before. When it comes to Juling mountain, in addition to the Xingling general and the ghost king who were killed by themselves, there are also 50000 Xingling bodies sent into the fairyland space. Moreover, the human form drinks his name Zhang Xiaohua face to face. Apart from Juling mountain, which one else?

However, Xiao Hua was puzzled. How could they know that they were passing through the bloody desert? How could they set up the battle here in advance?

"You are really good..." Xiao Hua's eyes were like electricity. He stood in the middle of the sky and watched Xiao Hua's mouth burst with stars.

"Nothing!" Xiao Hua replied coldly, "I'm far from hiding in the dark to ambush you!"

"Up..." In another place, a tiger flying out in the shape of fire all over his body roared, "smart things, don't you take life?"

"I'm afraid it's the tail fire Tiger..." Xiao Hua said in secret that he wanted to find out who was behind the spirit array, so he was patient. But Xiao Jin in front of him quit. He roared, and the Dragon appeared all over him, and rushed towards the tiger!

The tail fire tiger was angry. He looked at Xiao Hua, who was as steady as a mountain. He had the idea of killing chickens and monkeys in his heart, but he cried in a loud voice: "but how dare you fight with a demon?"

Then Tail Fire tiger long body to meet small gold.

It's also strange. The tail fire tiger's body is out of the star pillar, and countless stars are surging around him like fog. The stars are shooting at seven star pillars around him. On the Seven Star pillars, the shapes of kuimu wolf, jingmuyu, shihuozhu, or winged fire snake are pouring out at the same time, attacking Xiaojin from seven directions at the same time.

"Damn it Small black low scold, just want to urge body shape, Xiao Hua smile way. "Don't worry, don't worry!"

"Yes, father!" Xiaohei is not worried about Xiaojin, but watching others besiege Xiaojin, he is just worried about the child he just recognized.

"Roar, roar..." Xiao Jin raised his head and roared, the ten colors of light and shadow flashed, the Dragon phase instantaneously turned into seven, and rushed to the seven stars respectively!

"Puff, puff, puff..." Almost at the same time, where Xiaojin's tentacles fell, the roar of the seven stars had not stopped, and the arrogance on his face had just emerged, and their bodies were split in two!

"Ouch..." The faces of the seven stars seem to be in pain, whining together, and the stars are pouring out from their bodies!

Xiao Jin's magic seven dragon faces are still in the same momentum. The place where he pursues the victory opens his dragon mouth together, "Wuwu..." The starlight pouring into the sky actually fell into the mouth of the seven dragon phase, and the body shape of the Dragon phase increased sharply when it wagged its head and tail!

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Is Xiao Hua just out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's nest? It seems that Juling mountain's abacus will fail